Writing Paragraphs Using Description (DONNA)

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Writing Paragraphs Using Description


One of the easiest ways to develop a paragraph is through description. As you think or see a
person, place or thing, you use vivid words to make your description come to life. It is
creating a picture in writing. It moves the reader to see, hear, feel, smell or experience
something the writer has in mind. In short description gives life to the ideas of an author
through well meaning words.


In writing paragraph using description means your describing the things you see, hear, feel,
smell, etc. by using vivid words to make the description true. Description also use as a
strategy for developing a picture of a subject. Description also provide effective backup
for the writing you do in your composition, in short description gives life to your ideas.

Two Types of Description

There are two types of description: (1) informative or objective and (2) artistic or subjective.

Informative or Objective Description

As the term suggests, this type of description gives information of facts as it pictures out s
person, place pr thing in accurately chosen words. It may be a long prose or a brief a
statement. It is intellectual in form and content.


In this type of description it means that the following statements that are written in this report
are purely facts and not fictions or based on opinions

Artistic or subjective Description

Artistic or subjective description gives pleasure to the reader while stimulating his imagination.
It presents the creativity of the author as he expresses his moods, passions, opinions and
feelings through vivid words.


In this type of description your using your imagination to make the paragraph more interesting
it also expresses the feelings of the author through vivid words.
The best teachers for me
In the past thirteen years of my schooling, I have encountered so many types of teachers. And
to fullest of my ability to know their style of teaching and handling students, there are
only few that impressed me and really bring out the best in me.

I will never forget my teacher in my high school days. She is Ms. Gemma Bungubung. She
always states her points clearly and makes sure that all her students learned what she
discussed. She respects you the way you respect her. For me she is the best teacher
until I went into college and met this teacher named Mr. Romulo Ignacio. Right on the
very first day I met him I was amazed with the way he talks. As I have heared some of
his beliefs in life, I said to my self” this is the person that I want to be”. Very calm,
composed even in great emotions, knows the purpose of his doings, with the great
sense of humor, a man of substance and a person who gains respect not by his age or
profession but with the “being” that he has.

If I am going to compare Mr. Ignacio with Ms.Bungubong,I can say that both of them already
know their purpose in life. Ms.Bungubong like Mr.Romulo knows how to give respect
to their students. Mr. Ignacio is similar to Ms. Bungubong who knows how to break
the ice in the classroom. But there are also differences between them that made me
see in Mr.Romulo a better teacher than Ms.Bungubong sometimes uses sensible
words beyond the reach of what she’s doing making some of her words questionable
unlike Mr.Ignacio who just says words of wisdom that he himself already proved true
based from his experiences Ms. Bungubong’s way of giving respect to her students
sometimes lose her image of authority while Mr. Ignacio keeps the look of the boss
even when he’s joking in class.

I know every person has his or her own weaknesses but if ever the time comes that I see one
of Mr. ignacio’s, it will just show me the human in him and prove the possibility that I
can be like him, My favorite teacher.

The Best Teachers for me is one of the example of writing paragraphs using description as
you read, the student is describing the way his or her teacher teach them and
at the same time student is also comparing the similarities of both teachers.
This type of description is informative or objective, because the statement that
written are purely facts.

What to remember in descriptive Writing

1.Choose a familiar object to describe.

2.Observe your subject closely with as many of your five senses as you can.

3.Use accurate words for specific details you include.

4.Decide the important details to include in your paper.


In writing paragraphs using description use the techniques to make your

Paragraph easy,choose a topic that familiar then,observe or analyze the subject you
choose,use accurate words to use in the topic you’ve choosen,then choose only the
important details to include then write it in your paper..
Donna Reyes Mrs.Varon
Reporter Professor

English 111
Writing Paragraphs
Using Description

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