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The basis for the Decision/program comments for all worldwide campuses.

Chance for
Improvement, aluminum maintenance in Dubai commonplace 1Although there are many anecdotal
samples of community involvement and repair, there was no proof of an efficient and systematic
approach during which all campuses were concerned in the community reaching programs. Response.
within the geographically distributed atmosphere of the school of Business, a number of the foremost
effective sales are finished by the native field workers. though community reaching is not necessary,
i.e. directed from Worldwide Headquarters, campuses with the foremost no-hit growth patterns are
those with aggressive community reaching programs. The approach we've used is effective, albeit not
1: No-hit campuses share their processes through newsletters, blogs, and at annual Worldwide
conferences of all workers. as a result of those operations are underneath the direction and
management of personnel not underneath the direct management of the school of Business,
documentation of their efforts has not been organized. ERAU Worldwide selling department is
directly to blame for internet-based mostly selling. chance for Improvement, commonplace 1There is
a chance for the senior leadership team to solicit input and feedback on their performance from
subordinate school and workers members of the University, then to assess and utilize that feedback
to boost their performance. Response.
2: The COB acknowledges this, notably visible of the recent ERAU Worldwide organization. Initiatives
have already begun to reach bent extra full-time and the adjunct school is currently connected to the
COB organization by virtue of the reorganization. Recognizing the importance of this OFI, the
procedures to accomplish will be enclosed within the 2014-2015 year, starting with the Worldwide
meeting. chance for Improvement, commonplace 2Although various plans, strategic goals, and
objectives exist at the Program and Course level, there's presently no comprehensive strategic setup
for the ERAU (W) school of Business. Response.
3: The COB Strategic setup is as follows: COB Strategy. The strategy method among COB is associate
with progress and biological process. Its components were outlined within the antecedently
submitted self-study; but, the ACBSP analysis team has noted a requirement for an additional
comprehensively written setup resulting in associate action set up for deploying and orienting key
action set up performance needs. The team conjointly suggests the COB’s approach is overly high
down in nature and doesn't sufficiently incorporate school and students. behind its designation as a
university and also the one July reorganization of the Worldwide field, the school of Business is
presently organized into four departments overseeing a variety of Educational Programs.

4: The Departments and relevant programs (bolded) for ACBSP certification are listed below:
Department of Business Administration (DBA) Masters of Business Administration in Aviation
(MBAA)Department of Leadership (DL)Department of Management Sciences (DMS)Department of
Management and Technology (DMT) Masters of Scientific Management (MSM) Bachelors of Science
Business Administration (BABA) Bachelors of Science Technical Management (BSTM)The following
response addresses the ACBSP Feedback report dated thirteen October 2013 among the context of
the on top of educational programs. a standard strategic designing method includes four elements:1.
Mission Objectives2.
5: Environmental Scanning3. Strategy Formulation4. Strategy Implementation and analysis and
Control1. Mission and Objectives: The mission statements of the University, Worldwide field, and
school of Business are intimately connected and printed below. The ERAU educational Mission
Statement that is: Embry-Riddle natural philosophy University acknowledges the first importance of
its educational mission. we tend to are a university dedicated to education, aluminum and glass work
Dubai service, data discovery, and providing a forum for the talk of nice scientific, technological and
social problems.
6: Understanding the ERAU field consists of 3 distinct campuses, the Worldwide field mission states:
The Worldwide field can serve the adult student, providing distinct and distinctive programs designed
for college students in their work atmosphere, and promote continued skilled education and long
learning. As a part of the Worldwide field, the school of Business’s mission is as follows: the school of
Business’s mission is to support Embry-Riddle Worldwide by providing college man and graduate
programs in leadership, technology, and business management. Our core prices support this
mission:– we tend to add value to students’ lives and careers– we tend to foster excellence in
learning– we tend to nourish entrepreneurship and discovery in learning– we tend to stay connected
to the aviation and part industry– we tend to encourage diversity altogether that we tend to
neutralize total, the missions of all 3 entities are reciprocally corroboratory and integrated. In support
of its mission, the COB additional defines its Strategic Objectives as:1. give a superb learning
7: Give and promote productive and property links between education, trade, and government3.
Support and facilitate ERAU Worldwide and University Objectives. Environmental Scanning
Environmental scanning could be an operation that has got to be regularly accomplished trying each
outwardly and internally. each University and COB assets are regularly concerned during this
operation. From an associate external perspective, ERAU Institutional analysis is tasked with
mensuration and scanning ERAU alumni and employers of alumni on a biyearly basis. Trends are
noted and corrective actions are taken to boost student performance.
8: The MBAA program uses the Business Simulation Game (BSG) in its Capstone Course. The
simulation provides information ranking ERAU (W) student’s team performance relative to students
from alternative universities mistreatment the simulation. The MBAA program is presently engaged in
a method to reap that information and use the info within the program’s assessment method. this
may be utilized in addition to an additive external assessment. At the college man level, the test
would assess the twelve CPCs (if Peregrine is used) or the nine major field criteria (if the ETS is used).
The COB has completed, through the flat solid platform, associate alignment in fact activities with the
expected students’ learning outcomes and also the program objectives for the web courses. This
information-gathering tool can give valuable info which can be used for the continual improvement of
the standard of education.
9: This tool will be extended to be used with on-ground courses. We agree and this feature has been
extended to Multi-Modality templates and is within the final stages of testing and, Shower Enclosure
Dubai can be enforced within the 2014-2015 year. Opportunity for Improvement, Standard.

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