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From the earliest times in the history of glass (Mesopotamia, third millennium BC) there

are evidence of opaque or opaque glasses, that is, shower partition in dubai partially

transparent or practically non-transparent glasses. Despite the beauty or excellence that
such glasses could present, the lack of transparency was not a property neither sought
nor intentionally caused by glass craftsmen but was the simple consequence of the lack
of technical knowledge, which made it impossible to have furnaces.
And glass-making processes that reached the temperature necessary for the raw
materials to completely melt and give rise to a transparent glass [1]. For this reason, it
can be said that opaque and opaque glasses have existed since ancient times, although
they were only the result of an imperfect production procedure, as well as their
characteristic greenish tones, mainly caused by the iron impurities of the sands that
provide water. silica, since they did not have purification methods for these raw
Although the greenish tones were not intended, ancient glass makers soon added
metallic salts or other components to the glass mass in order to obtain colored glasses.
Later, Egyptian culture was a great promoter of glass and the production of objects,
generally small, mostly blue and green, which was very abundant. Almost all Egyptian
glass is opaque, regardless of the functionality of the object: tableware, jewelry,
ornaments, etc., and they also constituted luxury items that imitated the shapes of other
containers made with other materials. Around 1100 BC, some creamy white pieces
appear, imitating exactly objects made of alabaster. The great variety of colors confirms
that the Egyptians already mastered the coloring techniques and that, although they were
capable of making somewhat translucent glasses, most of them were still opaque.
In the year 31 before our era, after the rise to power of Augustus and the establishment
of the Empire in Rome, the greatest innovation to date took place in the world of glass:
the invention of the blowing reed and the glass technique blown. With it, the productive
rhythms accelerated. The great variety of colors that can be observed in the objects of
this time and the purity that Roman glasses came to reach suggest that glassmakers
dominated the techniques of staining, bleaching, and pacification of glass [2]. The
composition of Roman glass and those of later periods remained unchanged until
the 11th century.
The change in composition arose because soda, a flux component of the vitreous mass,
became scarce in Central Europe, and glassmakers in these areas replaced this alkali
with potash, which they extracted from the ashes of ferns and other forest
plants. . Hence, the glass of this time is called forest glass.
In the Renaissance, the supremacy of Muranese glassmakers spread, as did the new
classical style for all the arts. In Murano, the quality of the glass was perfected
and Cristallo was created, which imitated rock crystal (quartz). The Cristallo was a glass
of high purity and very moldable. At the same time, they began to produce a glass,
called lattimo or milk-white glass, which emerged as an imitation of the delicate and fine
oriental porcelains. 

The term milk-white derives from the French expression blanc de lait; in England, it was

called milk glass, in Germany Milchglas, and in Italy lattimo . The term white glass was
used for transparent colorless glass and not for opaque or opaque glasses. Traditionally,
these opal glasses were made by adding calcined bone ashes to the composition, glass
table top dubai although the Venetians obtained them by adding tin oxide [3]. Murano's
influence on European glass lasted until the 18th century when glassmakers in other
areas began to be more creative and technically advanced. 
These were the cases of England, with the invention of lead glass, and of Bohemia, with
potassium-based glass [2]. 
In Spain, the production of milk-white glass decorative objects in the Royal Glass Factory
of La Granja began in the last two decades of the 18th century, as a result of the
preference shown for this type of glass in Bohemia. At that time the milk-white glass was
invariably decorated with enamels depicting gallant scenes, landscapes, or bouquets of
flowers, trying to imitate Chinese and German porcelain from Meissen. Generally, this
enameled decoration of opal glass used to be combined with fire-gilded motifs [4]. 
The arrival at La Granja in 1747 of the French master Dionisio Sibert determined the
beginning of the production of milky glass, as opal glass was particularly called in the
Royal Site, and initially, this white glass was used for the elaboration of objects that were
to be decorated. In the Royal Glass Factory, different opacifiers were used to obtain milk-
white glass. In 1799 Facundo Díaz de Vargas y Argús explained the two procedures
extracted from the recipes in the book Arte Vitraria [5] :
According to the Venetian formulas, by adding tin lime and lead.
By mixing calcined deer bones or horns (calcium phosphate).
Despite the fact that the production of this type of glass was abandoned before 1900, the
variety of opal glass items that came out of the Royal Glass Factory shows the
magnitude and importance they possessed, which, together with the prevailing taste
among the most favored social strata, explains that opal glass was a decorative element
present not only in table items, figures, vases, and vases but also in lampshades, lamps,
mirrors, cornucopias, toilet services, pharmacy, etc. 
At the beginning of the century xix, the opal and opaque glass are colored and become
important, especially in Central Europe, with the discovery of the hyalite, which, like
obsidian, glass was very expensive to develop from slags; it was normally black in
color, aluminium maintenance in dubai although a red variant also emerged. Along
with the hyalite, glasses began to appear that imitated precious stones with a great
variety of colors. The first colors that appeared were turquoise, yellow, and pink, the latter
produced only until 1840.

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