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1. Do background research about the job you want by interviewing an individual who holds the
job. You may interview an additional individual who holds another job that you want. Find out
the following information from the interview.
- Job Tittle/Position Table:
. Private Elementary Teacher
- Needed Academic preparation:
. Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
- Skills, knowledge, abilities, expected competencies to succeed in the job:
. Good communications skills, Good human relations, Computer literate, Patient, Flexible, Muliti
tasker, knows child psychology.
- Demand for the job:
. In demand for private and and public schools
- Benefits/Advantages of the job:
. I t will hone your skills and talents.
- Difficulties and challenges and:
. Challenge on dealing of different personalities and behavior of students.
. Dealing with difficult parents.
. It requires most of your time and effort
- Expected Salary of a person occupying the position:
. Public teacher- 21,000- Teacher 1
. Private teacher- 9000

2. Write a narrative report of the interview you have conducted. Identify your final career option
and explain your choice.
- My interviewee is Ms. Janice Accad. She is a Private Elementary Teacher at Graceland Saviour's
Institution, Inc. (Batac City). I went to her to ask permission for an interview and she granted my
request. I ask her questions regarding her profession and how she manage to attain her position
at the moment. She shared to me her experiences in her 4 years of teaching and even the
challenges she had to face specially during her first year of teaching. I saw in her the passion and
love for her job. She is really into educating young minds and molding their character for them
to succeed someday. For her, teaching is not just a job but it's a vocation. We had a good and
interesting conversation. I was moved by her enthusiasm and deep love for teaching that's why
I'm considering to be like her. I think being a teacher is noble. I want to take education and work
in a private school too and I'm also considering to teach in the public school so that I can teach
more minds and touch more lives. When I think of becoming a teacher I would like to imagine or
hope that I would be “turning the key” for a student of mine to become something great. I have
been soul searching for many years now to have a better understanding of what I am suppose to
do in my life.

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