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Thinking about making career in Media?

A must-read article to know more about Mass Communication and Media Studies
Akshay Upadhya – Media Educator and Practitioner, International School of Broadcasting
and Journalism, MIT ADT University

Choosing a career has always been a difficult decision in today’s competitive world; but as
the pressure grows on individuals, it becomes more crucial to make the right choice. The
world is moving forward at a very fast pace; the industries are changing; new technologies
are impacting the industries in unprecedented ways; amidst this, it’s becoming even more
difficult to make a right career decision which suits your personality as well as the growing
needs of the society and industry. In such situations, people often make difficult choices to
go either with the industries that provide them job security or with the jobs which suit their
personality. Since children are forced into a career that is not relatable to them, Indian
society in the past several years has been following the same pattern. Children make their
career decisions based on what their parents say or on the mood of the society. This leaves
students with very few options like pursuing Engineering, Chartered Accountancy or Medical
Studies. What if I were to tell you that there are other great options which will not only give
you more choices to pursue in the future but also will not let you compromise on your

Students can pursue Mass Communication as a bachelor as well as master degree. Many
private and state universities offer Bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communications
(BJMC), Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication (MJMC). Students can further go
for Ph.D. in Mass Communication. If you are creative and passionate about reading, writing
and interested in story telling in different ways like text, audio and audio video format, if
you are a creator, like to think critically about the issues and history, want to change the
society for better, help people understand world, this stream might be perfect for you which
can give you a good job and also happiness in your work.
There is a very famous quote, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day
in your life"

It is a beautiful thing when passion and career come together. Careers in media can turn
your interest and passion into professions

India in line with the world, has seen phenomenal growth in the Mass Communication
industry, probably the best career option you can make today. As a stream of study, career,
or research, mass communication is the fastest growing field today. It gives students the
opportunity to follow their interests and to do something they really enjoy rather than
becoming a robot and trap themselves in routine mechanical tasks. It gives them creative
freedom along with job opportunities like every other traditional career. In the last decade,
Mass Communication has grown into an industry which attracts creative minds, free
thinkers and extroverted personalities and provides them with a job which will utilize these
personality traits to bring on a social change, thereby creating a better society for future.

As a media professional you, the world is full of opportunities. You can work in any sector
and industry.

Mass Communication does not limit itself to a specific kind of job but gives a lot of career
options to choose from a single degree. The study of Mass Communication opens doors to a
minimum of four industries to choose from, according to the liking and interests of the

Prof. Krishnamurty Thakur, Director, International School of Broadcasting and Journalism,

MIT ADT University Pune, while talking to us, said, “Today Mass Communication is not just
about Journalism, it has many other lucrative and stable career options. In the discipline of
Mass Communication, a student has liberty to join five major industries. Other than
Journalism which is considered as the fourth pillar of democracy, there are other industries
like Advertising- an industry for creative souls, Broadcasting- which attracts people who
convert creative ideas into products like TV and radio shows, Public Relations- which builds
the bridge of Communication between corporates and people, and of course, New Media-
one of the fastest and inevitable industry that connects the world through internet to make
it a better, informed, and global society. There may be hardly any course which gives such
freedom and career options to the students."

Prof. Dr. Rajiv Ghode, Academic Head, International School of Broadcasting and Journalism,
MIT ADT University Pune gave us very compelling insight about the field of Mass
Communication. While telling us about the courses in mass communication, he said "Today,
the world is about Specializations. Gone are the days, where basic study of any stream
would land up students with a good job and hence, today specialization is necessary. Here at
ISBJ (International School of Broadcasting and Journalism), we work according to industry
needs and world's perspectives. We have specifically developed our courses which matches
industry standards and requirements. Because of the deemed status of the MIT ADT
University, it was possible for us to update the basic courses into more advanced studies. We
have designed our courses in such a way that students of any academic background will
learn the basics of the discipline and also specialize into streams of their interests. Our
course provides four specializations in the field of Journalism, Broadcasting, Advertising &
Public Relations, and Digital Media. We also focus on internships which give students hands
on experience and industry insights. It not only gives them more liberty and options but also
opens the door to job opportunities in all sectors. "

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