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Area Departmental Level Remarks

B1 VMO of College of Nursing

C1 PEOs BS Nursing
C2 POs BS Nursing
D13 Evidence of integration and
dissemination of the institutional
philosophy and program
objectives and outcomes by the
faculty in their respective syllabi.
1. Sample Syllabi
D2.1 Proof that there is a staff Hiraya
participation in the formulation,
review, and/or revision of the
institutional philosophy and the
objectives of the program.
D2.3 Proof that the present regular
staff members have proper
knowledge of the mission,
vision, goals and core values of
the institution as a whole, and
those of the program(s) in
particular, and have accepted
the responsibility of realizing
those that are relevant to their
particular work.
1. KRA's of the staff /
Performance Appraisal
2. VMOs posted inside deans
D2.4 The staff has accepted the
responsibility of integrating the
institutional core values in the
performance of their task.
1. KRA's of the staff /
Performance Appraisal
D3.1 Proof that the students are
knowledgeable of the mission,
vision, goals and core values of
the institution as a whole, and
those of their respective
program(s) and have accepted
the responsibility of realizing
those that are relevant to their
1. Sample Syllabi
2. Student Activities on UNC
D3.2 Documentation that students
have accepted the responsibility
of implementing the institutional
core values all the time as a
relevant component of all their
1. Sample Syllabi
D3.3 Student’s co-curricular activities
and evaluation instruments are
aligned with the institutional
philosophy and program
objectives and outcomes.
E1.1 1. Documentation of faculty
meetings / staff / administration
and orientation sessions for
students and parents.
E2.1 Records of relevant meetings;
the different institutional
manuals, etc.
E2.3 Student's co-curricular activities
and evaluation documents.
E3.1 Proceedings of workshops in
which the educational objectives
and outcomes of the program
are crafted to reflect the
institutional mission which are
stated in behavioral terms, and
classified into the 3 domains of
educational objectives:
cognitive, psychomotor and
affective domains.

E3.2 Brochures/ catalogues which

contain the identified and
logically arranged exit
competencies or program/
student learning outcomes
which are sourced from official
issuances of regulatory
agencies (e.g. CMO, DepEd
order, PRC/ Professional
organization policies and
standards, etc)

E3.3 Proceedings of syllabi writing

workshops in which the subject
objectives are matched with the
identified exit competencies or
student learning/ program
1.2 Proof that DepEd/CHED
Policies, Standards, and
Guidelines (PSG) are integrated
in the course syllabi/course of
study or modular materials
1.3 Evidences/ proof of the
implementation of the
institutional mission- vision and
core values.
1.4 Documentation of meeting,focus
group discussion and
seminar/workshop involving
major stakeholders
(senior,students, alumni, faculty
members, administrators,
industry partners) on the review
and evaluation of program
education objectives and
curriculum, among others
1.5 Documentation on review and
revision of the vision, mission,
core values and goals/objectives
of the institution
1.6 Tracer Studies

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