STS Essay Learning Task 2

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STS Essay Learning Task 2


In recent centuries, intellectual revolutions or thought movements have had enormous

weight in the transformation of Western societies, be it for fascism by Friedrich Wilhelm
Nietzsche, for communism, socialism by Karl Marx, where Charles Darwin, for atheism,
transforms our perception of the world and of life in society to and continues to transform. The
intellectual revolution was a power to decide a person's essentials; it was an ongoing exploration
of self-worth, courage, and intelligence to open one’s mind in the oppressive leader’s world. It
was a place for improvement, reconstruction, and a free will to become more valuable to one.
Intellectual revolution changes communities through critical thought, appraisal and the
development of appropriate rules for equal opportunity. To achieve the needs of society it is a
continuous process of development. Great minds collaborate to make the world peaceful and

The significance of scientific revolution is this time the concept of being scientific and
also innovative is that people started thinking outside of what has been accepted at the moment.
People started to disagree with the current means of scientific exploration and the ideals
governing the science. The universe no longer rotated around the Earth thanks to Copernicus,
new scientific methods were utilized thanks to Descartes, Galileo clarified the properties of
gravity and gravity was no longer exclusive to Earth thanks to Newton. As importantly, the
failures of Copernicus, Descartes, Bacon, Galileo, Kepler, among other major players in the
Scientific Revolution, began to open people’s minds. These scientists were exploring. They went
for it, invested time into these projects, often time only to be proven wrong. That is what science
is about, endless discovery. These people knew to never settle and to keep questioning. People
regained a certain curiosity during this time and the inspiration that was product of the new
questions being asked was certainly revolutionary in science

The question about scientific revolution in Asia has been a tough task. According to
Needham, a famous historian, China and the whole of Asia continued in the scientific
advancement however, they were slower than countries in the west like Europe. Basically many
scientific revolutions started in Asia mainly in China. However, there was a problem since the
Asians were too much into culture and religion which hindered them from advancing in the
world of science. Asian countries had not adopted Industrial Civilization. The capitalists’ form of
approach of issues made Europe get rich and more advanced in science. Science was also highly
suppressed in Asia after the trial and killing of Galileo. He argued that the world was round and
hence the church killed him for that in Italy though the church later apologized for the killing.
Scientists were also scared of disrupting the popular faith. Asian countries at the time were also
scared of problems. If we take an example in the shipping industry, China had advanced ships
however people like Timur who wanted to overthrow the government and hence the government
stopped creating ships to concentrate on emerging issues at the time. The other reason that made
Chinese lag behind was the crash with the European countries. In the late 19 century Europeans
countries divided china which was once one of the biggest economies in the world. This led to
a slower scientific revolution to China and the rest of Asia. Asia has been the success story of the
past 50 years, as a wave of knowledge, innovation and progress as swept through the continent,
starting with Japan in the 1960s and 1970s, and continuing with China beating a new path
forward. The challenges of education and digital divides remain, and reforms are needed in
several countries to boost telecommunications and electricity services. Nevertheless, future
headlines will surely record that this was Asia’s century.

Therefore I conclude, intellectual revolution is the time period when advancements of

science and technology changed people’s perception. Intellectual revolutions define society are
the intellectual revolution that defined society information that we access in the past, present and
future as well as cherish. Together with the responsibility to awaken society, they also need to be
constantly aware of their own shortcomings. That’s the reality because they are also human. No
one is perfect. These flaws may limit their understanding that might also damage society.
Revolutions of intellectual people must be progressive too so it can always offer effective
contributions to improve our societies in meaningful ways. I learned that the significance of the
scientific revolution is that it marked a shift from the perception that truth is revealed solely
through the Bible and the Church to the perception that truth could be learned through
experience and investigation.

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