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1. What is the difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is an accidental and
automatic brain response to sound that requires no effort. Listening is purposeful and
focused rather than accidental. When we hear things, like a sudden sound of something
breaking, it was an intention for that sound to be registered in our minds. While as Listening,
we try to understand what or who is trying to project to us. It can be a problem, an advice or
even an emotion. When we listen, our brain registers the information as it focuses on what
the other party is trying to say. In more context, it tries to understand how the other party
feels, expresses the meaning of their projections. I people just listened, the world now
wouldn’t have been filled with misunderstandings and empty emotions.

2. The story did help me to understand the difference of hearing and listening. Behind every
person, there would be a story. Before we went out there and judge them, if we just listened
to their sorrows, pleads and anger, there are more to the than meets the eye. Every single
one of us are different and yes it makes the world filled with different flavors. Be then if the
boy didn’t realize that the girl was being bullied, or didn’t stop her from committing suicide,
the girl’s story would have been untold. Not even the boy would’ve known that someone
like him also feels the same way as him. As hearing is an act of non intentional brain
response, the boy could’ve just ignored it. Btu he listened, which is trying to understand by
focusing the meaning of her actions . Listening doesn’t just apply to youngsters these days,
but also parents who refuse to listen on what their child is going through in life. As some
children do attempt to open up, parents should have been silent and listen to them. Rather
than projecting their own anger and problems onto their children which causes them to
think that it was their fault. Opening up to someone does actually calms oneself in the belief
that, they are feeling lighter by letting each problem out. Take it from an example, if a coke
bottle has a fair amount of gas in the bottle, when the bottle is shaken up, the amount of gas
inside increases. This will cause the bottle to burst. Same as it goes to an individual. As
problems increase day by day, one day they too are gonna let out all the anger on someone
else. So, listen maybe it could a make a difference.


I told them not to go on the plane. Realizing at anywhere and anytime, accidents can happen is a
somewhat a disturbing way to scare ourselves. Maybe we could actually trip on a rock somewhere at
the beach and fall, stumbling upon sharp rocks. Well, that was the only thing I in my memory from
the vacation. Trying to spend a quality time with my friends during the school holidays took a
sickening turn. Things were coming to end; But yet, we still didn’t know how Anyaa’s corpse is lying
in the middle of the living room. And here I was, in the verge of death.

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