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Easiest Way to Astral Project: The Rope Technique (Full Guide)

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Astral travel has crossed the ages, because this practice has existed since the dawn of time. Our consciousness
knows no bounds, it was created to allow us to explore a multitude of possibilities.
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We have an astral body that allows us to make this quite special journey. By projecting our consciousness into a space-time, we are all
able to make an astral journey, an exit from the body and visit other places on the planet or other dimensions, without leaving
home. Astral travel is therefore a projection of the subtle body outside of our physical body.

I wanted to share with you the technique that I use most often and that works best for me, which allows me to induce this state of
exit from the body.

Preliminary advice
To start, you will have to relax your body as much as possible to facilitate the journey.

To succeed in making an astral journey, you must rst of all have good muscle relaxation, and get in condition to empty your mind of all
intrusive thoughts, letting go and a deep desire to split is essential.

To put the odds on your side, practice these exercises in the morning or in the evening, after a light meal, digestion will be easier. Know
that while we are dreaming, we also sometimes go on an astral journey, without being aware of it. So it’s something natural. Movements
out of the body are much faster than ordinary travel and can be at the speed of thought.

To achieve this shift of consciousness out of the body, it is also necessary to transmute the low frequencies resulting from negative
emotions such as fear, hatred, possessiveness, sel shness … and, to increase these levels of frequencies by replacing them with positive
emotions like peace, joy, love, feelings of happiness.

The symptoms of the splitting of the astral body are as follows:

Vibration at the neck;
Heaviness, followed by oating;
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Intense heat invades the body;
A feeling of vertigo;
An impression of falling;
Dull noises and rumblings while getting used to the new dimension;

Before the astral journey, relax!

First, lie down in a comfortable place in which you will be sure not to be disturbed (people, noise, telephone, etc.). Loosen your clothes
and take off all your jewelry and watch. Also make sure you cover yourself so you don’t get cold. Start by relaxing by closing your eyes
and taking long, deep breaths. Free your mind from intrusive thoughts, and know that you are safe and that you are in complete control
of the situation. Only having the thought that you want to return to your physical body will be enough for you to return immediately to the
waking state.

Second, you continue to take long, deep breaths, making sure to swell your belly when you breathe in, and to de ate your belly when you
breathe out. You can also do Jacobson’s method of crisping each part of your body, member by member, and releasing them one by
one. You start by crunching your feet, then releasing them, then you continue with each part of your body by going all the way down to
your head. So you perform this muscle relaxation from the feet to the head.

Once you get to the level of your head, you will squeal every part of your face, mouth, jaws, nose, eyes, forehead, making funny faces. So
be sure to relax your limbs and your whole body, starting at the bottom (feet, ankles, calves, etc.) and continuing to your head, your
face. Breathing exercises, muscle relaxation and the power of intention, to enter a kind of hypnotic state, are essential steps to better
prepare you for astral travel.

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The Rope Technique
The rope technique developed by Robert Bruce is an easy technique to put in place, and that presents no danger, ideal for
beginners .

It is the most used method for leaving the body and astral travel.

1) Imagine that there is a big rope in front of you. And without opening your eyes or physically moving your body, visualize yourself
grabbing the rope and starting to climb.

Really try to feel all these sensations that one could feel if one really climbed a rope. Mentally feel the sensation that your arms can feel
as you pull the rope to be able to climb, as well as the weight of your body, as your arms pull your astral body upward, climbing higher and
higher along this rope.

2) And the more you climb, the more vibrations you will experience, which will intensify as you climb higher and higher. Feel these
vibrations which intensify as you let go. Be aware of these high frequencies that allow you to cross the boarding gate. Imagine that these
vibrations are a little like those of an airplane when it is in full takeoff. Once you experience this state of vibration, it could indicate that
your astral body has started to split from your physical body. Become aware of these vibrations and impregnate them.

3) Continue to climb. But this time, go faster and faster, to speed up the process, until you are completely separated from your
physical body and you have reached the astral plane. You are now ready to experience astral travel in all its splendor.

4) To return to your physical “self”, focus on the meeting of the two forms, mental and physical, of your being. Take long, deep
breaths, feel the weight of each member of your physical body, as you integrate it again, by your will and the power of intention.

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Be careful, nothing requires you to experiment the technique if you have the slightest doubt. It’s up to you to see if you’re close to trying
this kind of experience! Use good judgment and with enough practice you will de nitely experience the magical reality of the astral body
we all possess.

Astennu Sever
Practicing occultist and writer with a particular interest in summoning magic. I conduct summoning rituals for
clients - To learn more about practical magick, get my latest book "The
Psy-Mage Compendium" on Amazon:

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ABOUT US shares information on magic, witchcraft and alternative spirituality. Readers will also nd plenty of valuable book reviews
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