Module 1: The Meaning and Method of Doing Philosophy: Name: Grade and Section

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
City of Balanga, Bataan

NAME: Men in nature has the “sense of wonder” which enables

GRADE AND SECTION: them to ponder on some of the most enduring questions
about human existence. These are called “big questions” in
NOTE: Please “BOLD” or highlight your answers . life. Some of these questions are; 1) what is the meaning of
your life? 2) Do you have free will? and 3) Does God exist?
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Holistic thinking-a perspective that considers large-scale
MODULE 1: THE MEANING AND patterns in systems. This is often describe as looking at the
METHOD OF DOING PHILOSOPHY “big picture” when describing and analyzing a situation or
problem. A holistic perspective requires an individual to
Learning Competency: have an open mindset and an ability to get the general sense or
1. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial impression regarding a situation.(Abella, 2016)
point of view (PPT11/12-Ia-1.1)
2. Realize the value of doing Philosophy in Partial thinking-focuses on specific aspect of a situation.
obtaining a broad perspective in life (PPT11/12-Ib- The partial view is an important component of analytical
1. thinking, as an individual focuses on certain areas or aspect
of a problem in order to understand it. Though partial
thinking is useful, philosophy utilizes holistic thinking in
Philosophy came from the Greek words “philo” which
making sense of problems and issues related to the human
means love and “sophia” which means wisdom. In its
experience.(Abella, 2016)
sense, Philosophy (Philosophiain Greek) means “love of
wisdom. (Mabaquiao, 2016). Philosopher therefore is a Reflection-an activity that requires a person to examine his or
lover of wisdom or someone who loves wisdom. In ancient her thoughts, feelings, and actions and learn from
Greeks, the lovers of wisdom (Philosophers) were the experiences in life.
pioneers in different fields knowledge such s history,
science, medicine, mathematics, and many more. (Abella, The need to philosophize is driven by the love for wisdom. To
2016) love wisdom is to have an insatiable desire for truth.
Philosophy itself is a distinct area of knowledge with its own
Philosophy as the love of wisdom, aims to search for wisdom. goals, concerns, and ways of doing things.
In searching for wisdom, Philosophers also seek for truth.
Being wise is knowing when you know the truth and when
you don’t know it. Truth is a kind of property whose
opposite is falsity. (Mabaquiao, 2016)

When discussing about truth, it is important to define

knowledge because through knowing we will be able to know
what is true (Abella, 2016). Knowledge can be defined as the
awareness and understanding of something. It is a product of
questions that allow for clear answers provided by facts.

there are ways on knowing if something is true. First, a

statement is true if it can be justified or proven through the use
of one’s senses. Second, a statement or belief is true if it is The following are the branches of philosophy that deals
based on facts. Third, a statement or belief is true if it can be with a particular aspect of life or phenomena. Aesthetics is the
proven through an action. Philosophers also believe that branch of Philosophy which deals with beauty and what
claims and beliefs must be subjective to test to determine makes things “beautiful”.
truth. Logic is branch of philosophy which deals with correct
Knowledge consist of ideas and beliefs that we know to be Epistemology discusses the nature of knowledge and
true (Abella, 2016). On the other hand, propositions or knowing.
statements that are observed to be real or truthful are Ethics is the branch which deals with moral questions and
considered facts. dilemmas.
Political Philosophy studies governments and deals with
Claims are statements that are not evidently known to be true. questions of justice, power and the rights and obligations of
With this, one can say that truthful statements are based on facts citizens.
and a claim needs to be proven by verification and Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy which deals with
experimentation in order to be considered as true. questions regarding reality and existence. Philosophy of the

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
City of Balanga, Bataan

Human Person-is an area in philosophy that understand the

human person from a philosophical perspective. Pamanhikan

Reflection is vital in ensuring that our actions and

decisions are well thought out and are done with due regard
for their implications and consequences on ourselves,
others, and our surroundings.
When we reflect, we can judge whether our actions or Pagmamano
decisions are reasonable or not.
Doing Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical
analysis and interpretation of concepts, definitions, MODULE 2 METHODS OF
arguments, and problems.
Doing Philosophy also improves problem-solving and
decision making. The ability to analyze a problem or
dilemma, identify the significant aspects, and come up with Learning Competency:
alternative solutions is an important skill learned through 1. Distinguish opinion from truth (PPT11/12- Ic-2.1) 2.
philosophy. Realize that the methods of Philosophy
lead to wisdom and truth (PPT11/12-Id-2.3)
In the process of doing philosophy, it is critical to have a 3. Evaluate truth from opinions in different situations
holistic point of view-the perception of looking at all using the methods of philosophizing
aspects of a situation first before making a conclusion.
Philosophical method (or philosophical
Wisdom as it refers to a person’s ability to apply methodology) is the study of how to do philosophy. A
knowledge to daily life particularly in making sound common view among philosophers is that philosophy is
choices and judgment is the intended product of distinguished by the ways that philosophers follow in
philosophizing addressing philosophical questions. There is not just one
method that philosophers use to answer philosophical
Philosophy is concerned with determining the concept of truth.
Truth lies at the heart of any inquiry.

Truth in metaphysics and the philosophy of language is the

property of sentences, assertions, beliefs, thoughts, or
propositions that are said, in ordinary discourse, to agree
with the facts or to state what the case is. It is most often used
to mean being in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an
original or standard. Truth is also sometimes defined in
modern contexts as an idea of "truth to self", or authenticity.
1st Quarter, Week 1 – Activity 1:
(THE MEANING & PROCESSES OF DOING Knowledge is the clear awareness and understanding of
PHILOSOPHY) something. It is the product of questions that allow for clear
answers provided by facts.
DIRECTION. Explain each Filipino Belief System briefly. Propositions is a statement about the world or reality.
State whether you believe them or not then explain why or Propositions may or may not carry truth.
why you do not believe them. Knowledge is the clear awareness and understanding of
Filipino something. It is the product of questions that allow for clear
Belief Definition Agree/Disagree Explanation answers provided by facts.
Facts are propositions or statement which are observe to be
real or truthful.
Fiesta Fever
Claim is a statement that is not evidently or immediately
known to be true. This means that any claim can be proven
Extreme by verification and experimentation
Family Ties Therefore, truthful statements can be considered as based
on facts.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
City of Balanga, Bataan

There are several views regarding truth. Philosophers also consider things such a person’s experiences and
emphasize the importance of belief as a basis for views.
determining truth. But as a philosopher, we do not
assume that every statement is true. Remember the Facts are statements that are observed to be real or
famous French philosopher, Rene Descartes traced the truthful. Claims are statements that require further
need to philosophize to doubt. examination to determine their truthfulness. Some
arguments may contain fallacies. We must be aware of
In philosophy, systematic doubt is employed to help
determine the truth. This means that every statement, the various kinds of fallacies as these affect the validity of
claim, evidence, and experience is scrutinized and arguments. Opinions are often influenced by bias. We must be
analyzed. aware of bias so that we can objectively and critically examine
points of view.
Philosophers always engaged with the concept of truth. Opinion is something intermediary between knowledge and
Philosophers consider truth as a kind of quality or ignorance. While Public opinion is the intermediate faculty
value. A belief is true if it can be justified or which seizes the things that float between the two extremes
proven through the use of one’s senses. Another basis (Plato)
for determining truth is a belief or statement is true if it is Opinion applies to what, being true or false, may be other than
based on facts. it is: in fact, opinion is the apprehension of an immediate and
unnecessary premise (Aristotle)
Getting consensus or having people agree on a
common belief is another way of determining what is true. Opinion, founded in the probable, perhaps also the name of
Although this approach has certain limitations. Getting knowledge (Leibniz) Opinion is a belief that is
everyone to agree on something may not take that belief true. conscious of being insufficient both subjectively and
objectively (Kant)
Fact is something concrete that can be proven. You can find
An opinion gives for truth something that has been
facts in legal records, scientific findings, encyclopedias,
said, although sometimes they are absurd words, which
atlases, etc. In other words, facts are the truth and are
mean nothing, impossible to understand (Hobbes)
accepted as such.
Public opinion is the convergence of the opinions of the
Opinion is less concrete. It's a view formed in the mind of a greatest number of people in a community, so that they form
person about a particular issue. In other words it is what a common and dominant feeling, exerting diffuse pressure
someone believes or thinks, and is not necessarily the truth. (Freud)

Examples of an opinion: The following are the examples of fallacies.

1. Ad hominem- Attacking the person presenting the
• Ann can have the opinion that Italian food tastes best,
argument instead of the argument itself.
while Joe has the opinion that French food is ideal.
2. Appeal to force- using the threat of force or an
• Sue can have the opinion that reading is boring, while
undesirable event to advance an argument.
Mike can have the opinion that reading is fun.
3. Appeal to emotion- using emotions such as pity or
• Penny can have the opinion that cold weather is
better, while Tim can prefer hot weather.
4. Appeal to the popular-the idea is presented as
acceptable because a lot of people accept it.
5. Appeal to tradition- the idea is acceptable
Opinions are statement that go beyond providing facts. A
because it has been true for a long time. Begging the question-
conclusion is a judgment based on certain facts. Beliefs are
assuming the thing or idea to be proven is true; also known as
statements that expresses convictions that are circular argument.
not easily and clearly explained by facts.
6. Cause-and-effect- assuming “cause-and-effect”
Explanations are statements that assume the claim to be true relationship between unrelated events 7. Fallacy of
and provide reasons why the statement is true. Arguments composition- assuming that what is true of a part is true for
are series of statements that provide reasons to convince the the whole
reader or listener that a claim or opinion is truthful. Fallacies
8. Fallacy of division- assuming that what is true for the whole
are arguments based on faulty reasoning.
is true for its parts.
Bias is disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea
or thing, usually in a way that is closed-minded, prejudicial,
Philosophy as the love of wisdom, aims to search for
or unfair.
wisdom. In searching for wisdom, Philosophers also seek for
truth. Being wise is knowing when you know the truth and
The facts that form the bases of a conclusion may not be when you don’t know it. Truth is a kind of property whose
disputed but the conclusion itself could still be contested or opposite is falsity. (Mabaquiao, 2016)
questioned. To judge the truthfulness of belief, we must

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
City of Balanga, Bataan

When discussing about truth, it is important to define making decisions and actions when we faced with a
knowledge because through knowing we will be able to problem.
know what is true (Abella, 2016). Knowledge can be
defined as the awareness and understanding of something. It Philosophy can help us determine ideas that are
truthful and acceptable, which we can use to form
is a product of questions that allow for clear answers
our own views regarding certain matters.
provided by facts. Knowledge consist of ideas and beliefs
that we know to be true (Abella, 2016). On the other hand,
propositions or statements that are observed to be real or
truthful are considered facts. Claims are statements that are 1st Quarter, Week 2 – Activity 2:
not evidently known to be true. With this, one can say that (THE MEANING & PROCESSES OF
truthful statements are based on facts and a claim needs to be DOING PHILOSOPHY)
proven by verification and experimentation in order to be
considered as true. DIRECTION. Read the poem written by John
Godfrey Saxe’s on the classic Indian Legend of the
The methods of philosophy will help to learn the process of Six Blind Men and the Elephant.
doing philosophy in a systematic way. On the other hand,
philosophizing is to think or express oneself in a
The Six Blind Men and the Elephant
philosophical manner.
It was six men of Indostan,
Although philosophy is an organized body To learning much inclined,
of knowledge, the subject matter of philosophy Who went to see the Elephant
is questions, which have three major characteristics; (Though all of them were blind), That each by
1. Philosophical questions have answers, but the answers observation Might satisfy his mind.
remain in dispute.
2. Philosophical questions cannot be settled by science, The First approach'd the Elephant, And happening to
common sense, or faith. fall
Against his broad and sturdy side, At once began to
3. Philosophical questions are of perennial intellectual interest bawl:
to human beings "God bless me! but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!"
The methodology or method that philosophers use to
address philosophical question is critical thinking. The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried, -"Ho! what have we here
Critical Thinking is the careful, reflective, rational and So very round and smooth and sharp?
systematic approach to questions of very general interest To me 'tis mighty clear,
This wonder of an Elephant Is very like a
Critical thinking means understanding if philosophy spear!"
and refraining from merely giving claims but through
careful thought, one reasons through to The Third approach'd the animal,
argumentation. And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands, Thus boldly up and
The scientific method also leads to wisdom and spake:
truth because it uses an evidence- based approach to "I see," -quoth he- "the Elephant
come up with its conclusion. In this method, Is very like a snake!"
all truths are supported by facts that can easily
be tested or proven again through experiments, The Fourth reached out an eager hand, And felt about the
logical reasoning, or observation. knee:
"What most this wondrous beast is like Is mighty plain,"
An understanding of opinions and facts and the -quoth he,-
mean to distinguish one from the other can further "'Tis clear enough the Elephant Is very like a
improve our understanding and appreciation of varied tree!"
views and ideas
The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
Said- "E'en the blindest man
The ability to determine truth goes hand in
Can tell what this resembles most;
hand with the holistic perspective and enables us Deny the fact who can,
to make wiser decisions, especially in choosing This marvel of an Elephant
then ideas and views which we find acceptable. Is very like a fan!"
A critical mind aided by philosophy can help us from
The Sixth no sooner had begun About the beast to
our own personal point of view that can guide us in grope,

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
City of Balanga, Bataan

Then, seizing on the swinging tail That fell within

his scope, Title of Song, Book or Movie:
"I see," -quoth he,- "the Elephant Is very like a __________________________________________________
And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long, Gist of the material:
Each in his own opinion __________________________________________________
Exceeding stiff and strong, __________________________________________________
Though each was partly in the right, And all were in the __________________________________________________
wrong! __________________________________________________
Answer the following. _________________________________________________
5-10 sentences each number. Essay:_____________________________________________
1. Did anyone among the blind men give the correct __________________________________________________
answer? Why or why not? __________________________________________________
2. In the context of the elephant story, what do you think __________________________________________________
is holistic perspective? What is a partial point of view? __________________________________________________
3. What is the importance of a holistic perspective as __________________________________________________
pointed out by the poet John Godfrey Saxe? __________________________________________________
4. Considering our society today, to what can you relate __________________________________________________
the circumstance presented in the poem? __________________________________________________
5. In relation to your answer in number 4 and the moral __________________________________________________
implication/s of the poem, what people should rather __________________________________________________
do to prevent such conflicts to arise? __________________________________________________
1st Quarter, Week 3 – Activity 3: __________________________________________________
(METHODS OF PHILOSOPHIZING) __________________________________________________
ACTIVITY #1: __________________________________________________
Direction. Answer the following questions concisely and __________________________________________________
accurately. (MINIMUM OF 7 SENTENCES EACH __________________________________________________
NUMBER) __________________________________________________
1. What is your opinion about the existing Philippine __________________________________________________
justice system? Is it duly performing its duty to serve __________________________________________________
justice in the country or not? Justify your answer. __________________________________________________
2. How do you value truth? What can you do to uplift the __________________________________________________
value of truth in your own family, community or __________________________________________________
3. Draw an illustration of the existing justice system in MODULE 3 THE HUMAN PERSON AS AN
the Philippines. Write a brief explanation for your EMBODIED SPIRIT
Learning Competency
1. Recognize how the human body imposes limits and
possibilities for transcendence (PPT11/12-Ih-3.3)
1st Quarter, Week 4 – Activity 4:
2. Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities
for their transcendence (PPT11/12-Ig-3.2)
Direction. Identify a song, book or movie that left you with a HUMAN COMPOSITION OF MAN
disturbing question. Articulate this question and discuss why
you find it disturbing. Do you think this question is MAN (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The
philosophical? Explain why you think so. Does this question English term “man” is derived from a Proto-Indo
give birth to more questions? What would be those questions? European root *man - (see Sanskrit/Avestan Manu-,
After tracing your series of questioning, share in your essay Slavic mǫž "man, male"). It is the general term commonly
how you felt afterwards. For 30 points, your essay will be used to refer to the entire human race. Other related terms,
graded according to; humanity, mankind, and humankind.

Clarity of thought – 10 points; HUMAN refers to man as species – HOMO SAPIENS or

Coherence – 10 points; and MODERN HUMAN BEINGS. The term human being is also
Complexity of questioning – 10 points used to differentiate man from other animals.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
City of Balanga, Bataan

Facticity refers to the things in our life that are already

PERSON is the personality of a human being so called given. EXAMPLE: LIFE
“SELF”. Refers to a human being granted recognition of We are free to define who we are and who we are to be
certain rights, protection, responsibilities and dignity above
all. Philosophe refers to the human person as the totality
of an individual, possessing awareness, self-determination Spatial-temporal being. As temporal beings, our most
and capacity to interact with others and with himself/herself. obvious limitation is our finitude - our finite quality or
Personhood refers to the state of being a person. state. For example, Walang forever, pero meron talaga. As
spatial beings, we are limited by our bodies to be present in
two or more places at the same time. We are limited by
HUMAN NATURE defines as the nature of
space (spatial) and the time (temporal). Our spatial-
humans especially the fundamental characters and traits of
temporal situation sets our preconditions of understanding.
humans. It refers to the characteristics that distinguish
humans from all other creatures. These traits are *Why do we want to be in a hurry to achieve or have
expected to arise independent of the influence. something which is not yet?
What is the human person?
The Body as Intermediary
Intermediary means acting as a mediator (Merriam-
Webster). Having a body may prevent us from revealing
what we really want to express.
How do we communicate with each other? WORDS
But can words really capture the things we want to
express? But this limitation can also be an advantage...
In most cases, words are not enough. EXAMPLE:
Self-awareness refers to the person having a clear Magbabago Na Ako Promise!!
perception of oneself, including his thoughts, emotions,
identity and actions Limitations and Possibilities for Transcendence
Self-determination refers to the capability of Transcendence originated from the words Trans, meaning
persons to make choices and decisions based on their “go beyond”, and scandare, meaning
own preferences, monitor and regulate their actions, and be “climb”.
goaloriental and self-directed
Consequence is the result or effect of an action or Fulfilling a dream requires transcendence because it opens
condition. Philosophers believe that a person acts freely a state of thinking and feeling that there is something
and with due regard for the consequences of his actions more in life than just physical and material things.
Externality refers to the capability of a person to reach out Much like Abraham Maslow’s self- actualization
and interact with others and the world concepts, transcendence is a state of being intrinsically
Dignity refers to the innate right to be valued and satisfied with life regardless of physical and tangible factors
respected. Philosophers consider all humans as having an
inherent worth or value. “You’re worthless!” is an LIMITATIONS AND POSSIBILITIES FOR
insult since it attacks the very notion of a person having TRANSCENDENCE:
or worth • may not occur to everyone
• does not come at a specified period
Limitations of the Human Person • varies across all people
Human persons are naturally deficient beings. This means that • may coincide with physical limitations of the body
we are not prepared with the best physical aspects among • developing a positive outlook in life
all the beings. • working towards reaching a goal
• learning from experience
Human persons do not have the natural ability to fly. Human
persons cannot breath underwater without the aid of breathing POSSIBILITIES FOR TRANSCENDENCE
It is also important to know that transcendence may be
applied to present worries by living in the present. This
LIMITATIONS CAN LEAD TO POSSIBILITIES means that life is lived from moment to moment in a
carefree and cheerful manner where concerns for stress are
Transcendence is the ability to change, be dynamic, and reserved for the future, and regrets or guilt feelings are kept
continually redefining one’s self which works with our in the past.
facticity to create change
How do limitations lead to transcendence?
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
City of Balanga, Bataan

THE HUMAN BODY IN IMPOSING LIMITS AND Human body is not the only definition of a human person.
POSSIBILITIES There exists an intangible element which enables us to
exercise thought, possess awareness, interiority, a the capacity
From a biological and physical standpoint, it can be
to reach out to the outside world ang other persons. This
recognized that the human body, although it can
intangible element is the spirit. (Abela, 2016) With this,
perform many functions, also has limitations. Limits in
philosophers consider a human person as
the environment, demographics, and society may also
the union of the body and the spirit. The human person is an
hinder a person from reaching transcendence.
embodied spirit.

- mental and emotional disorders

- disabilities
- disease and illnesses
- failures and experiences



• socioeconomic status
• location of neighbourhood
• abusive relationships
• negative influences

- Bodily limits can be tested by trying on new 1st Quarter, Week 5 – Activity 5:
- and working on challenges with increasing levels ACTIVITY #1
of difficulty. The human body, if given enough
exposure to any situation, can attain a goal with Direction.
efficiency 1. Research pictures of ancient tribes such as those of
- Social and environmental limitations are more Pre-colonial Philippines whose manner of clothing
difficult to overcome than bodily limitations have not yet been influenced by the western
because they involve the influence of other people colonizers. (Ex. Tattooed Kalinga Women,
and the external world. However, with a proper Indigenous Aetas – Male and Female)
mindset, clearly defined goals, and motivation to 2. List down the significant differences between the
rise above challenges, one may successfully way tribal Filipinos before the Spanish colonization
overcome his or her limitations. dressed from the way we do now.


3. If some Filipinos would dress this way in our cities
today, what do you think will be the general reaction
of the other city dwellers? Why?
Even though you are still young, you are not prevented
4. Do you think the attitude of Filipinos, and of other
from further understanding yourself. Transcendence is
people in general, towards the body has changed
even more possible when you begin to understand that you
throughout the history? What has changed?
can go beyond your limitations if you set your mind on
your goals
1st Quarter, Week 6 – Activity 6:
The terms “transcendent” and transcendental” should not be
used interchangeably. According to Immanuel Kant, (THE HUMAN PERSON AS AN EMBODIED SPIRIT)
“transcendent” is a term used to refer to God, while ACTIVITY #2
“transcendental” refers to all other matter.

While transcendence may not occur for everyone, all

people have the capacity to experience it regardless of any
Reflective Activity:
sociodemographic, biological, or personal factors

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
City of Balanga, Bataan

Get a mirror. Take some time to look at your face and body in
front of the mirror. Identify those parts you like most about Environmental philosophy or environmental ethics is
your body. Identify those parts you hate the the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral
relationship of human beings with the environment and its
non-human contents.
most. Write everything down in tabulated form – one
Anthropocentrism, focuses on the significant role of
column for likes, another for dislikes. humankind in the world and considers nature as the means by
which humans are able to meet their needs and survive.
Biocentrism, on the other hand, believes that humans are not
the only significant species on the planets, and that all
Now focus on the column of dislikes. For each item you wrote, organisms have inherent value and should be protected.
identify the things that you would not be able to do or miss if Ecocentrism places great value on ecosystems and
that body part is lost, destroyed or severely injured. Write at biological communities.
least one down for each body part you
Environmental Aesthetics is one philosophical view that
dislike. believes in maintaining order in the environment will bring
out the natural beauty of the surroundings and contribute
to the well-being of the people and other organisms living
in it.
Environmentalism advocates to address the growing
Going back to the same column of dislikes, think of your many environmental problems.
achievements and ask yourself whether or not it was possible to
achieve those if the body parts you dislike were injured or
permanently destroyed. The Development of Ethical Views Regarding the

Environmental ethics emerged in the 1970s, advocating

human responsibility and action with regard to
Finally, think of all your dreams and aspirations. Ask yourself environmental issues. Its main ideas are the following:
if it is possible to achieve those dreams and aspirations if your
disliked body part were injured or permanently destroyed.
1. All non human elements of the world, including
animals and natural resources, have intrinsic value
and should be preserved.
2. The preservation of the environment will benefit
humans by providing for the needs of present
After asking yourself these questions, write a long letter in and future generations.
your journal of reconciliation addressing your body expressing 3. Humankind has a responsibility to safeguard the
everything you feel about it. planet as stewards of creation.

These views were greatly influenced by the concept of

MODULE 4 THE HUMAN PERSON IN THEIR environmental justice, which refers to the fair distribution of
ENVIRONMENT environmental benefits, as well as the burden of meeting
environmental challenges. Advocates of environmental justice
Learning Competency: emphasize equity and the meaningful involvement of
1. Notice things that are not in their proper place and communities and governments in addressing
organize them in an aesthetic way (PPT11/12-Ii4.1) environmental challenges, and in planning and
2. Show that care for the environment contributes to implementing environmental policies.
health, well-being and sustainable development
(PPT11/12-Ii-4.2) Another perspective in environmental awareness is
3. Demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality environmental aesthetics, which originally focused on
towards environments (PPT11/12-Ii-4.3) concepts of beauty in nature, but has become increasingly
influenced by environmental concerns. Environmental

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
City of Balanga, Bataan

aesthetics began in the twentieth century, concerned

primarily with natural beauty in the context of maintaining environmental integrity, economic efficiency, and equity.
order and balance in the environment. For its adherents, 1. Environmental integrity refers to maintaining the
knowledge about nature will not only enable humans to state of the environment.
appreciate nature's innate beauty but will also help them relate 2. Economic efficiency refers to prudence in
more effectively with the environment. decision- making regarding the use of resources to
ensure that there is minimum to zero waste.
Environmentalism has also become an important issue in 3. Equity demands that we use our natural
international politics as governments and international resources in such a manner that these are
organizations have devoted efforts to discuss conserved so that the next generation will be able
environmental issues and formulate plans to address them to use them.
4. Prudence is the ability to regulate one's actions
Sustainability or Sustainable Development, this concept and behavior, while frugality is being thrifty with
focuses on reconciling human activities and economic the use of one's resources.
development with the protection of the environment.

Sustainability relies on three important principles:

1st Quarter, Week 7 – Activity 7:

ACTIVITY #1 Learning Packets from the division City Schools of Valenzuela

Direction. Answer the following questions concisely and Reference Book in Introduction to Philosophy of the Human
accurately. Person (DepEd)
1. List the things that you did the whole day today. Take note
of the products you used, the things you bought, the things Ms. Jennifer Raya Talaugon
you threw away. Which among them do you think had an
impact on the environment (either positive or negative).
2. Looking back at your activities today, what would you
have done otherwise to reverse whatever you did that
harmed the environment?
3. Personally, how do you regard the things in the
environment? As objects to make life comfortable? As
means to fulfill your needs? As a gift? Explain your
4. What does “observe prudence and frugality towards the
environment” mean to you? Prepared By:
5. What is your opinion regarding the various environmental
Jeddah P. Valencia, LPT
movements you hear about? (e.g. run for a cause, bike race
for a cause, tree planting etc.)
6. Do you think their movements create a big impact in
saving our natural environment from total destruction or
not? Explain your answer.

Impact on
Activities Done Environment
(Positive or

1st Quarter, Week 8 – Activity 8:

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
City of Balanga, Bataan



Direction. Create a “Blog” that has 3-5 paragraphs showing an act of kindness towards the environment. You can either select from
planting, cleaning a particular spot in your community or recycling materials as the content of your blog. Showcase the process,
progress and the outcome of your action. The positive outcome must be visible in the “pictures” you are going to capture, as well as the
notable before and after of the chosen project.

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