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FA: Planning Phase

Name: Bolintiam, Ma. Franchesca M

Section: BSN - 112
Instructor: Ms. Stephanie Joy Esteban
Date: 10/07/21

Diagnosis Rank Rationale/Justification

Ineffective airway High Priority Airway clearance plays an
clearance r/t failure in This diagnosis is the important role in both the
coughing out phlegm aeb prioritized health treatment of chronic
difficulty in breathing problem because it is the sputum producing
and respiratory rate of 9 most crucial one for the diseases and in patients
breaths/min patient’s wellbeing. As prone to chest infections
seen in Maslow’s or are recovering from
Hierarchy of Needs, surgery (Lockwood,
Physiological needs are 2019). Additionally,
the most important for according to Clarke
humans, and this (1989), failure to achieve
includes breathing, mechanisms regarding
which is the main subject airway functionality may
of the given diagnosis. lead to sputum retention
in the post-operative state
or acute-on-chronic
bronchitis, with
respiratory failure.
Impaired physical Medium Priority Physical mobility
mobility r/t pain on the This diagnosis falls under encompasses muscle
affected leg aeb slow the medium priority. strength, range of motion,
pacing, facial grimace, Although maintaining and endurance capacity.
and guarding behavior mobility is an important This is basically what
issue, the patient is more allows the body to move
in need of airway correctly and promote
clearance (oxygen) postural stability. The
compared to this given more impaired physical
health problem. mobility gets, the risk of
pain and injury also
increases (OSR Physical
Therapy, 2018).
Risk for infection aeb Low Priority A patient’s Safety and
failure to receive the This diagnosis is under Security needs only
recommended low priority because it is becomes essential if their
vaccination not yet an actual problem survival is at stake. These
but rather a potential needs are not necessarily
problem. It does not immediate but if they are
require immediate action not met, it may affect the
yet. Moreover, it falls fulfillment of one’s
under Safety in Maslow’s physiologic needs
Hierarchy of Needs. This (RNspeak, 2020).
is a less important need Alongside that, according
compared to the to University of Michigan
Physiological needs of Health (2020),
humans. vaccinations still remain
the best way to prevent
infectious diseases and to
protect ourselves and the
people around. If
exposure to a disease
occurs in a community,
there is little to no risk of
an epidemic if people
have been immunized.

Prioritized Problem: Ineffective airway clearance r/t failure in coughing out

phlegm aeb difficulty in breathing and respiratory rate of 9 breaths/min

Goal: Administer appropriate medication and treatment to promote clear, open

airways as evidenced by normal breath sounds, normal rate and depth of
respirations, and ability to effectively cough up secretions

1. Patient will demonstrate increased air exchange
2. Patient will maintain effective airway clearance
3. Patient will classify methods to enhance secretion removal
4. Patient will recognize the significant changes in sputum including color, character,
amount, and odor
5. Patient will identify and avoid specific factors that could inhibit effective airway
References (APA Format):

Clarke, S. W. (1989). Rationale of airway clearance. The European Respiratory

Journal. Supplement, 7, 599s603s.
Importance of Immunizations | Michigan Medicine. (2020, August 31).

Lockwood, E. (2019, September 23). Just why is airway clearance so important? Air
Physiotherapy | Breathing Physiotherapy | Breathing Pattern Disorder.

RNspeak. (2020, July 9). 5 Levels Of Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs | RNspeak. Nursing
Journal | RNspeak.

What Is Mobility And Why Does It Matter? (2018, March 9). OSR Physical Therapy.

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