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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

Safe Closure and

Rehabilation of
Disposal Facilities
Municipal Open
Brgy.Aserda and
Brgy.Primicias, Mapandan,

Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020


Section 37 of Republic Act No. 9003 otherwise known as Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000 provides that no open dumps shall be allowed three (3) years following

the effectivity of the Act, further, controlled dumpsite shall be allowed five (5) years following

the effectivity of the Act. Therefore, all open and controlled dumpsites should have been phased

out and closed as of January 2020.

Pursuant to the Act, the Municipal Government of Mapandan, Pangasinan submitted a

Closure and Rehabilitation Plan, 2020-2025 for the Municipal Dumpsite located at Brgy. Aserda

and BrgyPrimicias, Mapandan. Then, an Authority to Close (ATC) was issued by the

Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) – Regional Office 1 on January 15, 2020 to institute

the components of the closure and rehabilitation and the post closure land use of the dumpsite.

However, the SCRP was not implemented that the existing open dumpsite threatens the livability

and sanitation of the Municipal likewise not compliant to the Act.

1.1 Purpose

The Local Government Unit of Mapandan is required to submit the Closure and

Rehabilitation Plan for the Municipal Open Dumpsite to comply with the requirements of RA

9003 and to resolve the issues and problems of the Municipal’s disposal facility. The data and

information detailed of the Closure and Rehabilitation Plan had already been taken over by more

recent events. In addition, the entire area of 5 hectares had since been filled with garbage.

Likewise, the cost estimates of the plan could no longer compensate the closure and

rehabilitation activities.

Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

1.2 Objectives

The Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan (SCRP) aims to promote public health and

good sanitation in the Municipality while attaining sustainable ecological balance and compliant

to RA 9003. It specifically seeks to achieve the following:

1. To establish workable strategies and parameters for the proper closure and rehabilitation of the

long overdue dumpsite in compliance to Section 37 of RA 9003.

2. To ascertain closure requirements and schedule of rehabilitation activities based on the present

conditions of the dumpsite.

3. To allocate resources in carrying out the safe closure and rehabilitation plan.

4. To promote and expedite the establishment of sanitary landfill

1.3 Approach

The SCRP is within the context of comprehensive, systematic and participative solid

waste management approach of the Municipality. The Local Government Unit through the Solid

Waste Management Focal person shall facilitate the implementation of closure and rehabilitation

activities. But since the Municipality has limited resources and equipment, the implementation of

the activities stipulated in this Plan shall be going to be contracted out to a private entity that has

the capacity and integrity in the closure of waste disposal facility.

The closure of the Open dumpsites would expedite the establishment of sanitary landfill. In

parallel, a siting of possible areas for landfill shall be done.

Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

II. General Information


Figiure1. Mapandan Map


North – Mangaldan South – Sta. Barbara

East – Manaoag / Urdaneta City West – Sta. Barbara / Mangaldan

Physical Characteristics:

The Municipality of Mapandan is situated in the central eastern of the Province of

Pangasinan, lying approximately from 16° 0’ to 16° 15’ latitude and from 120° 37’ to 120° 56’
longitudinal lines.

It is bounded on the north by the Municipality of San Jacinto, on the northwest by the
Municipality of Mangaldan, on the South by the Municipality of Santa Barbara, on the Southeast
by the City of Urdaneta and on the east by the Municipality of Manaoag.

Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

The Municipality is accessible via Provincial roads. It is about sixteen (16) kilometers
away from Dagupan City, eight (8) kilometers from the City of Urdaneta, and (5) kilometers
from the Shrine of our Lady of Manaoag.

Records of the Municipal Assessor’s Office show that the Municipality of Mapandan has
an area of 2,459.6652 hectares excluding areas occupied by roads, bodies of water and other non-
taxable lands. The Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) on
the other hand has in its records an area of 3,291.291 hectares or 0.061 % of the total land area of
the Province of Pangasinan.

The Municipality has fifteen (15) barangays, of which one (1) belongs to urban area and
the rest (14) to the rural areas. Out of the total area of the municipality, 288.291 hectares or 8.758
% constitutes the urban core, while 3,003.461 hectares (91.242%) are in rural areas.

The entire municipal land is considered as alienable and disposable (A& D) due to the
absence of both protection and production.

2.1 Physical Characterization of the Disposal Facility

The Open Dumpsite of Barangay Aserda and Barangay Primicias of Mapandan,

Pangasinan had an area of approximately 2 ha.s and 3 ha.s respectively. With estimated volume
of 100-200 tons as of January 2020. With estimated 5 m³ with the thickness of 100mm and
estimated slope prior to rehabilitation 25%.

Figure 2. Land use Map of Mapandan


Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

2.2 Environmental Characterization of the area

2.2.1 Geology

The dumpsite area is consisting of unconsolidated gravel, silts and clays. The site

condition of open dumpsite is flat land and swampy area with surrounding of agricultural land

area. While the distance of rivers and creek approximately 2 km.

III. Issues and Concerns during operations of the Disposal Facility

Based on the meeting conducted by the Municipal Local Government Unit, which were

participated by representatives from the Mayor’s Office, MPDC MDRRMC and Agriculture

office, the following issues were identified:

1) Lack of discipline

People do not follow the laws on segregation, anti-littering ordinance, open

burning etc. There is a lack of concern to keep the environment clean

2) Lack of political will

Some barangay captains do not give the necessary or enough attention to SWM.

They prefer infrastructure projects to SWM.

3) Lack of budget

Another major problem of Barangays is lack of budget in order to carry out their

SWM programs and projects.

4) Open burning

Open burning, especially rice hays and other agricultural wastes, is still a rampant

practice in the municipality. Aside from its harmful effects on the environment, it results

Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

in the loss of nutrients that should have been utilized by plants. Instead of burning the

biodegradable wastes, composting/vermicomposting will be promoted.

4. Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan (SCRP) Component

The closure and rehabilitation activities shall be done.The SCRP has the following


4.1 Construction of Access road with Drainage system

An inter access road will be concreted to support smooth closure and rehabilitation work

as well as for future use/development facility. Activities grade preparation, base correction and

shoulder construction as well as pouring of 0.20m thick concrete over 200m²

4.2 Trench excavation and Backfill

As part of site preparations, about 6-7 m³ of land will be excavated and backfilled. This is

done in primarily preparation for laying out the leachate collection and recirculation system and

partly for clearing waste deposits.

4.3 Site Clearing

All structures and other facilities within the boundaries of the disposal site shall be

removed including the shed houses of the waste pickers, equipment storage areas and all

damaged heavy equipment being junked in the area.

4.4 Stabilization of Critical Slopes

The existing operational procedures done in the Open dumpsite results in precariously

high heaps of garbage. It is necessary to re-profile the waste mound to the designated grade,

elevations and slopes. This means cutting the protruding crest of waste and filling up depressions

as shown in the topographic survey conducted by the city surveyor.

Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

4.5 Final Cover

The final cover is applied to a completed disposal facility to act as a barrier to reduce

infiltration of water into disposal area, reduce gas migration, prevent the emergence of insects

and rodents, and minimize the escape of odor and support vegetation.

The placing of soil cover to areas where the re-profiling is completed will be covered

with 600 mm of top soil which is resistance to erosion. Top soil shall be spread and compacted

by dozer to the design grade, elevation and slopes. Top of soil cover shall have a minimum top

slope of five (5) percent to ensure draining and prevent ponding and seeping-in of rain water into

the garbage mound.

4.6 Drainage Control System

Run-on and runoff of surface waters can cause erosion and scouring of the final cover as

well as water ponding. Therefore, drainage control system must be installed in and along the

periphery of the disposal area. Accordingly, the surface waters shall be diverted away from the

disposal site at the shortest distance possible to prevent the contact of waste pile with water

thereby reducing the potential for leachate generation.

The surface run off drainage system shall be installed at the lowest portion of the mound

and above the leachate pipes. An open canal will be excavated to catch the rain surface run off

coming from the mound. Water will be collected at the collection pump pit for discharge to the

outfall area

4.7 Leachate Management

Leachate from the waste pile may contaminate the surface water that might drain into the

creeks, stream and other natural water bodies. The existing open dumpsite is quite far from any

Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

water bodies, however, the seepage might contaminate the ground water considering the time

where garbage have been deposited in the dumpsite.

Perforated leachate collection system at the lowest bottom of the waste mound 1500mm

diameter perforated leachate pipes will be buried one (1) meter below the lower toe of the

mound. Concrete Collection man holes shall be installed to collect leachate generated from the

waste mound. A portable water pump will pump out the leachate from the manhole and

recirculate into the mound to water the vegetation.

4.8 Gas Management System

Landfill gas, such as methane and carbon dioxide, will continue to be generated as long

as waste decomposition occurs. Methane is highly combustible gas and may cause explosions. It

is necessary to collect the gas and vent it freely, flare it, or recover it for energy use. Extracting

gas from the dumpsite has an advantage of reducing the concentration of various chemicals in

the leachate.

Gas vents shall be installed at fifty (50) meters apart upon completion of spreading and

compacting of soil cover. Perforated 150 mm diameter pipes shall be buried at least 4 meters

down the waste mound with perimeter of the buried pipe filled with gravel around the pipe

perforation until about half meter from the surface. The remaining half meter will be back filled

with soil. The top of the protruding pipes will be a double elbow U bend so that the gas will

escape to the atmospheres.

4.9Installed Fencing and Putting up of Signage to prevent Illegal Dumping

It is possible that there will be some individuals and private haulers may attempt to

dispose their wastes and stray animals may enter the closed dumpsite. The following control

measures shall be installed:

Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

1. Perimeter fence shall be constructed around the dumpsite consisting of concrete post and

barbed wire with cyclone wire gate to enclose the area to prevent strangers and stray animals

from entering the closed dumpsite.

2. Signage/billboards shall be installed at conspicuous places prohibiting the burning, squatting

and entry of children and stray animals.

V. Implementation Schedule

The Closure and rehabilitation of the municipality open dumpsite will be completed in

one 1 year. The plan and implementation of a regularly sanitary landfill has beenuntertaken so

that upon completion of the closure, waste will be disposed to the sanitary landfill.

Table 1. Proposed Schedule of Activities for implementation CY 2020-2021

Closure and Rehabilitation Duration (Month)
Component Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1.Construction of Access - Concreted Access
road with Drainage road
- Cut sides slopes 3:1
2.Stabilization of Critical
Backfilling levelling
and compaction
- Removal of
3. Site Clearing
-Construction of open
4.Drainage Control
drain ditch
5.Leachate Management -Installing of leachate
 Excavation
 Pipe laying
 Gravel
 Backfilling and
-Installation of
leachate collection
station (manhole)
 Installation of

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

 installation of
water pump
-Installation of vent
 Excavation
 Pipe laying
6.Gas Management
 Gravel
 Backfilling and
-Installation of
monitorin wells
 Pipe laying and
 Gravel bedding
-Construction of
perimeter fence
-Putting up of
7.Prevention of Illigal
-Public Awarenes


The post closure land use plan is necessary to ensure the protection of public health and

safety and the environment. This includes inspection, maintenance and monitoring after the

implementation of closure activities which shall maintain the integrity and compliance of the

closed dumpsite. Likewise, the land shall be utilized into other land use.

5.1 Site Management

5.1.1 Final Cover Monitoring and Maintenance

During the post-closure of the site, the final cover will be inspected regularly.

Monitoring and maintenance activities shall be performed in order to maintain the

integrity and effectiveness of the final cover system. The quarterly monitoring and

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

assessment shall include inspection of the final cover for vegetation, erosion, and the

surface water drainage system. The erosion, cuts, and depressions in the final cover and

the damage, debris and sediment build-up in the drainage system shall be noted. The

maintenance activities will include final cover repairs to fill erosion cuts and low areas.

As necessary, drainage systems will be cleared of debris and sediment to facilitate

continued performance. Maintenance shall be carried out as needed prior to the next

scheduled quarterly inspection.

5.1.2 Groundwater Monitoring

Groundwater monitoring activities shall continue throughout the post-closure care

period. Groundwater sampling and analysis shall be done as the need arises. Maintenance

of the ground water monitoring system will be performed as needed. The need for

maintenance will be determined through inspection of the wells during the regular


5.1.3 Gas Monitoring

Dumpsite gas monitoring shall continue throughout the post-closure care period.

Gas vents shall be monitored regularly. The need for maintenance shall be based on

the result of the monitoring and shall be done prior to the next monitoring.

5.1.4 Land Utilization

The closed dumpsite shall be having another land use. The following land uses

and projects are possible in the area:

1. Motorpool is an alternative facility where such the Local

Government vehicles/machinery equipment are parked when not in use

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and staff that manages the veihcles and or maintains them such that

they are operable and ready for use when requested.

2. Evacuation Center The open dumpsite utilizing into evacuation center use

to accomadate the affected families at the time of calamity/disaster like

typhoon, earthquake, floods e.g.,

3. Solar-Drying in the absence of solar drying of municipality. Open

dumpsite diverted into solar drying areafor farmers of municipality can

use this facility, cost effective and helpful to small farmers. Also, it would

mean more profits. Farmer’s can use to go to other areas to dry our palay,

corn and other crops that would mean more expenses.

4. Other uses

VI. Post Closure Activities

Table 2. Post Closure Activities CY 2020-2021

Closure and Rehabilitation Duration (Month)

Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1.Final cover Monitoring and maintenance
2. Ground water monitoring
3.Gas monitoring

4.Land Utilization Ecavuation Center

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

Prepared and Submitted by

Hon. Anthony C. Penuliar Hon. Asuncion R. Calimlim

Municipal Mayor Municipal Vice Mayor

Hon. Karl Christian F. Vega Hon. Alicia A. Mariano

Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor

Hon. Caesar Francis DR. Calimlim Hon.Jimmy U. Aquino

Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor

Hon. Joys Peter G. Biagtan Hon. Russell R. Tamayo

Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor

Hon.Matt Bernard S. Eden Hon. Venneson L. Peria

Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor

Hon.Edwina V. Tambaoan Mr. Melvin C. Villanueva

ABC President SWM Focal Person/
Designated MENRO

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of 2020, at

, Philippines, affiants whoe are known to me have echibited their identification as

Name Position ID number Issued On

I hereby certify that I have personally examined the affiants and that I am fully satisfied
that they have voluntarily executed and understood the contents of the foregoing Safe Closure
and Rehabilitation Plan

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heunto set my hand the day, year and place above

Notary Public

Page No.
Book No.
Series of 2017

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020


This is to certify that the prepared SAFE CLOUSURE AND REHABILITATION PLAN
(SCRP) for the existing disposal facility of the LGU of Mapandan consisting of 14 pages is
reviewed and approved by the undersigne. Should I/we learn of any information, which would
make the SCRP inaccurate, I/we shall bring the said information to the attention of the concerned
Special Investigation Panel of the Office of the Ombudsman.

In witness whereof, I/we hereby set our hands this day of at


Hon. Anthony C. Penuliar

Municipal Mayor
Hon. Asuncion R. Calimlim
Municipal Vice Mayor

Hon. Karl Christian F. Vega

Municipal Councilor
Hon. Alicia A. Mariano
Municipal Councilor

Hon. Caesar Francis DR. Calimlim

Municipal Councilor
Hon.Jimmy U. Aquino
Municipal Councilor

Hon. Joys Peter G. Biagtan

Municipal Councilor
Hon. Russell R. Tamayo
Municipal Councilor

Hon.Matt Bernard S. Eden

Municipal Councilor
Hon. Venneson L. Peria
Municipal Councilor

Edwina V. Tambaoan
ABC President
Melvin C. Villanueva

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SWM Focal Person


Trench Excavation and Backfilling

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Trench Excavation and Backfilling

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

Site Clearing and Waste Profiling

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

Site Clearing and Waste Profiling

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Signage’s and Installed Gate/ Fence

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

Signage’s and Installed Gate/ Fence

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Site Monitoring

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

Site Monitoring

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

Site Monitoring

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

Site Monitoring

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Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 2020

Site Monitoring

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