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Various Authority to Proceed in Absolute Block System

Occasions Single Line Token less Section Double Line
1 Normal Authority OFF Aspect of LSS OFF Aspect of LSS

LSS alone failed:

: From Running Line : T/369(3b)+PN : T/369(3b)+PN
2 : From Non-Running Line : T/511+Endorsement+PN : T/511+Endorsement+PN
(Line Clear obtained from (Line Clear obtained from
________Station ) ________Station )

During Failure of Starter/Inter starter/Advanced Starter : : T/369 - (3b)

[A remark shall be made stating the reason for issuing this authority

During Suspension of the Outer/Home/Inner Home/Routing/Starter/

Intermediate Starter/Advanced Starter/Intermediate Block Stop :T/369 – (3b)
[Reason for suspension shall be written on the face of the
3 Block Instrument Failure PLCT : T/C 1425 – UP PLCT : T/C 1425 – UP
: T/D 1425 – DN. : T/D 1425 – DN.
If LCT is not available, it should not be manuscript, instead T.1408 shall
be issued.

Order of priority to obtain Line Clear during failure of Block Instrument (BWM 9.3, page no. 120):-
1. Telephone attached to Block Instrument.
2. Station to Station fixed telephone wherever available.
3. Fixed Telephone such as Railway auto phones and BSNL Phones.
4. Control telephone.
5. V.H.F. sets.
When Line Clear is obtained supported by ID no. or by cross – checking PN given for preceding three
trains an endorsement “I.D. Number used for obtaining Line Clear” Or ‘’Line Clear supported by cross –
checking private numbers given for the preceding three trains’’, as the case may be, on the top of the
paper LCT.
(S.O.B. No. 3/2017of date 13.03.2017)

4 Relief Engine/Train into an

T/A 602 T/A 602
Occupied Section
1. When the block section is obstructed due to reasons such as Accident, engine failure or any
other reason, any number of relief engines/engine may be sent from either end. [S.R.6.02 (i)(1)]
2. When the block section is being totally obstructed by the Engineering Dept. only material trains,
motor trollies, dip lorries, wiring trains and other departmental trains are permitted to enter the
section on T/A.602. [S.R.6.02 (I)(1)]
5 Circumstances as mentioned
in S.R.14.08(i)1 T/1408 T/1408
6 Total Interruption of
For Opening Communication –
T/B 602.
For Waiting Train - CLCT: For All Trains : T/C.602
T/G.602 – DN.
T/H. 602 – UP.
7 Single Line Working on Double For All Trains
Line. N/A both Wrong and Right Direction:
T/D 602
8 Relief Engine to clear parted
Rear portion of Goods train
Stub Portion of T/609 Stub Portion of T/609
from Block section

Whenever a Loco pilot reaches the next block station with parted front portion without form T/609,
form T/A.602 shall be issued to the same engine or any other relief engine.

9 Motor Trolley Normal: Paper LCT.

MT following a Train or a MT : T/1525 (Motor Trolley permit).
MT following a train is permitted only during Day & Clear weather.
MT following a MT is permitted both during Day & Night.
Placing of MT in Mid-section. T/A. 1525:-
• Prepared in Triplicate.
• Contains Four portions,
1. Notice.
2. Certificate.
3. Advice on arrival.
4. Section cleared.

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