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Business Communication

Far Eastern University
General Education Office



Business Communication –

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the three letters carefully and do what is asked in each question.
Remember to take note of the rubrics for your essay and email. They are included in the Week 7 folder.


I. MESSAGE TONES. It is important to know how we communicate mirrors the kind of person we are.
In the business setting, a message tone is a reflection of the writer and it affects how the reader will
perceive the message. Business writing must have the proper tone to ensure it is effective. If the tone
leaves the content unclear, confusing or, worst case, offensive, the reader won’t be able to properly
absorb or react to the text (Cullen, 2018).

Letter #1: Revise the email below to eliminate the negative tone and attitude of impatience with the

Dear Mrs. Cruz,

As we have repeatedly discussed at least five times already on the phone with you and even on emails you
sent occasionally, we can no longer provide you the remote assistance of constantly providing you
reminders on the dosages of your medicines. For the last time, always refer to the prescriptions and notes
provided to you when you were discharged. There are eight medicines that you have to take everyday.
You already have the details about these medicines. After all, we hope you have already remembered
everything since you have already called us regularly in the past days.

Much as we want to offer remote assistance, we also have current patients who need physical care and
attention. We hope that by this time you have already remembered everything. With all due respect, we
hope you do not misunderstand this message. We are just busy at the moment because of the huge
number of patients currently confined in the hospital.


Juan Dela Cruz


1) Your revised version of the email communication (10pts)

GED0111: Purposive Communication Page 1

Business Communication

2. What do you think is the content of the email sent by Mrs. Cruz to Nurse Juan? (5pts)

3. How do you feel about the email reply of Nurse Juan? Why did you feel that way? What can be the
implication of message tones to the professional therapeutic relationship? (5pts)

Letter #2: Revise the letter and make it professional as it is too emotional and too casual.

What happened today between you and Mark????? I’m expecting a professional behavior from you both
and what you have done does not qualify as that!!!!!!!!!! Please explain!!!!

GED0111: Purposive Communication Page 2

Business Communication

1. Your revised version of the email communication (10pts)

2. What is wrong with the original email? How did you make it right? (5pts)

Letter #3: Revise the letter and make it professional as it is too personal and unappropriate in language.

The password to my Paypal account is m1ccu54. Please login tomorrow and make the payment I asked
you to. You should find all the information you need inside the account.
Call me if you run into any trouble.

1. Your revised version of the email communication (10pts)

GED0111: Purposive Communication Page 3

Business Communication

2. What is wrong with the original email? How did you make it right? (5 pts)

GED0111: Purposive Communication Page 4

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