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Through internet, you experience freedom. You can post what you want to
post, upload pictures and even vent out your feelings. Just type it all out using the
keyboard on your devices. You see, using our keyboard to type our opinions and
spread it through social medias is amazing as if you’re spreading awareness. But is
it really freedom that we’re experiencing or a cruel imprisonment? What are you
You can’t avoid toxicity in your surroundings and that’s an obvious fact.
Racists and bullies, they can be found anywhere and anytime, even on the internet.
And that’s how cyberbullying was made. When someone posted a picture of
himself/herself, when someone posted a status about somethings, specifically
problems, instead of typing statements that have appreciation and comfort, why do
others type negative and cold words like worthless, pathetic, attention seeker,
hated, horrible, terrible, etc?
It’s already 2019 and why are you still picking on people smaller and
different than us to feel satisfaction and superiority. You’re just really showing the
world, you’re insecure. Like why would you make somebody feel bad just to make
you feel better? Like why would you talk about somebody and get a few laughs
and now you feel good at the expense of somebody else’s pain? How dare you type
those wicked words, when you’re the one who’s being like that?
Just like the famous quote by Confucius, “Do not do unto others what you
do not want others to do unto you.” Do you want to be bullied? NO… Nobody
wants that.
Bullies don’t know how to accept and love themselves. Please remember
that even though they said something negative to you, there are also some people
who love and embrace your flaws. And the most important one is you, loving who
you are, knowing that you have a purpose to yourself and to others’ lives, knowing
that you are existing and living for a reason to achieve something like a goal. I just
want to say that you’re the hero of your own story. Being the hero of your own
story isn’t about stopping bad guys or climbing mountains, it’s about overcoming
bullies in your life.
Instead of typing negativity why not spread love, appreciation and
positivity? Once again, I want to ask you… What are you typing? Peace…
Through internet, you experience freedom. You can post what you want to
post, upload pictures and even vent out your feelings. Just type it all out using the
keyboard on your devices. But now I want to ask you… What are you typing?
When someone posted a status about something, specifically a problem,
instead of typing statements that have appreciation and comfort, why do others
type negative and cold words like worthless, pathetic, attention seeker, terrible,
Just like the famous quote by Confucius, “Do not do unto others what you
do not want others to do unto you.” Do you want to be bullied? NO… Nobody
wants that.
It’s already 2019 and why are you still picking on people smaller and
different than us to feel satisfaction and superiority. Bullies don’t know how to
accept and love themselves. They’re just really showing the world, they’re
Instead of typing negativity why not spread love, appreciation and
positivity? Once again, I want to ask you… What are you typing? Peace…

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