VISHAL, 0201BBA177: (Ed Ces 2) One-Page Business Template

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VISHAL, 0201BBA177

A streamlined marketplace for people who want to sell materials like tree wood, sand, fish to clear up their ponds,

Trees which go down regularly under the axe to make room for more land, and are left to rot in open fields could be
instead transported to cities where there is a severe lack of quality wood and sold to primary manufacturers.


The company would provide a platform for individual sellers and small-business buyers to connect. For example, the
sellers could also either contact the company to clear out their trees, or would have to sell only the wood to the
company and then the company would transport that wood to one of its warehouses. They then would either cut
and polish the wood or keep it in natural shape, whatever the market demands more at that time. The woods could
then be stored until buyers see it fit to buy them.

On the other hand, the company would start connecting to leading manufacturers, and sell them the woods they
need in however much quantity they want.


The team would have to have salesman who could approach small manufacturing businesses about quality wood at
sane rates.

There needs to be customer support and seller support who would connect to individual sellers.

There would have to be lorry drivers who would transport woods from one place to another. Labor would also be
needed while transportation. And at the end we would need skilled workers who could shape the materials to
desired levels. Website developers for an ecommerce platform. We would also need marketing executives and
content specialists who would tell our story to our customers. And we could get college students to do social media
marketing, driving up the mentions of our company on the Internet.


No one has targeted individual sellers at a scale in the market yet.

Going with the trees & wood analogy, the competition is just small-time wood fellers (who could be roped in to work
on contract basis) who deal with local carpenters, or local carpenters and small manufacturers themselves.


The target market would be small businesses who would require continuous supply of materials but for a limited
time only. There are a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs who want to only test waters in certain fields before settling
onto a field. This would enable them to order whatever materials they need


To implement this nationwide we would first require to develop the portals where the transactions would take
place. That should realistically take 3 months. 2 months in the development, we would start the marketing phase.
Initially it would be social media based, where most small business owners reside these days. Then, an aggressive
campaign where we sign up business owners, contacting them based on internet chatter. This should take around 3
months. So, we are 5 months in when we ultimately start operations.


Initially it would be social media based, where most small business owners reside these days. Then, an aggressive
campaign where we sign up business owners, contacting them based on internet chatter.

The profit margin would be based on what kind of products we acquire, which itself would vary market to market
and season vise.


Funding Required – Rs. 20,00,000

(2*Developers salary – Rs. 2,40,000

Marketing department – Rs. 1,50,000
Sales team – Rs. 2,40,000
Office and warehousing spaces on lease – Rs. 6,00,000
Contract based workers, drivers, laborers – Rs. 3,00,000
Support team – Rs. 2,00,000
Misc. – Rs. 2,70,000)

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