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Packing efficrency* oon af The P the totart Spar which wn occupted Lene panticien Ae Oo cantaim packing (5 kmoumre an packing Simclany, the Sreactim of Lhe Setal space oceupied 4A carted packing freachm . eee are Let £19 consider oa Simple Qo = 16n™ > ae sn 7 A= 2/2 Vetus af the cube « % Q = 16/2” > =(2 fan) Facking meena Vouume of Soha hone X LOO ~ -Vélamg. of cube- A6Kn? > 16 Jan? = x100 SIZ 0 = 747, ttemen vdlum2 oc pied cr CCP OR fe a arrangement = C4 Paperkraft 9 facking effictemoy am Asdy cam d cubic samit cel? Act the edge Radivs af the 5 =n No of sphun (atoms) th =a - : am bce umit cell =4yxst4 > 2 } te Jame of 2 sphew. = 2x 44 79n” Now, consider Dhe nt- led 4 AcBH, Acs Bc" + AB” = a%+a~ New, e ge geass ee in nt amglen AACE, CE> ACTF AE” 2 PBa+a™ > Gny= %a" = = 4n yas Sh. ie Volume of Lhe c the = ba" +I3 = 64%” 35 Paperkraft , Packing <(Feiency = Se sep “aye o”~h—™Er—“—OSCMS— 22" 2? x 100 oe —CG: 3 SS “. Volume e sccupied ta. bee onnorgemet a = 667 _ §- endive (ses ta Bee erik cou. orth ie Lom 4:29 A° Ghat La Ah. madius ef sédium atom 2% Ghat Ane Lamgth of £he Bid dinganan of Bhe amit ceil % Ba" Radius = IB 2 4:09 A" XLT 2. 4 : 24-86 A” Aamgh of hihy dtagonal = 4h ee Y a =4 KI-B6A° = U44A° Paperkratt & Sodiven crys staluunen am bec -eumct- eet. ra amen |View nu. of emcl cols sm 92 af silium 2 sat No. of atoms vow 7 io =| O27 X 6022 K)23 aoe marl ss 408 x10"? a AG al pyatt eg} = Na-of atoms coy 2: 408 x10 73 -— f= = 412044 xio?? G-A ee Soremed by 21o mans A-amd — hana ctbic sirenctunc, um _sShich A atomo one at he cornen® omd Batomn aneat fae eam titen - Shot ta he foremulee of he compound q Sas GEM, A atoms ane of he corenenn, Paperkraft Thus the no of A ettomna Pa Lhe unit cen = gx % =41, Ago, Batomaat the face of #he ont cont, fe No of B atoma Pr the onst ce =% x6 = &. Foremula of £he compound = AB,. 6 A cubic solrd is made up of tusp elememts P and &. Atoma G, anc preesent atthe corenenrd of the cube amd atoma Pat the body comin. Chat #2 the soremuloa af the eam li! 2 thhat are Ahe coortdinahim numbern of Pamd 4.2 BO" As & atome ant preenemt at corencny, e. No. of 6, otomya per onet cet = $6 xf <4, Sinw P otome at ‘body comtine, No: of P atom = 4 Hemce AhL foremo la af scene Compound = PO,. nnn - — Cooredin att bor rw: of P&2G&=S: _______—__#@ gesieese ———— of. peat cetin. 6 cakwiale the number ae : fre: 1g of aluminaLom L ' chu Pr a dee Street + 5 Catomic moar? of Al 2 Anes : ta 2 S44 No-of atom of AL BF Fg mott X% 6.022 wid if = 1.806 x107>— in fee pnt ce, foun ocbomn preesent fn one unit cel. es Btat no-of ocbomm ~ No- of o ontt cei\s oom =F e See eee OG ae io 7” ee — = 4.517 102 Za oe ae &he een Reel “La tnice point: : ; Yim; lotto Point signifier ae camminivent ponticlen —-oShich. mag. he akon, fonn ore molecolen : Hie Paperkratt Do youresel Ft 6. Nome he parcameteren hat chareacteterse GQ ontt ceil, 6 Distinguish hetweens 2) Hexagonab. and monociinfe oalt celts. vb) Face centrted amd end centreed ont cells- — 202% aot ap\2- 6. A compound Srems hexogonat close packed Streuctune, cohat fe the totat mumbere of voidn fo o:S mol of i 2 How of Ahenr ane etreahedrear void 1 ! SC powmnclen fim! Total numbet of tn o-5 mol - = 0:5 x%6-022x1074 : = B.044x10%% “. Tetar no. of vaidn = 3% 3-0 xI0™? = 91094 X107? Tetat number of tetreahednat voidn = 2x. o14x10%9 =¢ O22 KW ee ee Ss es g. A compoond. rs foremed oy thao elemoamtn M amd Ni The. -elemamsz NW sforenno cee oShi be okoms of NV occupy vA ed of ferrcahed reok votda oShot 5 the foremola of the co od > “belt: °° N-atoms forem cop, ' No- of N= utom in vat cern = Hence, totul no: of tetreahednat do a 2 Npuof M-atoma,=. 3% 14... SF °° Foremola of the ae = MN +S : — 7 °4 - i ° : ] 2 oS a ‘ 6 What to Lhe Aremvla of #ho compov™ ~n -wohith #ht element y forema cep amd atom of % og, — of _octahed teat Noida. oO Fee | Paperkraft eal? No of Y atkoma | ha LM mol = lattt@ce = \ cep 3c tx8 + 4x6 > 4 No. of octahedieal votda = 4 Ce of x-atomn = AX Fay = 6% Foremole of the Compaound = Xe Vy ooh 7 p's. 5° Atoms of elememt B orem. hep lativte and these of =the element A occupy 4,74 of the Lotrechedreat. Valder chat ja the firernula. of he Compound foremed by Bese mol"). @ Stivere creystattises um tee latetice , af the ed th of the eemit cor 42 4:07 x19 Som and the demarty eee TEAL stal is los gem, caleolate athe atomic mann of silver | CN,= 6-022 «407? moi") cide Some Saye tength of unit com, a= 407x005, -Densiv,, f= Jo-S.gem? tt Ae of ackoma_pem unit cen z= 4 N= 6022 x 1022 moi) Cie eos beg cer ere cea _ $- aaa xn, a S$ xayK MG, 10: ~% . = POS gem” X (4.97 xis ccm) > 692 29 it x10 Paperkrati 4 = 106° ~| , ore > gma 7 Hence atomic mano of Silven = 106:Su_ 8 Thana of chrepmium metar_ts T2 gen ® AF he emit cel fs cubic with edge lem of 289 pm, detereming the Aype af emit cell. Catomic mann of chreomiom = 52.u) Self Giver, Edge remgeh of onrl cell, a= 239 pm = 289x107! Fm = 289 x10 Pcm, 7 =I ott mic moan, M= 52 gmol oe Fe 72gce Ge Kou hat — = ge. ZXM Q?XNa wi Ze SKOPKNG M = T2genc? 99 x15!%m)°% 6-022 Kio Al = a 52gm aol 7 Paperkraft —— 2 ee , » Q oo! Grace Lhe umit cell contarnn Q atoma, tt (5 body centreed cubic Chee), 6- An eiemamt 2oltr molon maras 2-TX 107? Kamat" forema a casrbic wamtt cen otth edge Aamgith 40S pm if eh. domait, of the writ cers 27x10” Kam On thot ia the natwre of the doi omit cou mee Soe ] —— Sp Lang a= sag = 405 x10 '* m — rec, R= BTx1o? “gm” Milan mass, M = 20% 107? Ky mol al We Kmow Ahat, f= ZXM ax Na : M - BT X10? kame > os x16 Fn) x6-027 Lor? mol Paperkraft 2: Xio = eee — OS mort = 4 4 j Bence the «unet cell contatne A atoma, hemect othe noctune af the cunit ceit is Hace centreed cethifc. gorse ; 4 Copper crystauiser foto 9 fee Lotta Lorth edo. fo o.eixid8cm, Show Ahat Aho Calevtoted denaty im cgpasmnent orth tte meanund Value of 3.209 1 gens : S5yet Given, edge. tong __ Fore foc, RHA Atomic mann of of Cu, Ms 69-5 gmol Density : 7 > a°xX Na th a= %6l xo Fem. ) ZxM 4X6 35 ne Goins em) ?x (6.022 x10?!) = $96 gem 3 Hunee the cateciated demacey ¢ ee py -€ equal Xo measured yvatue, 7 6. An element totth dematty 2:% gem sbrema a tec emit cette eoith sedge th Axnd% em- Catwlate he mola mann af he -clememt. LAnos 26:98 amor] §. Tron hasa body centieed cubic untt Cell cofth a -ceil_dimemaio of 28666 pm. The deme ty. af tren is eer gem Use thie fnftiemation Ue calevlate _ Avogadres’s numbeh i : 8. Stiven foreman ecp lattyce ound. ao Studien of He creystat Show that cre edge | Hs unrt cen fs 406.6 pm Catculate the demsity of sttven. Catomec mass = 10 vu) LAnet tos g cry 3] 6- An -lememt hor oa. body cemired arbic Chec) Streuctune rwwith a cell edge af 268 pm. The deinvaity of the element 6 %2g/em? How many atom) ane precrenh tr 20S g of the Paperkraft — mehement x . ag oi? ng Edge iy ie Qa = 298pm = 23g x10!° cm ct Volume af #he cube = a? = (288x105? cm? — = 249x107? Pe? Kew, Volume ot 208 4 of eiement = mass density = 208¢ T2 gem? C ~ ° 3s The Aype 63 Lne smelt ceil is bec, hence no. of atome = 2X 1208x1029 24-16 x10 AA 8. Niobe? om CNib) crystals 6en tn body Mw semlited cubic slreucline. 1 ‘ dlemvatly 2 Boo gem? calcvlalte he atomic teadivs , 04 niobtum using ‘ts actomic ee Am: Given, . -% demarly, £ = 6-55 gem No- of atom pen vomit coll, Z=2 atomic mann, Mz 3% =q gril WkKT, = Z%™ ni APxNy %2_ ZXM a RxXN, . = 2x43gmorF oo 6:55 gem ® X 6022x102? mol? = 6.42% 10 74cm? o', A= B0% x1078 em Sect ttc oS OU AT : Fort bce unet cee, : a= Are : Is = : oo ee 4 = FOX 1-792 a” Paperkraft Thanotoree radius of the eumt coun = 4-42T A’, 20h 8. Gold Catomirc monn= 197.0, ctbomic teadius = 0-144 nm) crystatiises Du: mee face cemtited eemit cells Deteremine_ 69%? Givem, _M= OF gmor” ttadive, = 0-444 no on + Edge lemgth,, aze2mn 4 a Lartteay = 2Ox4-4i4 xX 0-144 nm a = 0: 407 nm = 407x168 om Now, demsity, ep. ZXM a>xn A 4x19 gqmol! -d R 19-4 gem Paperkraft (407 x07 em” x (6-0 0210 mst! 8. Aluminium c stauusen’ im ~ Close packed Atrenctunc. Tte metarevc. teadius fs 125pm. a Chat. in the Length of ene side of eemit cat 2% 4) How mommy aunt colin ane Rhone In 4a.a0 cm? of Al u@ Soir’ See get ee CECeetes %) Fore crbic close peaked Le) ican eT See ree eee See ieee ~ oe eee Po A= Oe te. a Ee SQ 4igx 125 pm = 35S pre dungth of the side of eemit come = 353.5 pm. ’ », -10 > Gi) Volume of Aunt cett ~(53.5x16 cm = % = 4:42, 107? ? cm Paperkraft ek p . i a 7 te No of 2unet cells in dem? = aEREAT om = 2. 2 1 2 226 110% Defects in, Tncxtyptone* Any depantuna ore deviocttt en freom pertectuy ortdened annamgemomt of cctoma ort Conn ‘nA a creystat to catted importation ore defects in creystals. foint detects? The Hee ohich antse cig “Lo soreguiantly Amn ho. emont of atomn an tons faa creystatline Substamce ane catied point defects. Print defects ane ‘brevad ly divided into =thitee cotegorien a ) Stotchfometreic defect 9 Non-ctoichtometre’c. defect 7] Trnpousuity defects. Hine defect ¢ When he dewiccglon dream tht tdeat aurtreamgeme nt terists fn he = Paperkraf “Srvturee teoco of Lattice ports, €ne mS he defect 16 called Inne detects - STRISHLOMETRL DEFECT ? af £ trmpentectin—t in. he Cresta, ant such hat reatio betweem the. anions amd cations reemom Lhe same aL ee whe molecwlan— _ Soremuloe (ce. stoichiametray of Aho sdlid_ ‘s_not_distunbed), them =the detect ie catled Storchiometreie defect a) Vacomay def defect. Gdhem. in Wine eee ee ae Aho lattice siten ano vacemt; sinem. =the stot fs 1 Said +o hove: vacame, defect . Nacamo, defect arunes ober Ee oda ootepeton of heat tho. crystat, 60 tt fs also Kmoum, an Ahgrermodynamic defect . Vacomt lotctes, Site. Paperkratt 8) Intereatitiat detect % @hem. some conatitvemt: particles (atomn ore molecwles) eccupy yacamt omtereacitvob posrtimn, ane crystal is said sto foxe intercatitvat detect . _ Interentittat defect Pacne cons AL density of he crystal. ° — pareticier to ae inlerestiblat Site, . Notes Vacamoy detect amd Prtervatvinat defects aree shown by hor- tonic. cornpounds Gy nh 9 Xchotiky defect « This defect preoduced Shem Sobon ondantm ane missing dreom, Paperkratt Chery, ecaie positions - leaning behfnad a a pao Asles i rey stat Ona “ushole teemain, @lectrovc neat. rhecaune he vecaber of vies! ng catign. and amfonn arte sthe same2_.—__— i Typen sf of compounda "exhibiting seni ae oe Oe 1 =e Pe fs Shoum, hight fonic compound oohich hawt — t) High coordination. number, ty Smo differmmee im the size Paperkraft of cations i < : Examples? Nac, CsCl, Kcl, KBre etc. conagauamcen of Sehottka defect t ) As Ahe nomben af fone decnrearen dust 2d Schott defect, maoanan atrav decneaarm tSheneor volume nimoauns Ahr. same. Hemeo demsity of =the soltd decngQ aren. @) Due Bo Lhe preesemee of holea, +ehe stability Cor lattice emeregy) of Khe Crey stat decreeanen. 3 Frenkel defect ¢ F orton is missing fom tts lotcice site C comet rg ke Vacuncy or wie) amd ocarpier an fntercabrYtvar Ste So hat -electreccak noutreatlity On a0ell a storchiomatrey ot tht compound TAR maintained , Bhar such detect (5 couled Firenkel detect. Paperkraft ° ° 6 once tha Size of cotton ?s genanoly smaller, tt is mone Aikely that _cationa occupy fnterestitrvol sites _ indereshthal sites ete eg eeeeg gr bec __ ‘This defect fs algo cailed dislocation, defeat. : : 2 bee Bee es cemesuey, Scere defects cease — ___? Freeakel dofect” Ps’ ehown. fy Ahe ~compouinda “eohich hame. —_ ~ — — i) Low coordination number : aise wy) uf fe nce in knoe sPze at cotiona and anion. Exampien: Agel, AgGre., Agl,2ns ete. Cosassuimces 0 Freenkel defect + Paperkraft ) Since no fonn arce. missing freom— the cttry Stor om @ chole thon eforees demsity of =the solid teemains vachanged W Doe 0 preenemce of holen, the stability of he cress stall decreeasen. Note? @) AgBn is a compound fr cohith. both Schottky and Freemke | detects aree foond . : G) Dur Ro Lhe presence of Both Schottky and Freenkel defect, Ahe Clectrercat conductivity of eho cry stat incheasen. — hon an electre’c tveid fs applied , a Nearby fon moves freom tts latttco. site Lp occupy a Pole, ft crecater a neo hole. In her way, a hole move, OCreoss ey crey stat , USO ae = MOUIt moven whe charege fre opposite deection ond cneneaaer electreveal Conduct) on, cm i g. @iite the diffenamcer pee Schottky and. Ficenkul dofect . NON - erpicHnp MERIC DEFECT * : frat gaald ectim cauner “the reotio of cottons ond arvons indicated by Aho fdeal chemical _foremola , he defect 6 called non- _etotchiome-trere defect - Buch defects most. commanty fond fn treamattiae metar. _ compounds, — ct Non- sbotchiometric defect asicatty oree of +” —typen — Metot excenn-defeet 2 accum in e:thon of | ae cing Sah mee dere @) Mikal excens defect by anion vacancies: A metab mon hore excann mato fon °f om anion 6 misst m tts _ lattice Site creeot’ “votd" cohicth t's ocarpi'ed by am electron, thoneby mointarning the electrercal balance. The srtes_ contoining Lhe electiton, 2ertopped_incto She anim vacancier, arte colted F-comtree are colouh cemtree. bec ) couree. Seaponstbe afore, mpomeng * Colour te =the eng —— 46 i: - —6>—@P A>—@ S Lrectreor, treapped I anten Nacomey (F-cerctrer) Examples Naci whem heated am the Okmospheng of Na- Vapour, AMLON Vacander One creeated . The qgmions’ Chotide ima) diffuse Ao xthe surface of Zhe i kraft i Sreom thet appreopraate Lattice site. tp combine orth | gemescoted Metar cotumn (Nat). The electreon lost bey Ohe metoat atom diffuse into the creystat amd get tapped ak aM Vaconcen, 4ohich results In developemamt of yellows colour mt Noci_creystot. _ Simijauy excean of Litton : maken LiCl crystal pink a b) By Ahe prreamee of extrea catven in the interestitiat sitens ON Re ne In thin Ay pe of defect, ext eo cakions occupying Mreterestrtiat sites 4orth electreonn Preenenmt Cro omotherw _sinte rentitiot site maintacn elect _ Meutreatidy fO0SeENM Metal excenn . +) A %_6- < @ ; @ > Cat vd Aa Bd (Ar) Lore Or € lect ron AO OSG nintnees tes Paperkratt Examples if zno fs heated, tt 1osen oxygen amd unns yelloos 2 ZnO == Zn?*+% 0, +20e7 The €xceon Zn?* fon hun -oremed get . a ~ o Areapped_i int) =2he vacomt— aan siten amd electreong Pn Rho natghbount intertotttiat siten+ Hemes it. feng yellocs on heacting chile. dohite at imopm— Aempe Notes Cregstaln Rott. Se ae metas excenn defect acts as semr-_ SOOM Aetprey Wo Metot deficiency defect + This defect Occunm whem meters Show vasLoble valency , The defect Usuaty Obtained due to he 4 of a cation ‘dream cts dati site amd Preenence - of the cation. of highen charege an eho Paperkraft - ee a adjacemt site, / pai Due To metot aan {3 Serre fer compound obtained ane non=S fxamples: Fed, Nio ete. — “IMPURITY DEFECTS * Metis mpunity defects fr nfanie cyst due. tp The .prtesem ce of « 1) (MN Se. Paypal Dona ab the Lathice site Cin slace af tryst (mn) or ot tho tntenstitia of cdl, fee oes one Cd2t+ fm. 2m game a hes ae ona feeom sthe oe One site fo.oc 1ed_ hy Ome -Cd?+ cohtle othon Lattice site peemaim Vacomh amd creeaten cation. Vcvcamty. g 1f Nact 1s doped earth 16” moe of Secl,, tohat 29 Whe concemctreattern— of cobion Vacamey % se ne Soi%: One Cation of Sre** creeate. one cation vacancy in Nace. Thensforee he number Wa of cation vacamcten created (C1 tn the lattice of nract ts equa ad Tm ahe numbere of divalent Stre2+ Porn GQddedo 2 “ Concemtreation ef cation vacamuy onbeing doped 2ovth 10? mol%s Srect ee ommol sas = 107? 100 “mot = lds mol” ° = 23-5 Hv No. of Sre2* Yona Pa 162 mol = 6022 x10 x10 = G022% 10% * Nom F eatt c voNombern of cation vaconcten = 6.029 416 YB Paperkratt ws hat nickel oxide {2* amd Nit 2 6. Prnalyin sho' _hon foremulo Ni og, O36 of Aha nickel exists im N Sos dot ni2? be amd Ni?7_ be 0: 99-~% n the compound : __-“Totat* change —O Sc ee ee ee - Pw) Gh.) % * Gr2)x (0-98-%) 2 =O > Ae + 2:94 —-%ee-—- S=zO — aes ey oe OBA a a 0-94 OF = 95-91°/, OE Ye 4 -of fF = (50-96) 4, = 4% Bp = OH =H O'94G __ = ance Hence h of Nit* = 224 x 400, a. CShat ype of stoichiometrece defect 1% shoum by — Y ZnS co Ag Bre gan: 1) Freen kal defect i) Both Frenkel and Schottky defects. 9. What 2ype of defect cam antse —eshom a solid is heated 2 which physical _preape tty is affected by Ct amd in what way 2 Ana: GShem a solid 6 heated, vacamcy defect 5 preoduced inthe creystal. Asa result of vacancy defect , dematy af the creystal decnranen, since sthe numbere af constituent pareticles dechranen 5 Explain. tow vacamcren ank intreaduced in an fenfe solid cohen a _cashon of higher Valemce is added aa an imp i ta tt. Ans:: (ham a cation of: high oh vialen is added 2 am fonic soitd, cmpureity, defect preeduced. amd cotiontc Vacamclen ant intrenduced ~m7 onder S moumtaim €lectreccat nevtreotity ee Oy ee : ° ° 2° 2 ae Fore. sexomple , me In oe Honde S01 ; : ° Naci, Sreci, +2 added arn ani ty “tham each Sn?* ion reeplacen i Nat Mona 2s mointoun electrevcar nowtrealiG,- One of the site(s OCcLbieg by Sre2* mand other site Damen, vacant. . ae pS Tonic soltde _eohich howe amtonic. Vacancies due tp motat excean defect develop colour. Explain cole the i help of a surbableexcmpie . DA—zZno “Avrena yellous-on_heati ny ody iz EB whith Stoichiometreic defect doesnob (change the demauay of =the croy stat 2 8. why is Freemkel defects not =found in pune alkaiu metas haudenr 2 Ans 2 Freenke| defect “a not

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