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What do you usually use the Internet for?

Internet is a global system of inter connected networks that help the sharing and
manipulation of various kinds of data by following a set of protocols. Internet
service providers help you get a connection to this wide network. Though internet
has proven beneficial to us, it has its negative points. Let’s explore them in detail.
I. Threats on the internet
1. Online gaming
Games are one of the top forms of online entertainment. Adults and children alike
are sometimes addicted to these games which can be extremely harmful for them,
both personally and professionally. This maybe wastes a lot of their time, even
2. Inappropriate Content
This is available freely on the net which can corrupt the minds of young, growing
children. Violent and overly inappropriate visuals can cause long lasting damage.
3. Cyberbullying
Is also an instance of disadvantage of the net
4. Online Predators
Teenagers are blissfully ignorant of the dangers presented by online predators. If
we are honest, we all know that as teenagers, we believed that we were invincible,
and that prompted us to make reckless choices. That is why parents have a
responsibility to protect their kids.

5. Sexting

One of the growing concerns which many parents have regarding their teen and the
internet is the increasing popularity of sexting, which is the act of sending and
receiving sexually explicit texts and pictures to one another.

II. How to prevent for young people?

- Using the Internet wisely

- They need to keep building skills and knowledge to identify and manage internet
safety risks independently.

- They have to be educated about appropriate online behavior, including what it is

ok to talk about with strangers on the internet.

-. As parents, talking to them about sexual values and morals is essential.

- Encourage offline activity – playing with their friends, family activities, hobbies.

III Conclusion

- Too much of anything is harmful to a person’s mental and physical health. The
Internet itself is not detrimental to the society. If people used it negeatively, then
maybe the Internet tempted them to do so; but, if people used it positively, then
maybe theInternet help them even more.

“If television’s a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who won’t shut
up.” (Dorothy Gambrell)

Một ngày bạn sử dụng internet bao nhiêu tiếng và nó có ảnh hưởng gì kh?-

I often spend 4 hours using the Internet to listening to music, watch film, play
games. And if I study online, I will spend 8-10 hours on the Internet a day. I think I
spend too much time on the internet instead of outdoor activities. That affects my
health a lot, especially my eyes.

bạn sẽ làm gì nếu internet ngưng hoạt động 1 ngày

I'm not an Internet addict, so if that's the case, it doesn't matter. I will read books,
cook a meal, chat with relatives and so on. If the Internet is stoped one day, it's
fine, but if it's so many days, I think it’s not okay. Because the Internet is very
important to our life. we need it to do many things.

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