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Any scholar having legal knowledge will place his idea and critique on Cauvery Water Dispute.

was finalized for water sharing for people with Basin of Cauvery River by Cauvery Water Dispute
Tribunal (CWDT). Award was not in satisfactory manner as the Tamil Nadu people did not receive the
said quantity of water.

This issue was addressed in political perspective, later involvement of various scholars and
environmental activist probed environmental issue. Later after the award, Karnataka government
bought 10 TMCF of water which was allocated to Tamil Nadu. The government said that 10 TMCF of
Water will be used for drinking purpose in Bangalore. Karnataka from the recent survey receive almost
70% of water from rainfall, but they made false reason for borrowing 10TMCF from Tamil Nadu. Even,
Kerala which is known to be “God’s Own Country” questioned the extra 4.75 TMCF allocation of Cauvery
Water to Bangalore for drinking purpose. Why Bangalore got its allocation even if the city is outside the

Cauvery Water Dispute Committee which is heading a team to resolve the dispute, upon my perspective
has not vision the problem in environmental perspective. Since Union government is dominant, solution
for the dispute is not derived till now.

One of the recent dispute is the Mekedatu Dam which is planned to be constructed in Ramnagar in
Karnataka. There is the possibility were Karnataka government increases its hold on Cauvery River.
Construction of dam and Operational period of dam affects the live hood of people. Pre construction
and during construction of dam involves deforestation in large scale and force migrating people within
the venue of construction. This starting stage of construction cause affects environment and life of
people. Once the Dam operates Karnataka government gains more stand on releasing Cauvery water for
farmers and people of Tamil Nadu. This affects cultivation and reduces the quantity of Cauvery drinking
water for Tamil Nadu.

This reduced water sharing and unstable monsoon rains will affect the agriculture and ground water
level. Even though, previously mentioned effect will be a long term effect, water scarcity problem can be
addressed before itself. The Bangalore City Corporation must follow water management process in
order to make use of both Cauvery water and Bangalore city ground water in effective manner. If they
would have followed water management, 10 TMCF Cauvery water can be used by Tamil Nadu. Proper
authority and binding verdict of judiciary must be the primary guideline to solve Cauvery dispute. No
other government, business personnel etc are allowed to involve in any decision.


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