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0 Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Agusan del Norte
Jabonga District II
Jabonga, Agusan del Norte
S.Y. 2020 – 2021

2nd Quarter- 1st Summative Exam in Earth and Life Science

Name: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________

Section: _________________________
DIRECTION: Write the letter of your answer BEFORE the number.
1. Which of the following describes a theory?
A. An observation on something in the natural world
B. A belief shared with many scientists agreeing on the topic
C. A testable hypothesis or prediction that is potentially falsifiable
D. An experimental procedure of many observations, facts and results
2. The theory explains how all living organisms are related and how existing species adapt to their environments and new
species arise – the central unifying theme of biology – is called what?
A. Natural Selection C. Descent with modification
B. The Circle of Life D. Evolution
3. Which of the following is not an observable fact of nature on which natural selection is based?
A. Sustenance C. Inheritance
B. Variation D. Differentia Survival and Reproduction
4. What theory stated that everything on Earth was created by s Supreme Being?
A. Big Bang Theory C. Theory of Special Creation
B. Cosmozoic Theory D. Theory on Spontaneous Generation
5. Who among the following scientists was able to prove that air contains microorganisms through his experiment?
A. Aristotle C. Lazzaro Spallanzani
B. Francisco Redi D. Louis Pasteur
6. Which of the following is NOT a theme that unifies biology?
A. Evolution C. Emergent properties
B. Reductionism D. Interaction with the environment
7. Which theory assumed living organisms can arise from non-living matter?
A. Abiogenesis Theory C. Oparin-Haldane’s Hypothesis
B. Biogenesis Theory D. Urey-Miller Hypothesis
8. A localized group of organisms that belong to the same species is called _____________________.
A. Biosystem C. Population
B. Community D. Ecosystem
9. Which theory stated that meteorites containing highly resistant spores struck the barren earth releasing the spores which
developed into different creatures?
A. Abiogenesis Theory C. Cosmozoic Theory
B. Big Bang Theory D. Theory of Spontaneous Genaration
10. Darwin presented verifiable evidence that supported the view that life can arise by spontaneous generation.
A. True B. False
11. The branch of biology that deals with the study of living organisms and their relationship with each other and their
A. Ecology C. Earth and Life Science
B. Meteorology D. Environmental Science
12. The basic unit of life.
A. Cells B. Bacteria C. Tissues D. DNA
13. The ability of an organism to regulate their internal conditions
A. adaptation C. homeostasis
B. camouflage D. evolution
14. The most known theory about the origin of the Universe?
A. Expansion Theory C. Big Bang Theory
B. Steady State Theory D. Universal Theory
15. How old is the Universe?
A.13.6 BY C. 14.6 BY
B.13.7 BY D. 14.7 BY
16. What is the range age for it to be called a fossil?
A. 10, 000 – 3.15 million years C. 10, 000 – 3.48 million years
B. 10, 000 – 3. 37 million years D. 10, 000 – 3. 50 million years
17. What is the other term for Cosmozoic Theory?
A. Abiogenesis C. Meteorological Theory
B. Panspermia Theory D. Uller-Miller Hypothesis
18. Who proposed the Theory of Special Creation?
A. Louis Pasteur C. Father Sudrez
B. Francisco Redi D. Von Helmont
19. This was proposed by Greek philosophers, and supported by Aristotle, Descartes, Galileo, and Helmont.
A. Abiogenesis Theory C. Cosmozoic Theory
B. Big Bang Theory D. Theory of Spontaneous Genaration
20. According to Von Helmont he had prepared a “soup” from which he could spontaneously generate rats. This “soup” is consisted of
A. He placed pieces of boiled meat in three dimensional jars
B. Some insects developed from morning dew and rotting manure
C. Dirty shirt soaked in water with a handful of wheat grains for 21 days
D. Made with a series of flasks with long, twisted necks in which he boiled broth to sterilize it

TEST II: Enumeration: Write your answers on the space provided.

1. What are the Unifying Themes of Life?

2. What are different Theories of How Life Came to Be with their proponents (if there is)? (2 points each)

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