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: pпEýEl|T G{lнiltlr{}lrý
1 Complete the conversation with the
present simple оr present continuous
form ofthe verb in brackets.
Рrеssпt 8oпtaпцOшs
Sara: What (0) оrеуов dоjлg (do)?
We use the present simple to talk about things that аrе always Martina: l (1) (paint) а picture of
true or that hарреп regularly. We often use it with words like the trees.
often,usuolly,every doy,twice о week, etc. Sara: But you (2) (not tike) Агt!
l usually work hard. Martina: Yes, l know, but mу friends
Sfie |еЕrпs Engllsh gt school (З) (play) footbal[ at the
9oes fie y,lork hеrе? Nо, fie dоеsл't moment and l (а) (hate)
8о they оftеп gо t0 rhе сiпеmа? Yes, fЁеу do. that.
Sara: What sports (5} you
ýpellimg; third реrsшя -* (enjoy) doing?
Martina: l (6) (go) swimming twice
а week. What about you?
Most verbs, add -s lеоупs, works, lives, wolks
Sara: Му best friend (7} (ptay)
verbs that end iп -о, -s, -sh,
-ch, -х апd -zz add -ed
goes, mbseg wotches,
hockey, but l (8) (prefer)
boxes, buzzes
verbs that end in consonant sfudies, соrriеs Martina: t (9) (not do) anything
+ -у, remove the -у and add поw. Let's go for а wa[k.
-ies Sara: Good idea!
irrеgч[аr verbs hoye + has
2 Write complete sentences in the present
simple or present continuous.
рrеsепi ýOntinusýý l / play tennis / at the mоmепt.
|'rп рlау!.1лg tеллjs *t ffie mýmелfj
We use the present continuous to tatk about things that аrе
happening поw оr at the moment. We often use it with words
Му dad l usually go to work Ьу саr.

like лоw, at the mоmепt,tоdоу, fhb wееk, etc.

l'rп tеосftiпЕ mу brather to swlrn *f fftB mоmепt"
WЁ 7 ib.," rlБЙ io prry tЁ" guitar / ioauy.
Тhеу'rе рlауiпg fЕллis лоtу,
You аrеп't prac*isjяg tlзе рiапо rпuсft #]js и/ее&"
l/ always *riiЁ Tv Z ,rtБi. Jln'n".
Яrе wе gеffiпg {itter? Iеs, шrе оrе.
Йу iribnas Z not swim in the sea / ;;;.'
ýpelling; -iяgfоrrп
Йу cbu'sin i not have breakfast /
every day.
Most verbs add -ing playing, goi пg, leo rпiпg
verbs ending iп -е, rеmоче live + living,
-е and add -iпg mоkе + mоkiпg
verbs ending in -ie, сhапgе lie э lying
the -ie to -у and add -iл9
one-sy[[ab[e verbs ending
sit + sittlлg,
in а vowe[ + а consonanl swim +swimmiпg
(except w, х оr у), double
the consonant and add -ing
two-sy[[ab[e verbs ending Ьеgiп * Ьеgiппiпg
in а stressed vowel + а (but ореп + орепiпg)
consonant, doub[e the
consonant and add -и9
ln British English, we troyel+ trovelling
double the final / in travel (American English:
trovel + trоvеliпg)

Gпдil]rдR пЕFЕRЕllсЕ д1{1l рпАGтlGЕ 147

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