Ok. We Can Go Another Time

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‫تجميع منال والحساني‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬

1- A--Sorry I can’t join you to go swimming

B-To go swimming ?
- Ok. We can go another time - What about swimming

2- A--Thank you. You helped me

It’s my pleasure Thank you

3- Ahmed does not know ...............
where the key was
where was the key

‫السؤال الضمني = سؤال داخل سؤال أو جملة‬

‫نرجع ترتيب السؤال لترتيب جملة خبرية‬
‫الصورة للتوضيح فقط‬

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‫تجميع منال والحساني‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬
4- Reading was enjoyable,……..the boys like football.
but and so ‫لكن‬
5- He was late for the class,_____________ he was able to finish the test on time .
6- The CEO left last month. They still haven't found a ……………….
replace ) a ( ‫ال بد من اختيار االسم بعد‬
7- Do u have other colors from ........... T- shirt over there.
these ) that = ‫اسم إشارة للمفرد البعيد ( ذلك‬
8- Ahmed, Sami and Ali are friends. They seem ............ together everywhere.
to go
going ( infinitive ) to ‫ يأتي الفعل الذي بعده مسبوقا ب‬seem ‫بعد الفعل‬
to going
9- The milk must..................cold and maintained in refrigerator.
be kept
keep ‫مبني للمجهول‬
to keep

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10-Choose the correct capitalization: ‫الحرف الكبير‬

The girl and Mother

The Girl and mother
The girl and mother
The Girl and Mother
11- I need some milk and ____ bananas.
a little any few ‫للقليل المعدود‬
12- My friend got a good job after he ............. from university last year
‫الزمن ماضي تام‬
had graduated graduating graduate graduates
13- My friend got a good job after ............. from university last year
( ing ) ‫بعد حرف الجر اذا أتى فعل مباشرة يضاف له‬
had graduated graduating graduate graduates
14- Alex .......... on his face by his little brother last night .
was kicked
had kicked ‫مبني للمجهول في الزمن الماضي البسيط‬
kicked ‫باقي الخيارات خطأ‬
was kicking
15- Ahmed and Ali .............. are tall ‫كالهما‬
both and so
16-Egypt and Qatar ……... speak Arabic language.
each both in two ‫كالهما‬

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‫تجميع منال والحساني‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬
17- The boy , ........ bicycle is broken , I fix it.
who ‫ضمير وصل للملكية‬
18- I.......... visit my grandmother next Friday
will has have it (‫ سوف‬will) ‫مستقبل باستخدام‬
19- I.......... visiting my grandmother next Friday
it am will ‫استخدام المضارع المستمر لإلشارة للمستقبل‬
20- …………France played well, Germany could win the match.
Even though Although In spite of Despite
‫ ألمانيا استطاعت الفوز‬, ‫على الرغم أن فرنسا لعبت جيدا‬
21 - France played well , …………….. Germany won the match .
So and but because
‫ ولكن ألمانيا فازت‬, ‫فرنسا لعبت جيدا‬
22- The second half has already begun, so the game ……. in 45 minutes .
finished ‫ دقيقة‬45 ‫المباراة ستنتهي خالل‬ ‫مستقبل‬
will finish
has been finished
23- So summarize. You need to be……………………
more proactive
more proactively
most proactive
most proactively

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‫تجميع منال والحساني‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬
24 - I wonder ...... enjoy her new job.
if she's going to
is she going to (Is she going to enjoy her new job ? ) ‫في األساس هي سؤال‬
what she's going to if ‫ نضع‬Yes-No Question ‫و ألن السؤال‬
‫مع تبديل الفاعل بالفعل المساعد يعني نرجع السؤال لترتيب جملة خبرية‬
25- Maybe she ……… relocate to another city next month
hadn't have to ‫ يأتي الفعل في المصدر‬will ‫مستقبل بعد‬
didn't have to
won't have to = (will not have to )
26- It really ………. when your boss listens to you.
is making different
made differently ‫مضارع بسيط‬
makes a difference

27- I regret.....my job last month

to quit
‫ كذا نندم ع شيء سوف يحصل في المستقبل‬regret + infinitive ‫لو قلنا‬
)‫ ( يؤسفني أن اخبرك أنها ستمطر غدا‬- I regret to tell you that it will rain tomorrow
‫ كذا نندم ع شيء صار وانتهى في الماضي‬regret + gerund ‫لكن لو اخترنا‬
)‫ (يؤسفني إخبارها الحقيقة‬- I regret telling her the truth
‫ يؤسفني استقالتي من عملي الشهر الماضي‬: ‫مثل جملتنا هذه‬
‫فهو نادم على استقالته الشهر الماضي‬

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‫تجميع منال والحساني‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬
28- If I ....... your attention. Please, let's get started.
can be
could have
have to
29- The student ........study the vocabulary
ought to has to must to then

‫االنتباه على الخيارات و السؤال‬

-The student ........ to study the vocabulary
should has must then

30- Choose the correct word order:

In 1990, Saudi government introduce d the first paper money called ****’s
‫اسم العملة‬
31- Hi Sam, I ........ that you are looking for house, any luck?
Sam: I haven't yet ‫من األفعال التي ال تأتي في الزمن المستمر‬
have been hearing
32- There are many languages in Makkah ..........,you can hear English, French and
For example
‫على سبيل المثال‬

33- On the street we can hear French ................... English and Arabic

in addition to ‫باإلضافة‬


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‫تجميع منال والحساني‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬
34 - My friend is sick so I will go to the party ………..

with myself
to myself
for myself
by myself
35- The doctor introduced ................ to us.
yourself reflexive pronoun ‫ضمير انعكاسي‬
themselves ‫الطبيب قدم نفسه لنا‬
36- The bookshop...........it is next supermarket
that ‫ضمير وصل بمعنى الذي لإلشارة للمكان‬

37- Ahmad does not remember…………………
where are the files ‫السؤال الضمني = سؤال داخل سؤال أو جملة‬
where the files are ‫نرجع ترتيب السؤال لترتيب جملة خبرية‬

38- Muna and I …………… up at my house tomorrow.

are meeting will be meet meeting

‫استخدام الزمن المضارع المستمر لإلشارة للمستقبل‬
39- I was in London last year and I ……… the snow for the first time .
a- see
b- saw ‫الفعل في الزمن الماضي البسيط‬
c- seen ‫التصريف الثاني‬
d- have seen ‫الفعل شاذ‬

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‫تجميع منال والحساني‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬
40- …………we were not allowed to take this was annoying
Because ‫ كلها تعتبر فاعل‬that ‫جملة‬
Since ‫ الفعل في الجملة‬was
That that clause ‫قاعدة‬
41- Can you tell me……………………………….?
A- where is the bus stop ‫السؤال الضمني = سؤال داخل سؤال أو جملة‬
B- where the bus stop is ‫نرجع ترتيب السؤال لترتيب جملة خبرية‬
C- where stops the bus
D-where the bus is stop
42- The man………….. I met last night was happy. whom ‫الرجل في محل مفعول فاخترنا‬
whom who which I met the man ‫أصل الجملة‬
43- All the students are studying hard, but one of them is ………………..
the hardest

44- I want to buy a house ....... get married.
and for ‫أريد شراء منزل لكي أتزوج‬
for to
in order to
Ahmed and Ali ................are tall

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‫تجميع منال والحساني‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬
46- Hind's language is good ………her brother's language is bad.
but so
47- Sara’s English accent is very good , ...... her brother’s accent is terrible.

so and but
‫ لربط المتناقضات‬but
48- Our boss ........ important employees every Tuesday.

1. is meeting
2. meets
3. meet
4. met
‫ مفرد شخص واحد‬our boss ‫مديرنا‬
49- He decided ………………….. at home tonight .
stay to stay staying to staying
to + ‫الفعل مجرد‬ ‫ يعني‬infinitive ‫ يأتي الفعل الذي بعده‬decide ‫بعد الفعل‬
50- The weather …………………. warm these days.
is getting get gets these days ‫مضارع مستمر لوجود‬
51- The weather ……………………. warm .
gets getting get ‫مضارع بسيط ألنه يتكلم عن حقيقة‬
52- He walked ……………. down the street .
calm calmly calmed ‫حال يصف الفعل‬
53- Mark walks …………….. on the road .
quiet quietly most quiet ‫حال يصف الفعل‬

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‫تجميع منال والحساني‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬
54- Ali's boys ‫ملكية للمفرد‬
55- If I ………. a bird , I would fly away. verb to be ‫ إذا كان الفعل‬if ‫الحالة الثانية من حاالت‬
was were can If ‫ مهما كان الفاعل في قاعدة‬were ‫ما نأخذ إال‬
56- Excuse me , could you ………………me the direction ? . could ‫الفعل يكون مجرد بعد‬
to show showing show showed modals ‫أو أي‬
57- Physics is the………………… of ????????????????? ‫الفيزياء هي دراسة ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟‬
studied study studying studies
58- Watani is one of the largest ………………..
department stores
59- I am interested …………. playing football
by in for
60- …………….. 5 o'clock
on at of
61- She walked ………………….. she broke her ankle ‫كأنما كسرت كاحلها‬
as as if because of
62- My friend asked me if I ………………. to finish homework tomorrow
would think will thought
63- Ahmed will fail the subjects ………….. he studies hard ‫ما لم‬
until unless to

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64- If you want to be a doctor , you …………… go to college of medicine ‫للنصيحة‬
should might ought can
65- Ahmed is bleeding heavily. We …………. take him to the hospital ‫إلزام‬
should may must
66- Muslims pray five times ……….. day

per ‫كل يوم أو في اليوم‬


67- They are …………… ‫ذئاب جمع ذئب‬

Wolf wolves wolfs
68- If I had ………….. enough money , I would have donated it to the poor

Have had has 3 ‫الحالة الثالثة‬


69- If I had studied hard , I would not have failed the test 3 ‫الحالة الثالثة‬

70- If we don’t get up early , we will miss the flight 1 ‫الحالة األولى‬
71- ………….. he was sick , he attended the lesson ‫بالرغم من‬
Although because when
72- He came late …………. he did the test ‫لكن‬
or but and
73- I was ………….. a shower when the phone rang ‫ماضي مستمر و الجزء االخر ماضي بسيط‬
taking taked taken took
74- They …………….. yesterday ‫ماضي بسيط‬
arrive arrived are arrived were arrived

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75- He is ……………. shop keeper a ‫للداللة على النكرة المفرد‬
------- a an
76- Did you enjoy yourselves ? ‫ نحن‬we ‫ أنفسكم جمع فالجواب يكون جمع‬Yourselves
Yes, we did Yes, I did Yes, I am
77- Taibah university …………….. in 2005 ‫ماضي مبني للمجهول‬
was opened opened
78- He was born ………..1998 ‫ مع السنوات و العقود و القرون و الشهور‬In
-------- in
79- My father does not speak Spanish . Neither ……………….
does my mother does speak my mother
80- ……………………until it boils

First, we heat water

81- Please don't touch ……………that on table .
a cake
the cake ‫الن الموجود على الطاولة محدد بالكيك الذي على الطاولة وليس غيره‬
all cake
82- Barcelona is the ......... team in the world.

greatest greater more great most great ‫صيغة األفضلية‬

83- Did you see my brother ?
Yes , I saw .... before a minute ago.

him his her them

‫مفرد غائب تعبر عنه بالضمير في موقع مفعول بعد الفعل‬

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84- While I ...................to the job , I saw an accident .

am driving drove was driving


85- I .................. my door yesterday.

break broken breaking broke

‫الماضي البسيط مع وجود الكلمة الدالة على زمن الفعل الماضي‬

86- Mona regularly …………….. her class .
‫قاعدة المضارع البسيط لوجود كلمة دالة على المضارع البسيط‬
is attending
has attend
had attend
87- Ali is tired. He …………….. for five hours.

is driving
have been driving
has been driving

‫قاعدة المضارع التام المستمر تدل على ان الحدث بدا بالماضي ومستمر حتى اللحظة وال ندري متى ينتهي‬
‫ في الزمن المضارع التام المستمر‬for ‫و نستطيع استخدام‬
88 - When ………………. back from school tomorrow?

are you coming did you come is you coming

tomorrow ‫المضارع المستمر لإلشارة للمستقبل القريب والكلمة الدالة‬

89 - When ………………. back from school tomorrow?

will you come did you come are you come

will ‫سوف‬ ‫مستقبل‬

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90- The grandmother ………… the last weeks

spent spend had spent has spent

‫ كلمة دالة على الماضي البسيط والفعل شاذ‬Last

91- If I have extra food, I always ……………… it to the poor .

gave is giving give would give

) ‫ مضارع بسيط‬+ ‫( مضارع بسيط‬ ‫ ) الشرطية الحالة الصفرية‬if ( ‫قاعدة‬


92- If I had extra food, I ……………… it to the poor .

gave is giving give would give

) ‫ الفعل مجرد‬+ would ( + ‫ماضي بسيط‬ ‫ ) الشرطية الحالة الثانية‬if ( ‫قاعدة‬


93- My children were born ……….. 2 March 2018 .

in at on for
on ) ‫ من شهر مارس ( التاريخ الكامل‬2 ‫ إشارة الى اليوم‬on

94- Writers writes ……... letters every week ‫ اسم معدود‬letters ‫الن األحرف‬
a lot much a few little

95 - This book .......................... by university students before they graduated.
has written
had wrote
had written
had been written
‫ماضي تام مبني للمجهول‬


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96- Salah is at the library right now .

‫ذي الجملة متكررة أكثر من مرة بس ترتيب الكلمات ملخبط وأشوف ذي االصح‬

97- The pen is on the floor . …………… is that? ‫لمن هذا القلم ؟‬-

Whose Who Which What


98- I need some milk and …………. bananas.

a little a few much

99- Human cells are ……………… small.
too so very

100- Cells are ……… small to be seen by naked eyes .
too so very

A – I cooked my own dinner last night.

101 - ( Have you cooked before )
‫إذا كانت هذه الجملة خطأ اختر الجملة الصحيحة‬
Have you ever cooked ?
Were you cooked ?
Are you cooked ?
Have you been cooked ?
102 - I .......... my friend since I was 10 years old. present perfect

know known have known knowing


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103 - ……………….. he was tired, he came to the meeting . ‫كلها صح تأتي واحدة منها‬

Even though Although Despite In spite of

104 - I wish it ............ true ‫ الحالة الثانية‬if ‫ مثل قاعدة‬was ‫ ما نختار‬wish ‫في قاعدة‬
is were was are

105 - Sarah’s bag is lost, I think that one is ………. . ‫ضمير ملكية ما يحتاج اسم بعده‬
her she hers his

106 - His breathing problems ......... by smoking . ‫ماضي بسيط مبني للمجهول‬

was caused were caused had caused causing

107 - Nouf is( V-ing ) , so she.................. to find a tutor . ‫مضارع مستمر‬
tries to try is trying trying
108 - I found this pencil in the floor . ………….. is it ?

Who Whom Whose Which ‫ لمن‬: ‫سؤال‬

109 - Mr. hill ………. rich to drive that kind of car.
must be

110 - The weather is going to be hot ...... September. in ‫مع الشهور‬

on at in by

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111- Does the thief ..... away every time they catch him? ‫سؤال في الزمن المضارع البسيط‬

ran run runs running

112 - I learned from my grandmother .............. one should help others.

that who which whom

‫تعلمت من جدتي بأن الواحد منا يجب أن يساعد االخرين‬


113- Boys like playing football, ..... they would often organize football match .

so because but
‫ ولذلك‬So


114 - I bought a house ………………….. get married. ‫اشتريت منزال لكي أتزوج‬

for to in order to so to in order

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‫وفق هللا من كتبها وجمعها‬
115-I’m working ………… to pass my exam.

hardly much hard good ‫حال شاذ‬


116- You were again today . Could you please try to arrive ………… ?

earlier more earlier most earliest


117- The milk must …….. cold and maintained in refrigerate.

be kept kept to keep keeping ‫مبني للمجهول‬


118- I really enjoyed the party, but …… l felt really tired.

afterward following prior to


119- I graduated with master ……..,I was hired by flamexo.

following prior subsequently


120- I have extensive experience in ……….. big project.

mange managed managing ing ‫بعد حرف الجر إذا جاء فعل نأخذ دائم‬

121- My……..? oh, I am going to Madrid.

departure destination direct ‫وجهتي‬


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122-Last winter when I was in London ,I …….. snow for the first time in
my life .

saw see seen


123- She thought of ……….. away

running ran run ing ‫الن بجملة جاء حرف جر نختار الفعل الي يوجد فيه‬

124- I was walking when I saw ……… cats

few some little much


125-Khalid always gets up …….. 6 o’clock in the morning

on at for

126-Ali would have taken a taxi , if he…….. enough time.

have had was having had had had ‫الحالة الثالثة‬


127-The car ………..tomorrow. ‫مبني للمجهول في المستقبل‬

will repaired going to repair will be repaired have repaired


128-The match………. by everyone. ‫مبني للمجهول في المضارع المستمر‬

is watching will watch is going to watch is being watched


129-Razan………rejected her excuse.

Complete completely more complete the most complete

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130-The exam was …….. no one got full mark.

very hard so hard that too hard much hard


131-Ahmad said he…..he’d go to the supermarket to buy some milk

(he’d= he would )

thought is thinking has thought thinks


132-He………..study English until he went to United Kingdom.

did not does not have are not


133-Laillah………very ill, that is why she looks thin.

has been is being


134- Do you think we shall……..John by tomorrow? ‫الزمن المستقبل التام‬

see have seen


135-Aliaa’s interview went well it …….. a lot more difficult.

could be could have been


136-Do you think it will rain? I…………!

hope don’t hope so I hope so


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137-The company……. significantly.

has evolved has been evolved ‫مبني للمجهول في الزمن المضارع التام‬

138- His breathing problems…….. smoking.

causes were caused are caused was ‫مبني للمجهول في الماضي البسيط‬

139-The boy……..broke bicycle

who that which whom ‫ضمير وصل للولد في محل الفاعل‬


140-as soon as possible Ahmed arrived at the airport, he………

telephones telephone telephoned


141-He can……….

driving drive riding ride


142-The doctor introduced………………………to us

himself yourself

143-I bought a house……….get married

for to so to in order to to

144-I……………….. my friend since I was 10 years old .

know known have known knowing

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145-………he was tired , he came to the meeting

Even though Despite In spite of


146-I wish it ………………true

were is was

147-Sarah’s bag is lost, I think that one is ……………….

her hers she


148-You seem to be having trouble there . …………… I help you ?

will May must could


149-Sami worked…………. ‫وإذا جاء بصيغة مقارنة بين شخصين نختار‬

carefully carful most carful more more carefully than


150-My father……..to the radio all day yesterday

listen listened was listened has listens


151- I have been studying ……… I can learn English

too hard as as hard as too hard so


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152-The three boys seem ……………. everywhere together.

go to go to going are going


153-……..’’ ‘’ these clothes

This These Those

c ‫ أو‬b ‫ذي الجملة ناقصة ال نستطيع تحديد العبارة الصحيحة لكن الصح إما‬

154-The holy mosque…....for hundreds years. ‫مبني للمجهول في الزمن المضارع التام‬

has been visiting has been visited


155- Tom…….. three days ago.

was lost has lost lost


156-The water …….…. yesterday.

froze frozed freeze

‫فعل شاذ في الزمن الماضي البسيط‬

‫التصريف الثاني‬


157-Ali……….be a rich man to buy an expensive car

must could

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158-after keep …ing+‫…الفعل‬ ‫ مثال‬He keeps looking at me

159-My friend was sick so I will go to the party……

with myself by myself to myself for myself


160-I………………party at night.

arrive arrived arrives arrived at


161-‫جت فقرة ان واحد توظف اوفسر‬

officer an officer

162-He was late for the class, …….. he could finish with the test on time.

but because so as

163- Ted wanted to have tailor suit made,……. It came out all wrong.

so but

164- I was in London last year and I……the snow for the first time in my life.

see saw seen have seen


165- ……………. the weekend

in on at

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166-Ali has …..……. friends.

lots of great mount much little


168-Fathers don’t have………..time for children

much a lot many fretty


169-last year, Miriam………her book novel.

published has published


170-I don’t know ……. I did it.

can how which what


171-This month I …….. hard for a big exam.

works am working to work worked


172-The university……………….in 2005.

established was established ‫مبني للمجهول في الزمن الماضي البسيط‬


173-It would be helpful if more ………….. stopped forward.

witness witnesses

174-She thought of……………. away.

run ran running ‫ألن الفعل أتى بعد حرف الجر‬

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175-Saud decided ……. at home.

to stay staying stay stayed


176- ‫ نختار‬2005 ‫ذكر جامعة في انطاكيا تأسست في عام‬

: ‫ممكن تكون الجملة إما‬

The university has been established since 2005 ‫مضارع تام مبني للمجهول‬

The university was established in 2005 ‫ماضي بسيط مبني للمجهول‬


177-Old people need ……. checkup routinely.

to get getting get


178-Jeddah is ……….. in west side of Saudi Arabia.

location locating locates located


179-we …………. dinner at Japanese restaurant last night.

have eaten did eat ate


180-Paul works……..

careful carefully careless

181-I think I left ………… in my classroom. I will go back and check.

nothing anything something everything


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182-after Ahmad graduates next year, he ………. his family and get

helps helped will help has helped


183- Helmi had some extra exercise books so he gave ……… book to
Sammy to use.

a an the

184- I always travel ………… train.

on by

185-My father doesn’t speak English ………

so does my mother neither does my mother

neither doesn't my mother so doesn’t my mother


186-France played very good game, ……….. Germany was able to win

but because

187-Ali was thirsty after exercising ,so he ……………. a glass of water.

drink is drinking drank was drinking


188-when……..back from school tomorrow?

did you come are you coming


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189-Ali is tired. He………….for five hours.

is driving have been driving has been driving


190-Mona regularly…………class.

is attending has attended had attend attends


191-If I have extra food, I always …….it to the poor people.

gave give is giving ‫الحالة الصفرية‬


192-My children were born ……….. 2March.2018

in on at for ‫تاريخ نختار‬


193-A writer writes…………letters every week.

a few much a lot little


194-The pen on the floor,…………….is that?

Whose What Who Where


195- I wish if it ………… true.

is were was are


196-I ………..my leg in front of the door last week.

broke have broken ‫ماضي بسيط و الفعل شاذ‬


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197-I would tell him the truth if he …….. me .

asked had asked ‫الحالة الثانية‬


198-If I………..that your friends will come over, I would have cooked more food.

had known knew ‫الحالة الثالثة‬


199- There are many languages in Makkah. .........., you can hear English,
French and Indian

For example in addition however


200- ‫سؤال عن الملكية الي هو‬

Fathers father’s fathers’ ( father’s book ‫)كتاب األب‬ ( fathers’ book ‫) كتاب االباء‬


201-The children have too …….. homework.

many much few ‫ غير معدود‬homework


202-There was …….. traffic

much some many traffic ‫غير معدود‬


203-Mr. Hill …… rich to drive the kind of car.

must be must should may


204-If it ……. gin ,I’ll have ???????????????

doesn’t didn't ‫ناقص‬

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205- He should ……. vegetables. should‫فعل مجرد بعد‬

eaten ate eat eating


206-When she ……. dinner, her husband came home.

is making has made makes was making


207-A: I’d like cups coffee. B: I ……………. like coffee.

would must will have


208-He walked……down the street.

calm calmly calmed ‫حال يصف الفعل‬


209-Alex ……. on his face by his little brother

was kicked had kicked kicked kicking


210-My mom asked me……the dishes.

dry to dry

211-The reading was enjoyable …….. the boys like football.

but and so then


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212-at police station, the officer …….. is dealing the case.

who which whom whose


213-How ……. ? Teacher has asked about Apollius.

a little few far long


214-we…………………six cups of coffee today.

were drinking have drunk have been drinking had drank


215-Ali will fail the subjects …….. he studies hard.

unless thought until


216-I’ve got ……. many problems.

really too enough a


217- ……….. we were not allowed to take this was annoying.

After Because Since That


218- ……….. you meet us at the airport tonight?

Have May Ought Couldn’t


219- …… Ibrahim still go to Quran class on Thursday evening, I haven’t

seen him last two weeks?

Has Does Had Did ‫سؤال في الزمن المضارع البسيط‬

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220-Egypt and Qatar …….. speak Arabic language.

each both in two


221-My boss …… his friend every Tuesday

meets meeting is meeting has met


222- Hi Sam, I……that you are looking for house, any luck? Sam: not yet

has heard hearing have been hearing hear


223-My teacher used to come to class with him a ………… pens.

much few many some


224-……they go to Emma’s party yesterday?

Do Does Did

225-you want ……… more coffee

many some few a few


226-I …………… visiting my parents next week?

am is are were

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227-Human cells are ………… small.

many much very so


228-Does the thief ………... away every time they catch him?

runs run running ran


229-London is……..Paris

as hot as hot as

230-The bookshop ………….. it is in front of the supermarket

who what where which


231-Nouf is (v-ing), so she ………… to find a tutor.

to try is trying trying ‫ناقص الفعل االول‬


232-Children will sleep as soon as guests ………… left.

has have had


233-Children went to sleep as soon as guests ……….. left.

has have had


234-The second half has already begun, so the game ……. in 45 minutes.

finish finished will finish has been finished

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:‫*لكي نفرق بين هذه القواعد نطرح الفرق بينهم من خالل األمثلة‬

(very - too - so )

1-Human cells are very small.

2- Human cells are too small to see.

3-Human cells are so small that we can’t see them.


‫التحليل الكتابي‬
Identify the incorrect underlined word or words :

First ?????? ??????? ?????? was ????????? ???????? winned

first was ??????? winned won ‫المفروض تكون‬


Complete :
…………………………. until it boils

First, we heat water


• ‫جات جملة اختاري الجملة الصحيحة بعد هذي العبارة‬

So we sleep in the car

‫نختار االجابة انه جاء الليل وخلص الوقود و ناموا بسيارتهم‬

dark has come and we found out that the tank is empty


‫جاء الرد االول وقال بيروح العمل بدري والرد ثاني خطأ وقال اختر الرد المناسب‬

‫جواب نختار انه ايده وقال فكرة جيدة‬

( I agree with you . It is a good idea ) ‫مثال‬


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In which of the following sentences is the capitalization correct?

Japan ,Canada and China are the East Asian .

Japan , Canada and china are the East Asian .

Japan , Canada and China are the east Asian .

Japan , Canada and China are the East asian.


In which of the following sentences is the capitalization correct?

1-The girl and Mother

2-The Girl and mother

3-The girl and mother.

4-The Girl and Mother.


In which of the following sentences is the capitalization correct?

We will have dinner at an:

1-Indian Restaurant

2- Indian restaurant

3- indian restaurant

4- indian Restaurant


In which of the following sentences is the capitalization correct?

Prince George , Prince ????????….and the King in history books.

the ‫جملة ناقصة لكن الفكرة االمير واالسم الي بعده الزم كابيتال و الملك أيضا كابيتال ألنه معرف ب‬


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Choose the correct order to make the following sentences into a

1- Some others are caused by cars

2- Some causes are caused by drivers

3- There are many causes for accident.

4- Also others caused by ways.

(4-3-2-1) (3-1-2-4 ) ( 3-1-4-2 ) ( 3-2-1-4 )


Which sentence has the correct word order?

When did you finish your homework ?

When you finish did your homework ?

When you did finish your homework ?

When did you your homework finish ?


Which sentence has the correct word order?

I will meet you train station tomorrow in front of at 7:00 AM

I will meet you in front of train station tomorrow at 7:00 AM

I will tomorrow meet you in front of train station at 7:00 AM

I will meet you tomorrow in front of train station at 7:00 AM

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1440/ 9 ‫شهر‬

235- She watched TV then she …… with her friend skype

speaking spoke speak ‫ماضي التصريف الثاني الفعل شاذ‬


236-You ……… by a bee while you were picking flowers.

was bitten were bitten were taken ‫ماضي بسيط مبني للمجهول‬


237- I ……… by a bee while you were picking flowers

was bitten were bitten were taken ‫ماضي بسيط مبني للمجهول‬


238- She has two cats and she puts ……………… in the garden.

It they them their


239- tomorrow????????????get up early ‫ناقص‬



240- I did not expect the match was not …………………………. I hoped.

exciting excited as exciting as more exciting as


241-They're not answering their phones they ……………………. have left.

must can should

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242- Mohammed and Ahmed enjoy fishing, they ……….....… to fish in

Al-Khobar corniche.

like liking was liking will to like


243- I have known Ali ………….. ten years.

for since in from ‫مدة زمنية‬


244- This time next week, I …………… on the beach in Malaysia

will relax will be relaxing would relax ‫مستقبل مستمر‬


245- The doctor told me that I should ….…..... more vegetables ‫االنتباه لهذا السؤال‬

ate to eat eat eaten


246- Peter is a bad roommate. When I clean my apartment on weekends, he

just ................... on video games.

plays is playing played ‫مضارع بسيط‬


247- I usually ………………………… ???????????????????

go goes went gone

‫السؤال غير معروف و الخيارات أيضا لكن المهم نختار الفعل من غير إضافات ألن الزمن مضارع بسيط و‬
‫الفاعل‬ I


248- A: I lost my keys

B: don’t worry, I ...... send my son to bring it .

will going am going

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249- Soldiers returns from war .......... they fought bravely in the war.

until before after ‫بعدما‬


250- I want ………………. to the store. to ‫ يأتي الفعل مجرد مسبوقا ب‬want ‫بعد‬

to go going to going


251- John ……….... his mother necklace last birthday.

was given gave is giving ‫ماضي بسيط و الفعل شاذ‬


252- John has visited ten different countries.

- No, he ……….. ‫مضارع تام‬
isn’t didn’t hasn’t

253- Ali didn’t understand the vocabulary ………… he kept asking for help.
because so of

254- Tom ....... to London every year. ‫مضارع بسيط و الفاعل مفرد‬
go goes is going going

255- London is not ……………... Rome.

hot as as hot as as hot

256- keep + ing ‫الفعل مضاف له‬ ‫مثال‬ He keeps looking at me


257- enjoy + ing ‫الفعل مضاف له‬ ‫مثال‬ I enjoy reading books

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258- Identify the incorrect underlined word or words : 468 ‫السؤال الصح رقم‬

Walk along ????? ?????? ?????? ??????? I saw

saw walk walking ‫المفروض تكون‬


259- Identify the incorrect underlined word or words : ‫الجواب نختار الكلمة الخطأ‬

My father he gave that watch to me after I graduated from high school

he graduated to me high school


260- Identify the incorrect underlined word or words : ‫الجواب نختار الكلمة الخطأ‬

He likes all childs

‫ جمع شاذ‬children‫المفروض تكون‬

He likes all childs


261- Choose the correct word order : ‫الترتيب الصحيح للجملة‬

1- He took a taxi to my home to surprise me .

2- He took a taxi to surprise me to my home.
3- a taxi to my home he took to surprise me .
4- my home a taxi to surprise me he took.


262- Choose the correct word order : ‫الترتيب الصحيح للجملة‬

1- Never I drink coffee at night.

2- l drink coffee at night never.
3- I never drink coffee at night.
4- I drink never coffee at night.

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263- Choose the correct word order :

The match started at 8:00 a.m. and ‫الترتيب الصحيح للجملة‬

1- just in time we arrived for second half ‫هذا الصح إال اذا كانت الخيارات مختلفة‬

2- we arrived just in time for second half

3- just arrived in time we for the second half
4- half just arrived in time we for the second

264- In which sentence is all CAPITALIZATION correct ?‫يبغى الصح في الحرف الكبير‬
1- He traveled on monday, september 3. ‫أول حرف في الجملة و الشهور و االيام‬
2- he traveled on Monday, September 3. ‫كلها كابيتال‬
3- He traveled on Monday, September 3.
4- He traveled on Monday, september 3.


265- Choose the sentence which has a similar meaning : ‫الجملة المشابهه لها‬

Many students from different part of the world attend my class at university

1- Some students are Arabs but the rest from far east
2- All of them from far east ‫كلهم من الشرق األقصى‬
3- All from Bahrain ‫كلهم من البحرين‬
4- Some from Arabs but the rest from far Bahrai ‫بعضهم عرب و بعضهم من البحرين‬


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266 - I have been studying ………… I can to learn English ‫التركيز على الجملة‬

too hard so as hard as too hard as so hard as so hard so


267 - I have been studying ...……… I can learn English ‫التركيز على الجملة‬

too hard so so hard so as hard as


268- Ali isn’t a qualified to this work because of …........... experience.

a few any little ‫الخبرة غير معدود في االنجليزي‬


269- You don't have classes tomorrow. ………… you like dinner tonight?

Will not Will Wouldn’t Could ‫سؤال‬


270- The friends watched a film ?????????????????? last night but one of
them …………… it.

had already seen already seen has seen ‫ماضي تام‬


271- …………. your father ??????? Eid ???????? last day ‫سؤال بالماضي البسيط‬

How did you buy Have you bought How did you bought Has ??????

272- Ahmed ……… shower when the phone rang ‫الجملة األولى ماضي مستمر‬
‫ ماضي بسيط‬when ‫جملة‬
take was taking taking took

273- ???????? to the store. ………… you give me a newspaper, please?

Shall Must Would Should ‫سؤال‬

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274- My car is …………………….. his .
less expensive than ‫كال الخيارين صحيح تجي واحدة منها‬
more expensive than

275- I took your book. You took ……………. ‫ضمير ملكية ما يجي بعده اسم‬

my mine myself me

276- If I …………… that your friends come , I would have cooked for them
‫الحالة الثالثة‬
know knew had known have known

277- the horses drank too much water . They …………. too thirsty. ‫ماضي بسيط‬
are is were was

278- If Mrs. Hill ………within half an hour , we will have enough time to eat
will arrive arrived arrive arrives ‫الحالة األولى‬

279- Dave does not stop keep …………………. keep + V ( ing )

run running ran runs

280- I am so ……………….. . I am going to Malaysia

excited exciting excite to excite
ing ‫ لو كان شيء نختار الصفة المنتهية ب‬ed ‫صفة لألشخاص تنتهي ب‬
This is game is exciting ‫مثال‬

281- Saud decided …………………. at home today decide ‫اذا جاء فعل بعد‬
staying to stay to staying ‫ ثم الفعل مجرد‬to ‫يكون مسبوقا ب‬

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282-They're not answering their phones they ……………………..have left .
must can should must have + V3 ‫استنتاج مؤكد مؤكد أنهم غادروا‬

283- Ahmad and Asma have really cute cats. They keep ………………. in
their house
it they them ‫ضمير مفعول جاء بعد الفعل للغائب الجمع القطط‬

284-I am going to my ……………………. house ‫ الملكية للمفرد‬s

fathers father’s fathers’ father

285-They ……………. yesterday morning ‫ماضي بسيط‬

arrived were arrived arriving

286-Lila has ………………….. friends friends ‫معدود‬

much many some a lot
‫التركيز ع الجملة‬
287- Lila has ………………….of friends
little a lot much many


288- ?????????????????? ................... traffic traffic ‫غير معدود‬

much many lots plenty

289- ?????????????????? ................... of traffic ‫التركيز ع الجملة‬

much many lots plenty


290 - Eric : is this …………….. car ? ‫صفة ملكية ال بد من اسم بعده‬

- Matte: no, it’s not. My car is over there.

you your yours


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291- I usually …………………. before bed I ‫مضارع بسيط و الفاعل‬

read reads reading


292-My doctor told me that I should ……………… more vegetables .

eaten ate eat eating

‫ يجي بعدها الفعل مجرد‬should


293- Choose the correct word order :

‫ترتيب جملة‬
I never go to school I go to school never I go never to school


294- Choose the correct word order :

I did not how know to do it ‫ترتيب جملة‬

I did not know how to do it
I did not know to how do it

295-Identify the incorrect underlined word or words : ‫الجواب نختار الكلمة الخطأ‬

I enjoy taking care of my car and to read

enjoy taking of to read reading ‫المفروض تكون‬


296- Identify the incorrect underlined word or words : 468 ‫السؤال الصح رقم‬

Walk along ????? ?????? ?????? ??????? I saw

saw walk walking ‫المفروض تكون‬


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https://t.me/step_alhassani ‫تجميعات مجانية‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬
297-Identify the incorrect underlined word or words : ‫الجواب نختار الكلمة الخطأ‬

Today we are going to review the chapters we discuss last lecture

Today to review discuss last discussed ‫المفروض تكون‬


298-Identify the incorrect underlined word or words : ‫الجواب نختار الكلمة الخطأ‬

First ?????? ????? ?????? was ????? ?????? winned

First ????? was winned won ‫المفروض تكون‬


298- .................................. because he is always busy. ‫اكمل الجملة بما يناسبها‬

- Ali did not visit his mother long time

- His mother is sick, so he should see her
- Her vision improved her condition and became even better when she took
the medicine

299 - Which of the following is correctly punctuated? ‫عالمات الترقيم‬

Many people like to go for camping . They should remember to take

food, bags , water and tents .

Many people like to go for camping They should remember to take

food bags , water and tents .

Many people like to go for camping . They should remember to take

food, bags water and tents .

Many people like to go for camping . They should remember to take

food, bags , water , and tents .

pronounce new words ‫في قطعة األطفال وتعليم اللغة اخر سطر كلمة أو جملة الي هي ان األطفال‬
‫ونسيت التكملة المهم يبغون الكلمة وحاطين خيارات معناه لسن أو ريممبر أو رايت الرابع اعتقد‬
‫ساي‬ remember write listen say ‫تأكدوا من الجواب‬
‫باالختبار قسم القراءة‬

‫وصلى اهلل وسلم على نبينا حممد و على اله و صحبه أمجعي‬
https://t.me/step_alhassani ‫تجميعات مجانية‬ 2 ‫قرامر‬

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