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sunny_Layout 1 08/04/2011 17:07 Page 1

sunny_Layout 1 08/04/2011 17:07 Page 2

It’s Always Sunny

in Philadelphia
“What’s up bitches?”
A look at the greatest comedy
series you have never heard

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Frank, Charlie and Sweet

Dee share breakfast in
the pub

addy’s Pub, Philadelphia P.A, a gang of the proportions of Michelangelo's David. the show in Season 2. Frank Reynolds is the

P five social misfits waste away their days

by getting into various situations for
our amusement. This is the basic premise of
You, on the other
hand, well; you're a pit of despair. Frank,
you disgust me. You disgust everyone”.
legal father to Dennis and Dee, and possibly
the biological father to Charlie, who he lives
with in the show. Frank, portrayed by the
American show It’s Always Sunny in Next up is Dennis’ sister, Deandra, or as the excellent Danny De Vito, often exploits the
Philadelphia. It’s also a simple premise that gang calls her, Sweet Dee. Dee is a failed ac- gang for his own needs.
has provided the world with one of the fun- tress, who is constantly dreaming of a life be- Danny De Vito joined the show after his
niest TV shows in recent memory. yond the walls of the pub, where she is the children began watching it. The show
The tragedy for us in the UK, is that no main (and only) barmaid. She sees herself as needed a big name to take it to the next
channel has had the guts to give the show a above the other gang members, but is often level, and De Vito was the person to do it.
series of showings. Digital channel Virgin 1 brought back down to earth with a bump, Each episode of It’s Always Sunny in
showed a few episodes late at night, but then with the realisation that actually, she isn’t. Philadelphia begins with a pre title sequence.
suddenly axed the show. While the shows Mac, is the muscle of the gang, or so he tells This sequence introduces us to the story of
themes (abortion, racism, kidnapping) may them nearly every episode. He is co-owners the episode, and often features some of the
be a bit too dark for our screens, surely the of Paddy’s Pub, and if often coming up with funniest moments of the show. Episodes are
likes of More4 could find a nice little slot to plans or schemes to drive up the business of also accompanied by a title, which sum up
fit Philly in. the pub, none of them so far successful. He that episodes story in one sentence, some
So why is the show so good? Firstly, each portrays a ‘bad ass’ image, but when push favourite episode titles are ‘The Gang Gets
main or recurring character in ‘It’s Always comes to shove, often his confidence back- Racist’, ‘Charlie Got Molested’, ‘The Gang
Sunny…’ is, quite simply, brilliant. The gang fires and he is forced to back down from a Finds a Dumpster Baby’ and ‘Dennis Looks
consists of five members. Dennis, one of the situation. like a registered sex offender’. In truth, every
owners of Paddy’s Pub, is one of the vainest Charlie is the third co-owner of Paddy’s Pub, episode title could have been listed, they are
characters to ever grace television. Happi- and a childhood friend of Mac. Charlie that good.
ness is his life is determined by what others struggles often with reading and writing, It’s Always Sunny in Philly uses a similar
think of his looks and body, with him de- drinks too much alcohol, sniffs glue, and style of comedy to other American TV
grading others in order to make himself feel often has mini nervous breakdowns causing show’s such as Curb Your Enthusiasm in the
better “My nose was chiselled by the gods him to have an angry outburst. way that an episodes situation and story it
themselves, Frank. My body was sculpted to The final gang member was introduced to set up. The majority of the gangs mishaps

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Top 5
‘Sweet Dee is dating a
retarded person’
This episodes see’s the birth of Dayman.
Charlie, Frank, Dennis and Mac start up a
band, leading to disagreements over the
type of music they should be playing, lead-
ing Charlie and Dennis to start up the
Electric Dream Machine. Meanwhile,
Sweet Dee questions whether her new rap-
per boyfriend is actually, retarded.

"Mac & Charlie Die (Parts

Mac’s father is released from prison and
looking for revenge after Mac and Charlie
refused to smuggle drugs into prison. Fear-
ing for their lives, they take Sweet Dees’
car and fake their own deaths. Frank and
Dennis find a glory hole in the toilets of
the pub, and seek to use it to their own
"The Gang Dances Their
Asses Off"
Charlie writes Dayman, Dennis and Mac in Charlie causes big problems when he puts
with the help of glue their party mansion the pub up as first prize in a local radio
dance competition. This forces the gang
come, like Curb Your Enthusiasm, from the ring Howerton and Day, for a new sitcom.
inability to interact with the social world FX took the idea, and It’s Always Sunny in to take part in the competition, where the
around them. Whether it be through saying Philadelphia was born. last dancer standing wins. However, the
the wrong thing, accidental kidnapping or 6 years later, and the show is currently airing other competitors are made up of charac-
through hunting a man on the streets. The its sixth season, with FX commissioning a ters they have made enemies of so far this
major difference between ‘It’s Always seventh to broadcast in 2011. series.
Sunny...’ and shows like Curb, however, is It’s Always Sunny... has also been moved to "Charlie Wants an Abortion"
that the subject matter is much darker. The the stage, with the actors and cast perform- Only the second episode ever of Sunny,
line ‘Seinfeild on crack’ follows the show ing a few small performances of the ‘Night- but one of the best. Mac signs up to an
around for good reason. man’ episode for a live audience. The
abortion protest rally in an attempt to
The show is written by its stars, a reason pos- episode involved the gang performing a play
sibly as to why the characters have been written by Charlie, following the story of the impress a girl he has met. Of course,
such a success. All of a characters manner- Daymans’ fight against evil. Of course, the this doesn’t go as planned, but it does
isms and lines come from the minds of the real reason for the play is the fact Charlie is give Mac the opportunity to raise the
actors, therefore they know the characters trying to impress the waitress. question, what if Jesus was aborted?
better than anyone else could. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is one the Charlie is also told that he the father of a
The series was developed and created by best comedies in the past ten years, and is
child, leading to him trying to get to
Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day and Glen another example of America now surpassing
Howerton, who play Mac, Charlie and Den- Britain in comedy writing. It is rare in British know his new son, who is now a
nis respectively. It was McElhenney how- television to find the subjects dealt with in teenager.
ever who came up with the original idea for Sunny transformed into comedy material, "Charlie Gets Crippled”
the show. Picking up bit parts and small roles and it is even rarer for a mainstream channel Charlie Gets Crippled see’s the introduc-
in various TV shows, such as Law & Order, to pick up. tion of Frank into the series. After being
he was struggling to make a name for him- Due to the success of the show, the writers run over, Charlie is stuck in a wheelchair.
self. In 2004, he decided the only work to have been hired to write a new series for FX. Noticing that is attracts the attention of
guarantee work was to write his own mate- As the show goes from strength to strength, women, Charlie and Frank hit the strip
rial. McElhenney’s manager and agent went it is only a matter of time before a UK
to the American television network FX, pre- broadcaster notices the brilliance that is ‘It’s
senting McElhenney’s idea and pilot, star- Always Sunny in Philadelphia’.


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