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WEEK NO.: 1-2

TOPIC: Academic Writing

LEARNING  determines the structure of a specific academic text

COMPETENCY/IES:  differentiates language used in academic

OBJECTIVES: a.) Acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding of
academic texts.
b.) Produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various academic
texts read.
c.) Analyze the use and purpose of the Academic and Non-Academic Text


What is a TEXT?

A text is either a written or printed which transmits an informative message and conveys a central idea to the readers. Example
of texts are letters, novels, emails, research paper, essays, news article, survey report, etc. There are two types of text:
Academic Text and Non-Academic Text.
The table below will distinguish the Academic and Non- Academic Writing:

Discussion of the Qualities of an Academic and Non- Academic Writing (tone, voices & purpose)


Definition  Academic Writing is a formal and  Non-Academic Writing is an informal and
 Impersonal style of writing that is intended often subjective style of writing that aims the
for scholarly or academic audience. mass public.
Audience  Academia or scholarly audience  Mass or public
 Concerned with the pursuit of education,  There’s no specific audience and
research and scholarship. specialization.
 Example of this audience are students,  It is published quickly and can be written by
teachers, researchers, etc.) anyone.

Purpose  Inform the readers with solid evidence  Inform, entertain or persuade the readers.
Style  Formal and Impersonal (Impersonal means  Personal, impressionistic,
it does not involve emotions/feelings)  emotional, or subjective
Structure  Standard Structure  No rigid structure
Language  Formal language; avoids colloquialism  Informal and casual language, may contain
 It uses the 3rd person point of view colloquialisms
 Does not use 1st person pronoun (I, me and  Uses personal pronouns
we)And 2nd person pronoun (you)  Uses the 1st and 2nd person point of view
Citation and  Contain citations and references  Often do not contain citations and references
Examples  Research papers, dissertations, books and  Newspaper articles, magazines, memoirs,
book reports, translations, essays, letters, digital media, short stories, novel etc.
academic journal, abstract and explication.
Academic Writing Structures (Introduction, Body, Conclusion and References)

“A good academic writing is structured. It must have a beginning, middle and end. ”
 The first paragraph of the essay.
 It is the first impression the readers receive, and it explain the main point of the paper.
Introduction  The introduction usually contains the thesis statement.
 It gives the background of the topic and outlines the content of the paper- its aim (for instance
‘This paper aims to. . . ‘).
 The introduction will also give relevant quote and define terminologies.

 It is found between the introduction and the conclusion.

 Supports the main point of the paper.
 This is where you give your argument, provide your evidence, describe your research of
Body findings. It expands the topic you have mentioned in the introduction.
 Brings together all the information you have gathered from other sources during the research.

 The sentence at the beginning of each body paragraph. It explains the main point that
paragraph is going to make.

 The last paragraph of the paper. It closes the paper and leaves the reader satisfied with the
 It summarizes the paper in an effective way. It draws together the ideas and explain how they
Conclusion connect and relate.
 The conclusion may also suggest some further research, give a concluding statement, pose a
further question.

Reference  It is the source of the work being cited in the paper.

 INFORMAL ENGLISH: Jargons, Cliché, Abbreviations, Slang and Colloquial

“Informal English is found in a Non-academic text. Understanding the structure of a non-academic text enables the
learner to determine the difference between an Academic and Non-Academic Writing.”

The following are used in Non-Academic Writing (must be avoided in Academic Writing).
Jargons: technical terminologies or language used in a specific group of people, professionals or community. Usually,
people who do not belong in that group could not understand the terminologies that are used.
Example of Jargons: Prostatic (Medical Jargon), SQDN and AWOL(Military Jargon), Soapbox (Political Jargon), LOL
(Internet Jargon)
Cliché: a trite phrase or expression
"Once upon a time"
Slang: refers
"Roses to the
are red, informal
violets usage
are blue. . ." of language, especially by certain groups of people like teenagers. It is
more informal than colloquial and doesn’t last long.
Example of Slang: Telly(television), nerd, geek, slick, lodi, and petmalu.

Colloquial: informal usage of language consisting words or expressions used by common people in everyday
Examples of colloquial words: What's up?, dude, Yeah, Wanna, Yep, Nope, Legit, dunno, etc.
Idiomatic Expressions: an expression in the usage of a language that is peculiar to itself either in having a
meaning that cannot be derived from its meaning.
Example of an idiomatic expression is "It is raining cats and dogs." It means that it is raining hard.
Another example is "You are the apple of my eye". It refers to someone that one cherishes so much.

Abbreviation: a shortened form of a written word used in place of the whole word.
Example of Abbrevations: Dr. (abbreviation of Doctor), Ms. (abbreviation of Miss), and Engr. (abbreviation of
Acronyms are a type of abbreviations where a new word is formed from the first letters of a series of words.
YOLO is an acronym for "You Only Live Once"
DEPED is an acronym for the Department of Education

Example of letter: (Non-Academic text)

This letter is an example of a Non-Academic Text because it is personal, informal and uses a casual language.

Andrew Moore
113 Green Lane
Lexington, Virginia 24450
July 12, 2010
Dear Amy,
     How are you?   I am writing to tell you about my summer.  It has really been fun.  I have gone to the pool several times and I

Example essay: (Academic Text)

This is an example of an academic text because it is impersonal and makes use of the formal language. The first sentence of every
paragraph is called a topic sentence.

How the Harry Potter Series Became So Popular?

The Harry Potter series, written by J.K. Rowling, is perhaps the most popular set of novels of the
modern era. With seven books and many blockbuster films to its name, the series has amassed about 15
billion dollars in sales. How did this phenomenon become what it is? For those scratching their heads, the
reason can be broken down into several areas: Rowling garnered a generous initial contract for her book,
separate book covers were created for both teens and adults, midnight releases/promotions/pre-orders made
the public more fanatic about the series, and fan blogs were rampant. In fact, these are just a few of the main
reasons why the Harry Potter took off the way it did.

The first book in the series, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” was rejected 12 times before
it was picked up by Bloomsbury—a small publisher in England. At the time, Rowling was living on
benefits as a single mother, so receiving this contract was her first step to success. However, getting a book
contract does not ensure the success of a book. The story was adored by children and adults alike, and this
had much to do with the popularity of the initial book and the series as a whole (Rappaport, Sarah).

In light of this, her publisher made separate covers for young readers and adults. According to, “Adults love reading the Harry Potter books, but few want to be seen toting around a
child’s book. To make it easier for adults, Bloomsbury Publishing, the British publishing house that first
bought the rights to Rowling’s books, published a second version of the books with “adult” (i.e., less colorful
and more boring) book covers” (Aquino, Judith). This made it easier for a full range of ages to enjoy the
series. This is not an easy feat for young adult fiction.

Another factor that worked like a charm was that when the Harry Potter series became an obvious
success, the publisher, and Rowling herself through her own website for the books, conducted
midnight releases, special promotions, and pre-ordering to engage readers even more. According to, “Starting with the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, crowds of people
wearing black robes, ties and round-frame glasses began showing up at bookstores for midnight release
parties in 2000. Customers who feared their local bookstore would run out of copies responded by pre-
ordering over 700,000 copies prior to the July 8, 2000 release date, according to Gunelius. The seventh and
final book in the Harry Potter series became the fastest-selling book in history, reports The New York Times,
with more than 11 million copies sold during the first 24 hours in three markets alone” (Aquino, Judith). The
fandom around the books created more lucrative opportunities for the series.

Also, based on fans, blogs were created that were dedicated to the story, details, plot, characters, and
much more about the series. In the beginning, Rowling did not have too much in the way of advertising,
and the fans did a lot of work for her. According to HubSpot, “The fans took over and created many viral
campaigns on her behalf talking about the excitement they had over upcoming releases. Harry Potter is often
a trending topic on Twitter, Facebook events and page are abundant and thousands of bloggers create posts
on their behalf. These promotions are more genuine because they come from the source, the fans, instead of
the person who makes a profit” (Leist, Rachel). This organic advertising propelled the Harry Potter novel
series into being the most successful one ever.

Now that Rowling has sold millions of copies of her Harry Potter books and has seen each one adapted into
films, merchandise, fan art, and more, we can safely say that this series is a global phenomenon. Through an
initial contract, advertising for both teens and adults, special releases and parties, and organic advertising
from fans via the internet, Harry Potter and his universe took over as the most successful bestselling book of
all time.


Rappaport, Sarah. “15-Year Harry Potter Spell Brings Riches to Publisher.” CNBC, CNBC, 26 June 2012,
Aquino, Judith. “The Brilliant Methods That Made Harry Potter A $15 Billion Brand.” Business Insider, Business
Insider, 13 July 2011,
 Academic Writing Styles (topic, role, purpose, audience)


“Just remember the word TRAP”

1. TOPIC- The topic tells you:

 What is the text about?
 What details am I imparting to the readers?
2. ROLE- This refers to the writer’s position as a writer. It answers the questions:
 Who am I as a writer?
 Do I write as a sibling? a student? a son/daughter? a costumer? A researcher or an
expert in a specific field?
3. AUDIENCE- Audience refers to whom the writer writes for. It answers the questions:
Who is reading this piece? / To whom the message is intended for.
What knowledge does he/she need to understand in my writing?
4. PURPOSE- Purpose refers to the driving force of the writer. It answers the question:

Andrew Moore
123 Green Lane
West Side, Virginia 24450
June 30, 1999
Dear Juliet,
     How are you?   I am writing to tell you about my summer.  It has really been fun.  I have gone to the pool several
times and I have visited several of my friends from school.   Next week, I am going to the beach with my family.  I hope
you are having a fun summer, too. 
Your friend,

In the example above:

*The topic is about Andrew’s summer vacation and how he enjoys it.
*The role of the writer (Andrew) is a friend.
*The audience or the person to whom the message is intended for is also a friend (Juliet).
*The purpose why Andrew writes the letter is to inform his friend, Juliet, about his fun summer .

WEEK NO.: 1-2
TOPIC: Academic Writing


NAME: __________________________________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ________________________


a.) Only this/these activity sheet/s is/are allowed to be returned to the adviser.
b.) Write your answer/s neatly and legibly.
c.) Read specific instructions carefully before doing the task/s.
d.) Do not submit extra paper if possible.
e.) CHEATING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. It is subject to punishment. (SHS Student Handbook, 12.3, p.26)
For clarifications and concerns, please contact your subject teacher.

I. DIRECTION: Read the following Academic Text (The Vaccine Efficacy and Effectiveness) and Non-
Academic Text (Friendly Letter)


“The Vaccine Efficacy and Effectiveness”

Vaccine efficacy is how the vaccine performs in ideal conditions- controlled clinical trials, meanwhile Vaccine
effectiveness is how the vaccine performs in the wider populations.
The COVID-19 vaccines approved by the World Health Organization have undergone randomized clinical trials to
evaluate their safety, quality and efficacy. Most vaccines do not fully promise to protect every citizen who are vaccinated,
and experts are unable to identify if it can prevent people from transmitting the virus to other people.
In order for a vaccine to be approved by the WHO, it must have a high efficacy rate of 50% or above. The vaccine will
be monitored for ongoing safety and effectiveness after the approval. If a vaccine has an efficacy of 80 percent, it does
not necessary means that the vaccine will work 75% of the time. However, it does means that in a vaccinated population,
80 % fewer people will contract the disease when they come in contact with the virus.

Vaccine efficacy is calculated in clinical trials by comparing disease rates between two groups: those who received a
placebo and those who actually received the vaccine. The efficacy of the vaccine is measured in a controlled clinical trial,
also in how it is based on the amount of people who got vaccinated developed the ‘outcome of interest’ (usually disease)
compared with how many people who got the placebo (dummy vaccine/ don’t actually take the vaccine) developed the
same outcome. The efficacy is measured in how much the vaccine lowered the risk of acquiring the virus.

As an example, we have a vaccine with 75% efficacy rate. It can be interpreted that- out of the people in the clinical trial-
those who received the vaccine where at a 75% lower risk of developing the disease than the group who received the
placebo. This is calculated by comparing the number of cases of disease in the vaccinated group versus the placebo
group. An efficacy of 75% does not instantly represents that 25% of the vaccinated group will become ill.

May Moore
101 Green Lake 6
Evergarden State24450
December 1, 1999
Text A:The Vaccine Efficacy and Text B:
Effectiveness Friendly Letter
1. What is the text about? Vaccine efficacy is how the vaccine The topic is about May was stoked that
(topic/subject) performs in ideal conditions- controlled she could finally meet Andrew next
clinical trials, meanwhile Vaccine month and how she really wanted to
effectiveness is how the vaccine performs see the snow.
in the wider populations.

2. What is the writer’s goal in the The goal of the writer is to measures The purpose of the writer is to inform
writing text?(purpose) Vaccine Efficacy in calculating trials by how excited May to see her friend Sally
comparing disease rates between two
groups: those who received a placebo and
those who actually received the vaccine.
3. What is the role of the writer? The role of the writer is the EXPERTS The role of the writer is (May) is a
(role) (World Health Organization.) Friend

4. Who is the target reader of the The target reader of the text are those who The target reader of the text was her
text? (audience) are those who might have a high efficacy friend (Sally)
rate of 50% or above.

5. What knowledge or information The knowledge that audience gain on The knowledge that audience gain on
does the writer wants to let the what they understand about the what they understand about the
audience know or understand. information is on how Vaccine efficacy is information in Friendly letter is what
calculated in clinical trials by comparing May really loves to see a snow and the
disease rates between two groups: those excitement of May where she is really
who received a placebo and those who hoping to see her friend
actually received the vaccine.
6. What is the point-of-view in the 1st Person Uses the 1st and 2nd person point of
text? 1st person ? 2nd person? 3rd view

7. What type of text is it? Academic Academic Non-Academic

or non-academic?

8. Did the writer write in a formal Informal

or informal manner? Formal

9. What are the parts or structure of Introduction Heading

the text? Main part and Conclusion Greeting

II. Direction: Read the text “How to Beat Insomnia” and answer the questions that follows

“How to Beat Insomnia”

Insomnia refers to a sleep disorder in which a person is having trouble falling asleep. The person might
experience this in a short-term (acute) or can last a long time (chronic). Acute insomnia lasts for a night or a
few weeks, meanwhile chronic insomnia occurs at least 3 nights a week for 3 months or longer.

In order to avoid insomnia, makes sure to keep regular sleep hours. Go to bed and get up at the same time
everyday. Make sure to create a peaceful and restful environment by controlling the temperature, lighting and
noise in the bedroom. Also, make sure that the bed is comfortable.

Another important thing to consider in order to avoid insomnia is to exercise regularly. By maintaining this
habit in going out for a walk or swimming, it can relieve some of the build-up tension over the day. However,
take note not to overdo it by doing vigorous exercise too close to bedtime, as it may not help the person sleep.

Omit the caffeine intake such as tea, coffee, softdrinks or colas, and energy drinks. The caffeine can interfere
with the process of falling into a deep sleep. Another thing to avoid is not to over-indulge with food and
alcohol at night, as it may interrupt with the person’s sleep pattern. Also, nicotine is a stimulant that disrupts
the person’s sleeping pattern. Compared to non-smokers, the person who smokes finds it difficult to sleep at

Before going to bed, try to relax by having a warm bath, listen to a calming music, or do some yoga stretches.
If you worry a lot before going to bed or you keep thinking about something that prevents you from falling
asleep, write down your worries away.

1. Topic: What is the text all about?

The text is all about on How to beat Insomnia.

2. Role: What is the role of the writer?

The role of the writer was an Expert.

3. Audience: Who are the audience or the people reading the text?
The audience are those people having trouble falling asleep.

4. Purpose: What is the purpose of the text?

The role of the writer is to give information in which a person is having trouble falling asleep on how to avoid

III. Direction: Read the text “How the Harry Potter Series Became So Popular?” in your module. Afterwards,
determine the writing structure of the essay. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which paragraph is the Introduction?

a. 1st paragraph c. 3rd paragraph
b. 2 paragraph d. 4th paragraph
2. Which paragraph/s contain the Body?
a. 1st – 5th paragraph c. 2nd- 5th paragraph
nd th
b. 2 - 4 paragraph d. 6th paragraph
3. Which paragraph is the Conclusion?
a. 4th paragraph c. 5th paragraph
b. 6 paragraph d. 2nd paragraph
4. The sentences that are typed in bold in the essay is/are called:
a. Topic Sentences c. References
b. Introduction d. Conclusion
5. What is the reference used in the text?
a. Also, based on fans, blogs were created that were dedicated to the story, details, plot, characters, and much
more about the series.
b. According to HubSpot, “The fans took over and created many viral campaigns on her behalf talking about the
excitement they had over upcoming releases.
c. Rowling garnered a generous initial contract for her book, separate book covers were created for both teens
and adults, midnight releases/promotions/pre-orders made the public more fanatic about the series, and fan
blogs were rampant. In fact, these are just a few of the main reasons why the Harry Potter took off the way it
d. Rappaport, Sarah. “15-Year Harry Potter Spell Brings Riches to Publisher.” CNBC, CNBC, 26 June 2012,

IV. Underline the informal word in the sentence and rewrite the sentence to make it formal. Refer to the
example below.

Dr. Santiago works at NASA. – Doctor Santiago works at National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

1. 80 % of the test takers have passed the test. The test is a piece of cake.
2. The employees went AWOL to express the complaints in their company.
3. Prof. Guerrero is requesting for a copy of the report ASAP.
4. TBH, regardless of the current situation, the team is required to attend the event.
5. If the president thinks that he does not want another war, he is barking up the wrong tree.

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