Design Questionnaire

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1. What is your business name?


2. Reason for selecting a name, and anything you liked or your

brand name meaning?
No rational behind the name (round, short and
pronounceable) name

3. Describe in one sentence your business/service?

Investment platform that brings blockchain investment to
people, simply (not only crypto, also stable assets).

4. What are your business short term, medium-term and long-

term goals?
Short term: launch prototype by end 2021
Mid-term: recruit clients
Long term: be a reference in investment in general

5. What do you want your new logo to achieve?

Be beautiful, be recognizable, show simplicity and start-up

6. Who are your main competitors and how do you differ from
Wealthfront / Bettement / /
All focused on stock market whereas we propose
blockchain investment with better risk/reward (we can
outperform stocks with much less volatility)
7. What do you like or dislike about your competitor’s branding?
Wealthfront is awesome. On the other side Artur and
Betterment are too “fun”. A right balance between classy and
cool is to be found.

8. Who are your potential clients or customers?

30-40yo people

9. Where will your business be

France first, then other EU-francophone countries then all

10. Do you have a specific idea in mind for your branding?

Nope, was thinking about integrating a growing seed in the
design. But I like your idea of combining B and Z.

11. If you are solving any problem so how perfect are you to do
that on a scale of 0-10?
I’d say 10 ahah

12. what are the gut feelings you wanna manipulate by your
brand to your audience?
Trustworthy, simple and profitable

13. What are the words that should describe your company?
Startup / Growing
14. What message or emotion do you want your logo/brand to
I want visitors to say “I want to invest my money there”

15. Does your logo have a tagline? if yes please let us know.

16. what do you expect from your company as a customer?

Seamless process and profitability on my investments.

17. what is your 1-year goal?

Having my first clients onboarded

18. your execution plan? and how are you guys gonna
Prototype by end 2021 while testing the current website
(currently don’t allow visitors to signup)

19. if you have done any research could you share data with
I like a lot this website: (but a bit too kid-ish to
me), but great work of their logo and brand identity.

20. any idea, suggestions, feedback for us?

Good questionnaire, I had to think quite a lot 😊

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