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Internal Assessment Test I, Odd Semester (2016- 2017)

BAN301-Fundamentals of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Year/Sem: II/III
Duration: 1 ½ Hour Max. Marks: 50

Part – A (6×2=12 Marks) Answer All Questions BL
1 List some components of Aircraft. CO1 L1
2 State the primary objective of fuselage. CO1 L1
3 State the role of rudder. CO1 L1
4 Define Aerodynamic center. CO2 L1
5 Define EAS and TAS CO2 L2
6 Define Drag. CO2 L1
Part – B (3×6=18 Marks)
Describe the classification of flight vehicles.Mention the criteria for
7a classification CO1 L1

b Describe the various classification of flight vehicles. CO1 L1
Describe the various components of an airplane and their functions in detail. CO1 L1
b Describe how modern airplane are different from early airplanes. CO1 L1
Explain the relationship of the pressure, density and temperature at various
9a altitudes CO2 L2

b Demonstrate the ISA relations for temperature gradient and isothermal layers CO2 L2
Part – C (2×10=20 Marks)
Describe the developments in Aircraft structures over the years CO1 L1
b Describe the evolution of aircraft with neat diagrams. CO1 L1
11 Explain the structure of atmosphere by dividing into different layers.
CO2 L2
Distinguish the relationship between pressure and temperature with respect to
b CO2 L2

CO’s L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
CO 1 50
CO 2 4 34
Course Outcome
Describe the basic components of airplane and various flight vehicles. (Remember)
Summarize the variation of aircraft performance at various altitudes. (Understand)

Suggestion and Comments

Signature of Scrutiny Member

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