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Internal Assessment Test I, Odd Semester (2017-2018)


Year/Sem: III/V
Duration: 1 ½ Hour Max. Marks: 50

Part – A (6×2=12 Marks)Answer All Questions BL
1 Differentiate between streamlined and bluff body CO1 L2
2 Define Induced drag. CO1 L1
3 Define equivalent airspeed. CO1 L1
4 Plot the variation of thrust required and thrust available for a jet powered airplane. CO2 L3
5 State the conditions for minimum range of a jet airplane. CO2 L1
6 State the condition for minimum power required in steady level flight. CO2 L1
Part – B (3×6=18 Marks)
7a Enumerate the layers of ISA and discuss. CO1 L1

In steady level flight for a elliptic wing plan form estimate the aspect ratio,
b chord of the wing, if span =10m, Cl=1.17,Cd=0.081. CO1 L2

8a Describe the following: Drag bucket, NACA nomenclature

CO1 L1


b Explain the methods to minimize Wave Drag CO1 L2

9a Discuss the effects of altitude on power require for level flight CO2 L2


b Discuss Cruise Climb Technique. CO2 L2

Part – C (2×10=20 Marks)

Explain various types of drag and methods to minimize them. CO1 L2
An aircraft weighing 250000N has a wing area of 80sq.m.Its drag polar
equation is Cd=0.016+0.04Cl2.Estimate the minimum thrust required for
b straight and level flight and the corresponding true air speed at sea level. Also CO1 L2
estimate the minimum power required and corresponding true airspeed at sea
Illustrate Brequet Range and Endurance equation for a Jet airplane. CO2 L3
While flying Straight and level at sea level at a speed of 120m/s, a pilot causes
his aircraft to climb steadily by increasing the thrust four times without
b altering the angle of incidence .Estimate the rate of climb if at the angle of CO2 L2
incidence ,L/D ratio is 10.
CO’s Remember Understand Apply Analyse Evaluate Create
CO 1 16 34
CO 2 4 22 12

Course Outcome
CO 1 Calculate thrust and power required for propeller driven and jet powered aircraft at
steady level flight. (Apply)
CO 2 Calculate the Range and Endurance and Evaluate the glide and climb
performances. (Evaluate)

Suggestion and Comments

Signature of Scrutiny Member

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