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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

In our modern civilization, farmers are using chemical products such as fertilizer,

herbicides and pesticides to make agriculture more productive. Fertilizers are chemical

compound applied to the soil to promote better plant growth.

To give solution to those problems, researchers are trying to find out some alternative

ways which are safe to an individual health, cheap and effective in promoting better plant growth

without affecting the environment.

This study was conducted to determine the most effective improvised fertilizer. Other

research conducted mulching. Three common mulching materials namely rice straw (hay), black

plastic and white old sacks were compared. In our fertilizer we use available and can be easily

found in the locality. The test plant use in this study is the abelmoschus esculentus or okra for it

locally available.

The researcher will experiment if the improvised fertilizer can be made into an organic

fertilizer for okra.

Increasing the demand for fertilizers which helps in the production of food made it

expensive (Hargrove, 2008). Through the use of organic fertilizer improves the quality and

quantity of crops, soil ph and nutrient content and availability (A KANDE, et al , 2010) it has

been one of the leading cause of environmental degradation.

Organic fertilizer refers to a specific group of organic materials and produced from

decomposed plant or animal materials and used as a source of nutrients for crops, while

chemical fertilizers, on the other hand are synthesized from materials or non- living matter. In

the country, the use of organic fertilizers, urine as an example.

Statement of the Problem

This study identified the effects of MadPig in the production of abelmoschus esculentus.

Specifically, this study answered the following questions:

1. What is the average height of plants in the control group?

2. What is the average height of plants in the experimental group?

3. Is there a significant between the height of plants between control and experimental



There is no significant difference between the height of plants between control and experimental


Theoretical Framework

Effect of different fertilizer and irrigatiokn methods on nitrogen uptake, intercepted radiation and

yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) grown in the KETA Sand Spit.

Plant canopy analyzer accurate estimate of LAI, and it uses a non- destructive method

for measurement fresh pod yield of all treatment was taken from 33 plants grown in 6m, 2 m

area at the center of each plot to avoid border influence (can so et al 2015) irrigation regimes

and N application rate were the two independent variables. The compassion of each treatment

means were based Duncan’s test at the pe 0.05 probability level (Duncan’s et al 2015) analysis

of variables (ANOVA) was executed for green fruit yield plant height LAI days to 50% flowering

deep drainage. Etc WVE. N uptake AEN, PFPN and NVE.

Okra Crop Response under Subsurface Drip and Conventional Furrrow Irrigation with

Varying N Fertilization. A suitable alternative to manual irrigation for smaller farmer is drip

irrigation which has several benefits compared with manual irrigation.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Intervening Variable Dependent Variable

OKRA Mad Pig Height of Okra’s


Significant of the Study

The reason that the researchers thought to experiment was to identify the effects of the

improvised fertilizer to the production of Okra.

This study is primarily beneficial to the following:

Community. Involves of farmers, agriculturists, home crop growers, the consumer of the

produce and for the typical local citizens in cities and province.

Environmental and Scientific. MadPig as a fertilizer is natural it help to less on the

use of fresh water.

Development of Plant. This study could serve as one of the innovations in the field of

agriculture especially in the analysis of fertilizer.

Future Researchers. The study can serve as reference of the future studies and take

account only revisions.

Definition of Terms

Technical. Abelmoschus esculentus. Tall course annual of old world tropics widely cultivated in

Southern United States and West. Indies for its long mucilaginous green pods used as basis for

soup and staws, sometimes placed in Genus Hibiscus.

Operational. Abelmoschus esculentus used as experimental plants in the study.

Madre de Cacao (According to Meriam Webster 2010) is nitrogen-fixing tree that can

grow from 10 to 12 meters high. The tree is referred by many people as a quick-stick

due to the characteristic of growing almost right away just by cutting it and directly

planting it in the ground.

Madre de Cacao used as one of the ingredients of fertilizer min the study.

Waste of pig(According to Meriam Webster 2010) is similar to human waste; filled with

bacteria and high amounts of ammonia. At most CAFOs, hog waste is kept in large

open-air pits called lagoons where waste is broken down by anaerobic bacteria and then

sprayed onto crops as fertilizer. ... They reported levels of hog odor, and recorded their

blood pressure.

Waste of pig used as one of the ingredients of fertilizer in the study.

Madre de Cacao- Common names: Mata Ratón; Cacao de nance, Cachanance, it is

commonly known as “Madreado” in Honduras; Kakawate in the Philippines; Madre

Cacao or Madre de Cacao in the Philippines, Belize and Guatemala; and Madero negro

in Nicaragua.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Related Theories

Effects of fertilizer and Drying Methods on Seed Germination of Okra (Abelmoschus

esculentus L.) Cultivars at Different Harvesting Times Okra hard seedness result in show and

uneven germination. This study determined the effects of fertilizer application and drying

methods on hard seedness breakdown of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) cultivars (CU)

Boylation, ‘Velondo’, ’C lemson’ and Pylias’). Three fertilizer level (150, 300 and 450 mg LN)

and two different drying methods whereas the application of 450 mg LN resulted in the higher

seed germination percentage, regardless of cultivar and drying method.

Growth dry matter and fruit yields components of okra under organic and inorganic

sources of nutrients.

Pot yield experiments were conducted at Institute of Agricultural Research and Training,

Ibadan, Nigeria between 2001 and 2004 to determine okra response to organic and inorganic

sources of nitrogen (N) fertilizer. The experiment design was a factorial experiment fitted into

randomized compete block with three replicates. In the pot experiment okra variety NHAE 47-4

was nourished with four N levels (0.25.50 and 75 kg Nha- 1) and five compost rates (0, 1.5 30,

4.5 6.0 mg ha-1) while in the field experiment the same variety of okra was laid out in a

randomized compete block replicates thrice. Integrated effect of different N- fertilizer rates and

bioslurry application on growth and N- use efficiency of okra.

The okra local cultivar diverged in growth habits including leaf arrangement and size,

fruits branching, height and maturity period. During vetative stage okra growth patterns are

similar but those that were highly vigorous produced improvised leaf area and accumulated dry

matter (Akanbi et al, 2010). The unripe green finger- like seeed capsule of okra usually called

“pod” are processed and consumed as stews and salads, soups sliced, boiled and fried

vegetables (Akanbi et al. 2010 Daniela et al. 2012).

Related Studies

Effective Regulation of bio- fertilizer and bio- pesticide: A potential avenue to increase

Agricultural Productivity.

NSW Simiyu, d’tarus, J Watiti Nang AYO-2013 Bio- fertilizer and bio- pesticides

hold the potential to increase farmer current agricultural productivity, while at the same time

contributing to the soil’s ability to produce more in future.

Enabling Poverty relevant Bio- fertilizers Innovation System S Sangar- 2016 agro

forestry design.

Today increasing cost of chemical fertilizers along with declining yield response to

increased fertilizer application and degradation of soil limit the soil fertility choices available to

farmers. Even if part of the increased demand for fertilizers could be met from bio.

The use of organic is important not any in immediate context of economy in fertilizer use

but also in the general interest of maintaining soil at optimum level of fertility and productivity of

crop yields satisfactory at high levels, (Patil and Kate, 1983).

Ramesh P. Singh Mohan and Rao Subha (2005), Organic Farming:

It relevance to the Indian Context Present paper considering the potential environmental

benefits of organic production and its compatibility with integrated agricultural

Approaches to rural development, organic agriculture may be considered as a developed

vehicle for developing countries like India in Practical.

Prabhakar Shetty R. K. (2007) Social perspectives of organic farming preset paper

discuss as organic farming has the potential to provide positive externalities in social aspects

like job opportunities and rural development.

Gahukar RT. (2006), Potential and use of bio-fertilizers in India. Paper stated that bio-

fertilizers are natural and organic products. They help to provides and keep in the soil all

materials and micro- organism required for the plant growth.

J.M.N.P Jaya Sundara, R. jayaseraka and R.M.C.S Ratnayake Liquid organic fertilizers

for growth enhancement of Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench and Altemathera Sessils 9L.0

DC. Present study the influence of foliar application of liquid organic fertilizers on the growth

performance of two popular vegetables Abelmoschus Esculentus L. Moench and Altemathera

Sessils was investigated.

El- tarabily Nassar Hardy and Sivasit Hamparan(2002) conducted aresearch on

commercial fish emulsion and they found presence of rhizobacterias that were capable of

producing plant growth regulation (PGR) and how fish emulsions can be used as a nutrient base

for this beneficial micro-organism. They said that fish emulsion was able to support growth of

raddish in a sandy soil as effectively as an applied inorganic fertilizer.

Abassi (20011) said that FE is an excellent model system for development of an organic

amendment as fertilizer with disease suppressing capabilities against damping off and can

reduce potato scab. It can also protect eggplant from verticillium with and increase biomass.

And lastly, reduce bacterial spot on tomatoes and peepers and increase fruit yield.

Ngaby (2013) studies revealed no improvements attributed to the inclusion of FAA in

terms of initial weight, final weight, gain in weight, feed consumption, feed conversation ration,

feed cost per kilogram gain in weight and dressing percentage of the broiler chickens.


The chapter 2 entitled review of related literature. In the relater studies conducted research

about effective regulation of bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticides: a potential avenue to increase

agricultural productivity according to S sangar (2016) enabling poverty relevant bio-fertilizer

innovation system.

According to Ramesh P. Singh Mohan and Rao Subha (2015) Organic Fertilizer: It

relevance to Indian context Present paper considering the potential environmental benefits of

organic production and its compatibility with integrated agricultural approaches to rural


According to prabhakal Shetty R. K. (2007) is the social perspectives of organic farming.

Present paper discuss as organic farming has the potential to provide positive externalities in

social aspects like job opportunities and rural development.

According to Gahukar R. T. (2006) the potential and use of bio- fertilizer J.M.N.P. Java

Sundara, R. Javaserakara and R.M.C.S. Ratnayake liquid organic fertilizer for growth

enhancement of Abelmoschus esculentus. (L.) Moench and Altermathera Sessils 9L.O D.C.

Present study the influence of foliar application of liquid organic fertilizers on the growth

performance of two popular vegetables Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench and Altermathera

Sessils are investigated.

Chapter 3


Research Design

This study used experimental research design. (According to Meriam Webster) It is any

research conducted with a scientific approach, where a set of variables are kept constant while

the set of variables are being measured as the subject of experiment.

Locale of the Study

The study is conducted at Santiago national high School, Santiago, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo.

This study will utilize 10 okra five for experimental group five for control group.

Subject of the Study

The subjects of the study are plants (okra- Abelmoschus esculentus)

Sampling Techniques

The researcher will use random sampling. Random Sampling- is a way of selecting of

observation from a population in order to make inferences about the population.

Sampling Size

This study covers 10 plants.

Researcher Instruments

The researcher instrument the researchers used were the tally sheets.

Data Gathering Procedures

1. The researchers decided what plant to use in the experiment.

2. The researchers will able to have a meeting with regards to the improvised

fertilizers they experiment.

3. The researchers plant okra that is 5 for experimental and 5 for control group.

4. The researchers will studio plants until it grow and put fertilizers.

Data Analysis

Mean. Implies average and it is the sum of a set of data divided by the number of data.

Mean can prove to be an effective tool when comparing different sets of data: however this

method might be disadvantage by the impact of extreme values.

Percentage. One of the most frequent ways to represent statistics is by percentage.

Opercent simply means “per hundred” and the symbol used to express percentage is % one

percent (or 1%) is one hundredth of the total or whole end is therefore by dividing the total or

whole number by 100.

T-test. Used in case of small samples and when the test statistic of the population

follows a normal distribution.

Standard deviation. Is a measure of the spread of scores within a set of data.

Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents results of the study.

Descriptive Analysis

In the Control group, the height of plants was 8. The table1 shows the height of plants produced

in the Control group.

Table 1. Number of fruits produced in the Control group.

Pot Number Height of Plants

(Control Group)

1 12 cm
2 9 cm
3 8 cm
4 5 cm
5 6 cm
N=5 Mean= 8

In the Experimental group, the average height of plants produce was 7.8.

Table 2 shows the number of fruits produced in the Experimental group.

Pot Number Number of Fruits Produced
(Experimental Group)

1 7 cm
2 5 cm
3 10 cm
4 9 cm
5 8 cm
N=5 Mean= 8

The study shows that 10 okra in the Control group and the Experimental group being
experimented. The mean of the control group is M= 8 and the experimental group is M= 7.8,
DF= 4 and the standard deviation in the control group is SD= 35.88 and experimental is SD=

Table 3

Group Mean DF Standard Deviation

Control 8 4 35.88
Experimental 7.8 4 0.74

The results of T- test= 0.01

Table 4

T- Test 0.01

There is no significant difference between the height of plants between Control and

Experimental group.


Chapter 5


Summary of Findings

The study was conducted to determine the effect of MadPig fertilizer to the production of okra.

Specially, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the average number of fruits produced in the Control group?

2. What is the average number of fruits produced in the Experimental group?

3. Is there a significant difference between the average number of fruits produced between

the Control and the Experimental group?

The experimental method of research was employed in this study.

There were Tenth (10) okra plants planted in two groups namely the Experimental and

Control group. Researchers made an improve fertilizer to test the Experimental group in okra.

The personal observation and test made by the researchers was used to determine the results

of the experiment.

The study found out that:

1. The height of plants produced in the Control group was 8.

2. The average number of fruits produced in the Experimental group was 7.8.

3. There is significant difference between the Control group and Experimental group.


Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The researchers conclude that the height of plants in the Control group was normally


2. The researchers found out, that applying MadPig Fertilizer in the Experimental group

has an effect to the production of okra.

3. By using improvised MadPig Fertilizer, it can be concluded that there is a significant

difference between the height of the plants between Control and Experimental group.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following are recommended:

1. It is recommended that applying compost in control group is tested and proven to

make plants higher.

2. MadPig Fertilizer is recommended to use as an effective fertilizer in experimental


3. It is recommended that MadPig Fertilizer and compost has no significant difference

between Control and Experimental group.

Control Group Experimental Group

(1) 12 cm (1) 7 cm

(2) 9cm (2) 5 cm

(3) 8 cm (3) 10 cm

(4) 5 cm (4) 9 cm

(5) 6 cm (5) 8 cm


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