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The value of free speech: Perspective of Grade 12 students of San Jose City
towards speech freedom privilege of the youth in online platforms

A. Background of the Study

Freedom of Speech is the right to seek, receive and impart information, data, and

ideas of all kinds, by any means. Free speech can be applied to all kind of ideas

including those that may be deeply offensive. The liberty to express is a fundamental

human right. The right to speak with mind freely on important issues in society, access

information and hold the powers that to be account, plays a vital role in the healthy

development process of the society. Having such privilege comes with responsibility

and legitimate restrictions. Free speech is one of the most important rights and one of

the most misunderstood.

Online space has become a vital communication tool through which individuals

can exercise their free speech (Tiwari, 2017). Social media platforms transformed the

ability of humans to cross historic social, political, and geographic divides. Online

platform development bears great opportunities for the freedom of expression and the

diversification of public discourse but has broadened the impact and harm done through

disinformation and hate speech (Theil, 2020). People has a greater sense of freedom of

speech when using online networks. The information coming from cyberspace can led

to a rise in expressions, feelings and ideas (Graciyal, 2018).

According to Talkwalker (2019), the age group 18-24 makes up the largest

proportion (52.7%) of social media users in the Philippines while age group 13-17 are in

third position with 13.8%. The youth are the once who is exposed to online platforms,
these makes the youth exposed their self to a wider source of information and opinions.

Freedom of speech is authorized to every person. Whether rich or poor, young or old,

every person holds different opinion and it’s his/her right to express. With that, the youth

also had the right to express their own opinions to social, political and other issues

occurring in the community. The only question is, does the youth use the privilege of

free speech wisely? What are their perspectives of having such privilege?

Online platforms are the modern community where most people interact and

socialize. Thus, the youth would often use the privilege of free speech to express their

ideas and opinions. The ideas and opinions being shared in the cyberspace may vary

from being neutral, positive and utterly negative. It may make or break the limitations of

the said privilege.

The freedom of speech and expression must be used with responsibility. One

must be responsible for every word they utter and the things they express. Especially,

the youth, who is the most vulnerable to irresponsibility must be the ones to truly value

the privilege given to them.

This research intends to know the perspective of the youth towards the privilege

of speech freedom in online platforms and what are the benefits and disadvantage of

free speech amongst the youth.

B. Statement of the Problem

In its current state, online platforms are the way in all aspects of communication.

It has a wide variety of uses depending on people’s needs. A lot of issues were
discourse, and this includes expressing opinion and perspective towards it. The study

intends to identify the perspective of Grade 12 students of San Jose City towards the

speech freedom of youth in online platforms.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the significance of speech freedom among youth?

2. What is the perspective of the youth towards speech freedom privilege among

youth in using online platforms?

3. What are the benefits and disadvantages of speech freedom privilege among

youth using online platforms?

4. How does speech freedom privilege among youth affects the online community?

C. Scope and Delimitation

The focus of this study is to know the perspective of grade 12 students in San

Jose City regarding the free speech privilege of youth on an online platform. The

general intent of this study is to mainly identify and assess the different perspective of

grade 12 student about the value of freedom of speech to youth. Also, this study yearns

to identify on how can the researchers assist and develop the youth’s confidence to

voice out and speak even in this online platform.

This study will be conducted in school year 2020-2021 and the selection of

respondents may not be generalized to everyone and only be limited for Grade 12
students in online modality of San Jose City. The research design to be use in the study

is Qualitative Research design.

D. Significance of the Study

The study hopes to establish an understanding about the perspective of grade 12

students in San Jose City towards free speech privilege of youth on an online platform.

Furthermore, the study could be of importance to the following:


This study is beneficial for student to know their privileges in terms of voicing out

their opinions and ideas. Also, this will let them know the value of free speech to the

youth even in online platforms.


This study will give the teachers ideas and knowledge about the perspective of

Grade 12 students about the privilege of youth toward speech freedom.


This study is beneficial for parents to have an insight about the perspective of

their child’s privilege in terms of speaking their rights ang opinions in online platforms.

This study will serve as an instrument for every people in the community to use

the privilege of free speech responsibly and let them know the effect and significance of

speech freedom.

Future Researchers

This research will serve as an understanding and enlightenment to their inquiries

regarding the perspective of Grade 12 students towards free speech privilege of youth

in online platforms.

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