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Lab: AP
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Kulsoom Rahim

Submitted by: Muhammad Usman

Reg. number: 20-ME-184
Semester: Second

Date : 25/03/2021
Experiment Statement:
To verify Ohm’s law, the mathematical relationship among current, voltage or
potential difference, and resistance, in a simple circuit.

This experiment is basically a practical demonstration of Ohms law.
First of all, we will define what is Ohms law.
It states that
“The voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing
through it, provided all physical conditions and temperature remain constant.”

It can mathematically be expressed as

Where R is a constant of proportionality and is known as resistance of the
substance. Its unit is Ohm (Ω). The above formula can also be written as


Ohm’s law is true only when the provided temperature and the other physical
factors remain constant. In certain components, increasing the current raises the
temperature. For example, consider the filament of a light bulb, in which the
temperature rises as the current is increased. In this case, Ohm’s law cannot be
applied. So, a lightbulb filament violates Ohm’s Law.

The purpose of this lab is to verify Ohms law and to find the relationship between
voltage, current and resistance in a circuit. We will see how the current changes
with change in voltage and what is the behavior of these quantities with change in

Apparatus :

• Connecting wires
• Resistance(100-10000Ω)
• Voltmeter
• Ammeter
• Battery(0-120V)
• Switch
Circuit Diagram
The circuit diagram is as follows
Experimental Procedure:
1. First, we set up the following circuit shown below, using a power supply, an
ammeter (A), a voltmeter (V) and one 3000-Ω Resistor (R) from resistor box.

2. Then, we will check the circuit for any faults.

3. Then, we will close the switch and read the voltage and current on the meters.
Next, we will vary the output voltage of the power supply from 4 to 32 V in the
increment of 2V and record the readings of the voltage V across the resistor and
corresponding current I through the resistor in Table 1.

5. We will then repeat this procedure for 5000-Ω Resistor (R) from resistor box.
Similarly, a third reading will be note for a resistance of 7000-Ω resistor from
the resistor box.

6. Then, we will make the graph of the voltage V (vertical axis) versus the electric
current I (horizontal axis) for each resistor.

7. Next, calculate the percent error of the actual 3000-Ω Resistor (R) and the
experimental 3000-Ω Resistor (R).

8. Finally, repeat step 6 and 7 but for 5000 and 7000-Ω Resistor (R).
Experimental Data:
In order to get more efficient results, we have to provide three different set of
data tables with different resistances and voltages.
The values of resistance we are using are 3000, 5000 and 7000 Ω. We will
see how curent varies with voltage by keep the resistance constant and
will find its slope.
First Data Table
Resistance used is 3000 Ω.
Value of I will be calculated from the Formula I=V/R.
Voltage Current
4 0.0013
6 0.0020
8 0.0027
10 0.0033
12 0.0040
14 0.0047
16 0.0053
18 0.0060
20 0.0067
22 0.0073
24 0.0080
26 0.0087
28 0.0093
30 0.0100
32 0.0107

Second Data Table :

Resistance used is
5000 Ω.
Value of I will be calculated from the Formula I=V/R.

Voltage Current
10 0.0020
12 0.0024
14 0.0028
16 0.0032
18 0.0036
20 0.0040
22 0.0044
24 0.0048
26 0.0052
28 0.0056
30 0.0060
32 0.0064
34 0.0068
36 0.0072

Third Data Table 38 0.0076

Resistance used is 7000 Ω.

Value of I will be calculated from the Formula I=V/R.
Voltage Current
12 0.0017
14 0.0020
16 0.0023
18 0.0026
20 0.0029
22 0.0031
24 0.0034
26 0.0037
28 0.0040
30 0.0043
32 0.0046
34 0.0049
36 0.0051
38 0.0054
40 0.0057

Data Analysis:
In this section, we will plot graphs of above data tables and will see what trends
they make whether linear, increasing or decreasing. From this, we will conclude
some important results.
Graph of first data table is

Graph of second data table is :

Graph of third data table is :

• Slope of graph=change in Voltage/change in current
= ∆V/∆I = R i-e slope is a straight line meaning that resistance
remains constant during the graph.

• Now, we will compare it with actual resistance which seems equal to

calculated resistance because we are just performing a stimulation. We
cannot determine any change that can happen in real environment affecting
the value of resistance. So, we cannot calculate percentage error. Therefore,
percentage error = 0 %
• By keeping the resistance constant, we see that current has a direct relation
with voltage i-e by increasing voltage, current increases. If we double the
current, voltage will also be doubled and so on. And it is in accordance with
Ohms law which states that voltage is directly proportional to current.

• We have plotted 3 graphs with different values of voltage and resistance for
better results.
• As we know y = mx + c where y represents V, x represents I, and m is the
slope i-e R. So, here c is y intercept which is zero in this case.
• Ohms law is applicable only to ohmic devices i-e whose resistance remain
constant. So, if there a variation in resistance, then VI graph will not be
straight line meaning that current does not remain proportional with voltage
and Ohms law will be violated. It becomes a case of non-ohmic device and
Ohms law does not hold for non-ohmic devices.
• Color coding for my resisters is as follows
For 3000 Ω resistor
Orange Black Red Gold

For 5000 Ω resistor

Green Black Red Gold

For 7000 Ω
Violet Black Red Gold

• Although, there are some limitations of apparatus used in experiment, but

here we cannot discuss limitations as we are only doing a stimulation.
Power of 3000 Ω resistor: P =
V2/R = 72/3000 = 0.016 Watt
Power of 5000 Ω resistor: P =
V2/R = 72/5000 = 0.098 Watt

Power of 7000 Ω resistor:

P = V2/R = 72/7000 = 0.007 Watt

Ohm's Law deals with the relationship between voltage and current in an ideal
conductor. This relationship states that the potential difference (voltage) across
an ideal conductor is proportional to the current through it. The constant of
proportionality is called the "resistance", R. This can be expressed in an equation
as V=IR and can be manipulated to find the other two variables. (I and R) The
point of graphing this lab experiment was to establish the relationship between
current and voltage and to see the behavior of resistance in response to voltage
and current.

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