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Functional Specification

Functional Specification
Specification No: FS-MM-004 Issue Date (dd/mm/yyyy):
Description Bond warehouse goods movement report 08/02/2021
Revision History
Version Date Description of changes
 1.0  08/02/2021 Bond warehouse good movement report
Section I : Justification
Area (Module): MM Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 08/02/2021
Requested by: IWS- Bond processing team

Brief description: Identify the relationship between To-bond and Ex-bond cusdec numbers
Legal requirements will not be fulfilled
Lack of information required for the business
Impact of not creating the program
Lose functionality compared to the old system

Is there any alternative in the

Yes No
standard system

Use the standard good movement list where you could find this in
Describe the alternative found
separate lines

Conversion Batch Interface Online Interface Report

Form Enhancement Extension Dialog
Program type:
Modification Unknown Others BAPI
ALE/ IDOC Application Development

Project: Endeavour Functional Specification

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Functional Specification

Section II : Requirement and Solution

(a) Business Needs & Requirement (Please use this section for describing the business requirement in
detail preferably with flow diagram)

Description and Purpose:

This report generated to identify the relationship between TO-Bond and Ex-bond cusdec number which are
considered as batch numbers in this process.

(b) Detailed Functional Description Concept – Operational Requirements (describe in detail)

Business Process Detail:

Currently this is maintained manually with a higher effort

Authorization requirements:

This report authorization should be only provided to requested users



Section III : Logic

Selection Criteria (Input Screen):

BOND Warehouse Report

Selection Screen

Should be always selected and cannot

Plant 1106 change
Material   to  
Batch (TO-Bond Cusdec No)   to  
Posting Date (Mandatory)   to  

Selection Logic:

Project: Endeavour Functional Specification

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Functional Specification

Plant should be always selected as 1106 and should not be able to change.

Process Logic:

This report provides material goods movement information which is posted information. Canceled should not be

Report / Form Layout (Attach format if required):

Receiving material information logic

Input above selection (posting date to MKPF-BUDAT and plant to MSEG-WERKS, material to MSEG-MATNR,
batch to MSEG-CHARG,) to MSEG and MKPF and get MSEG-BWART = ‘101’ and SHKZG =’S’ to get MKPF-

Reversal exclusion
Input MSEG-EBELN and MSEG-BWART = ‘102’ and get MSEG-SMBLN.
This data set should exclude below documents numbers.
For that from initial data set remove documents where MBLNR = SMBLN

1. Material – From above documents display MSEG-MATNR

2. Material Description –
Input above MATNR to MAKT and get MAKT-MAKTX
3. Receipt Batch Number ( The TO-BONd Cusdec No) - From above 101 movement type documents
display above MSEG - CHARG
4. Goods Receipt Posting Date – From above 101 movement type documents display above MKPF-BUDAT
5. Goods Receipt Document – From above 101 movement type documents display above MSEG-MBLNR
6. Receipt Bottle quantity
From above 101 movement type documents, get MEINS = ‘BT’ and display MSEG-MENGE

Input MATNR and MEINH = ‘CV’ and ‘LTR’ to MARM table get UMREZ and UMREN
7. Receipt Pack Size

Project: Endeavour Functional Specification

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Functional Specification

When MEINH = ‘CV’

8. Receipt Liters
When MEINH = ‘LTR’

Issuing material information logic

Input posting date of the selection screen to MKPF-BUDAT and plant to MSEG-WERKS, material to MSEG-

Reversal exclusion
Input MSEG-EBELN and MSEG-BWART = ‘642’ and get MSEG-SMBLN.
This data set should exclude below documents numbers.
For that from initial data set remove documents where MBLNR = SMBLN
9. Issue Batch Number (TO-BOND Cusdec No) - From above 641 movement type documents display
10. Good Issue Posting Date - From above 641 movement type documents display MKPF- BUDAT
11. Goods Issue Document - From above 641 movement type documents display MKPF- MBLNR
12. Issue Bottle Quantity - From above 641 movement type documents, get MEINS = ‘BT’ and display MSEG-

Input MATNR and MEINH = ‘CV’ and ‘LTR’ to MARM table get UMREZ and UMREN
13. Issue Pack Size
When MEINH = ‘CV’
14. Issue Liters
When MEINH = ‘LTR’

15. Balance = Per each TO-BOND deduct EX-BOND and display

Project: Endeavour Functional Specification

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