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PEARSON Nes Cee | ere PICTURE DICTIONARY Steven J. Molinsky ° Bill Bliss llustrated by Richard E. Hill Wy colt OE CONTENTS Personal Information and Family Personal Information Fruits 48 Family Members | Vegetables 49 Family Members Il Meat, Poultry, and Seafood 50 Dairy Products, Juices, and Beverages 31 eer ce eu Reece bocce. a speciosa = The Classroom 4 Household Supplies, Baby Products, Classroom Actions 6 and Pet Food 54 Prepositions 8 ‘The Supermarket 55 Everyday Activities | 9 Containers and Quantities, 56 Everyday Activities I 10 Units of Measure 37 Leisure Activities 1 Food Preparation and Recipes 58 Everyday Conversation 2 Kitchen Utensils and Cookware 59 The Weather Fast Food 60 The Coffee Shop and Sandwiches ot 62 tian ae ae ail Numbers 15 Time 6 ° Moe ah eke) The Calendar Colors Clothing Outerwear Sleepwear and Underwear Exercise Clothing and Footwear Jewelry and Accessories Describing Clothing Clothing Problems and Alterations Laundry e Expressions and Seasons ‘Types of Housing and Communities The Living Room 21 The Dining Room 22 The Bedroom 23 The Kitchen 24 ||) The Baby's Room 25 5 The Bathroom 26 ee Outside the Home 27 The Department Store 7% || The Apartment Building 238 Shopping B Household Problems and Repairs 30 Video and Audio Equipment 76 | Cleaning Your Home 32 Telephones and Cameras 7) | |) Home Supplies 33 Computers 73 | Tools and Hardware 34 The Toy Store 79 Gardening Tools and A 35 nar deed The Bank Places Around Town | Finances Places Around Town Il 38 The Post Office The City The Library ‘Community Institutions Crime and Emergencies Cr) "People and Physical Descriptions 42 Describing People and Things 44 ' | Describing Physical States and Emotions 46 | The Body Ailments, Symptoms, and Injuries First Aid Medical Emergencies and Illnesses The Medical Exam Medical and Dental Procedures Medical Advice Med Medical Specialists The Hospital Personal Hygiene Baby Care Erica eines Types of Schools The School School Subjects Extracurricular Activities Mathematics Measurements and Geometric Shapes English Language Arts and Composition Literature and Writing Geography Science The Universe Occupations | Occupations I Job Skills and Activities Job Search The Workplace Office Supplies and Equipment The Factory The Construction Site Job Safety ocak me Public Transportation Types of Vehicles Car Parts and Maintenance Highways and Streets Prepositions of Motion Traffic Signs and Directions The Airport Airplane Travel The Hotel 88 90 1 92 93 94 95 96 98 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 10 1m 114 116 ng 19 120 121 122 125 126 128 129 730 131 132 133 ie ene eae Hobbies, Crafts, and Games Places to Go The Park and the Playground The Beach Outdoor Recreation Individual Sports and Recreation Team Sports ‘Team Sports Equipment Winter Sports and Recreation Water Sports and Recreation Sport and Exercise Actions Entertainment Types of Entertainment Musical Instruments The Farm and Farm Animals 151 Animals and Pets 152 Birds and Insects 154 Fish, Sea Animals, and Reptiles 155, Trees, Plants, and Flowers 156 Energy, Conservation, and the Environment 158 Natural Disasters 159 ee cis Types of Travel Arriving at a Destination 161 Hotel Communication 162 Tourist Activities 163 Tourist Communication 164 The World North America, Central Amé the Caribbean 168 South America 169 Europe 170 Africa and the Middle East m1 Asia and Australi 172 Countries, Nationalities, and Languages 173 Verb Lists 174 Glossary 17% Numbers, Days of the Week, Months of the Year 194 Thematic Index SCOPE & SEQUENCE aces Person Information and Family | Gonmenity ‘Communication Skills '* Asking for & giving personal information lentilving information on a form ‘Spelling name aloud ‘identtying family members *ltreducing ethers “Identifying clsstaom abject & locations ‘identifying classroom acions Giving & folowing simple classroom commends ‘ldentiving everyday & leisure actives ‘loquiing by phone abou o person's actives * Acking about a persons plon for Kure actos * Sociol communication: Greeting people, leave fokng, Introducing youself ‘Wothrs, Going someonasatotion, Expressing ortivge, Saying you don't understand, Calieg someone on the telephone *Detcrbing the weather * Interpreting lemperaties ona thermometer (Fahrenheit & Centigrade) ‘Describing the weather forecas! for tomorrow Using cardinal & ordinal numbers ‘Giving information about age, rumber of fomily members, residence ‘Teling ime dicating time of events skin for information about arrival & departure times ‘Identifying coins & currency ~ names & volves 4 Making & osking for change ‘identifying days ofthe wesk ‘ idenifying months ofthe year ‘Asking about he yeor, month, day, date + Asking abou! the date of a bithday, cnnversory, appoiniment Giving date of ie ‘denying lyoes of housing & communities ‘equesing tox *Caling 911 for an ambulance ‘ denifying rooms of « home ‘denying furniture melimenting 1+ Asking for information in a store ‘locating items in a store ‘Asking abou items on sole ‘Asking the location of items at home: ‘Teling about post weskend cctvites ‘denying locations in an apariment building ‘ Identying ways te look for housing: clossifed ads, listings, vacaney signs + Renting an cpariment scribing household problems ‘Securing home repair services ‘Making @ suggestion *Idenifying household deaning ems, home supplies, & ols ‘Asking © borrow an iem *Desaibing curent home ectvites& plans for fre otvites ‘ldentfying places in the commenity ‘Exchanging greetings * Acking & giving the location of places in the community ‘Identifying government buildings, services, & other places ina ciy/town ‘center ‘Identifying modes of transportation in a city/town center Cee ‘Telling about yourself ling about fly members sawing a family ree escrbing o classroom olist of daly activities ing daily routine 8. of lonred otis + Describing favorite leisure acivities * Describing the weahher * Describing numbers of students in class * idenifying a coun’ population ‘Describing deily schedule wit imes *Toling ebout ime menagem *Taling abou! the use oF tm in diferent cules or counties * Describing the cos of purchasos * Describing coins & currency of oer ‘enuniree ‘Describing weekday & weekend acivitos ing about favorita day of he week & ron cl he yeor * Describing pes of hosing where people ‘Describing rooms & furniture in @ residence ‘Tolling abou! boby products & early chile rearing practices in diferent countries ‘Toling about personal experiences with repairing things ‘Describing on aportment building ‘Describing housahold cleaning chores “Describing ploces in @ neighborhood “Making list of ploces, people, & actions ‘observed at an infersacion thing on * Describing people by age Er pee poe carson * Describing suspect o missing person 0 police officer * Doseribing people & things using adjectives, Describing physical states & emetions ‘Expressing concern about another person's physical sote or emotion denying foad iems (ris, vegetables, mect, poulry, seafood, de eas oar aeean call Renee ose ee * Identifying nonfood toms purchased in a supermarket (eg. hoveehold ‘pple, baby product, pt food) «Determining foad needs to make a shopping list * Asking the locaton of fame in © supermerkat *identiying supermarket sctons ‘Requesting ams ota service countrin a superna “denying supermarket checkout rea personnel & fme *Idenifying food contoivers & quaniies Idenifying units of meosore * Asking for & giving recipe inercions * Complimening someone on &reipe * Offering to help wih food preparation “denying food preparation actions “Identifying kchon von & cookware * Asking fo borrow cn em * Comprehendingprodect advertising ‘Ordering fot fod items, colle shop tems, & sandwiches Indicating ¢shortege of supplies io a coworker or sypervior ‘Taking customers’ orders alo food service countor Scone cieeenoteen areal eccen *Htekng & flowing requests ot work * Identifying & correcly posioning sverwore & plates ina table seting *Ingvring n person about restaurant jb openings * Ordering rom e esourant menu Cling ota crtey estes or mete aceeaneel * Identifying colors *Complimenting someone on clothing “Identifying clothing tems, including ov'erwear,eoopwear, underwear, east comear mice eee *Tolking cbout oppropriate clothing for different weather conditions * Expressing clothing needs toa sore selesperson * Locating clothing items ‘Inquiring about ovmeship of found clothing items * Indicating loss of a clothing im * Asking about sale prices in @ clothing tora ‘Reporting theft of e clothing tem fo the police + Sating preferences daring clothing shopping * Expressing problems with clothing & the need for aberations “identifying laundry objects & activities * Locating laundry produce ino sore ar ‘* Describing physical characteristics of yoursal amy members ‘* Describing physical characteristics of a {evorie ater or acess o ther Famous person * Describing things at home & in the communty *Teling abou! personel experiences with | Siterentemofons * Describing favorite & leost favorite foods * Describing foods in diferent countries * Making a shopping lit * Describing places to shop for food * Telling about diferences between supermarkets & food stores in cifferent * Making lst of tems in kitchen cabinets & the refrigerator * Describing recycling practices * Describing 0 favorite recipe using units of ‘Teling cout use of kichen ens & ‘ Talling about experience with diferent ‘typos of resourans * Describing restaurants and mens in different counties ‘= Daseribing favorite foods ordered in restouronts += Describing the flags of diferent countries ‘Taling about emotions cssocicted wih diferent colors Teling about clothing & coors you lik to. *Deciing cating woo iran ‘ecosion e.g, going lo schools, porte, vwecdings) ‘Teling about clothing wor in diffrent weather conditions ‘Taling about clothing warn during exercise ecivites cel eae arie akeeie iferent actos - ‘Describing the color, material, szo, & pattern of favorite clothing items + Comparing clothing fashions now & a long fime 996 ‘Teling about who does laundry ot home Communication Ski dant dap i 8ctvices ee carer sere Pag plecen a iia eeere ee SAGES a pese oie mae er per eae rk aan we Siukig bai eate a elects decane Serle ete ea tea = Of estan cite aso solenenon Reeves ose ae earning actor proce, (edldig Wed Beds peer (ee yet Te sett Paani eel Coes Berea iree ieee *Canplmening sommane cbou cn tom & faqung where # wos purchased SAU ge ete ee ni rere cee aie merce ape Pdathracarehin cast ten in cers Aiki orcas aut sree il erred + Requesing bonk services & ransactons leg, depesi, witkawal, ashing Check, sbicining toveler's checks, opening an account, epplyig for a ‘Gan, exchanging cureney * Identifying bonk personnal * identifying Bank forms * Asking about acceptable forms of payment cath, check, credit cord tren hensars check) ee et *ldentiying hovsehold bil rent, tities, fe.) ‘dentin fay nance documents & actions allowing insucions fo use an ATH machine * Requesing pos offce services &ronsocions ing bees ofall & mal ceric ideifying diferent ways to buy stomps + Requesing nonmal services avalabe ot the pos ofce (money order Selecive service registration, passport application) *identiying & lcetng library secons, sence, & personne + Asking how fo finda book in he lorry *identying community nstuons, services, ond personnel (police, fre, ci ee genie ore ee ses pet ey «ldenfying types of emergency vehicles Reporting crime *idenifyng conmunity mishop gos leak, wotermoin break, et) * Expressing concern abou! communiy prablams *Idenitying ports of he bedy & key internal orgons ‘Describing cilments, symploms,& injuries ‘Asking about he health ef onother person ‘Identifying items in a frskoid kt ‘Describing medical emergencies ‘Identilying emergency medical procedures (CPR, rescue brecihing, Heimlich *=Caling 911 to report o medical emergency identifying major illnesses *Tolking with o friend or coworker abou illess in one's amily + Following instuctions during a medical examination *ldontying mcicl perce, eaupment, & suppins in medial & denial “Understanding medical & dental personnel’ description of procedures during treaiment *Undersionding @ doctor's medical advice end instructions *Idenitying overthe-counter medications ‘Understanding dosoge insiruetons on medicine labels +ideniying medicol spocialss indicating the date & ime ofa medical appoiniment *Idonifying hospital deporiments & personnel ‘Identifying equipment in 2 hospital room *\denifying actions & items related to personal hygiene * Locating personal core products in 9 store *idontilying actions & iems related to boby cove Cee ‘Describing o depariment store ‘Telling about sores that have soles ‘Tallin about an item purchased on sole *Comparing diferent types & brands of video & audio equipment ‘Describing telephones & cameras ‘Describing personal use of ¢ computer + Shoring opinions about how computers have chonged the word 5 ‘Taling about popular toys indifferent countries ‘Telling about favorite childhood toys ‘Describing use of bork services ‘Talips about housshol ils & amounts pai ‘Telling obout the person responsible For housthold frances ‘Describing vse of ATM machines + Describing use of postal services ‘Comparing postal systems in different counties ‘Taling obout experience using a library *Taling about he location of community insivtions ‘Describing experiences using community insituions ‘Telling about crime in the community ‘Describing experience with o crime or emergency ‘Telling about a personal experience with on ines or injury ‘Describing remedies or neaiments for commen problems (cld, siomachoche, insect bits, hiccues} ‘Describing experience with o medicol fmergency _Desrbing a nail vanintin ‘Describing experience with a medical or dental procedure ‘Taling about medical advice received ‘Telling about overthecounier medications used) *Comporing use of medications in different countries Describing experience with o medical specials ‘Describing o hospitel say ‘Moking alist of personal core ites needed for trip *Comporing baby products in diferent countries Unit / Theme ig as *Identilying types of educational instuions * Giving information about previous education during a job interview \dentibing school laine & prtonnl identifying school subjects * denying exrocurrculer activities * Sharing eferschool plans Mari ‘Asking & answering bosic quesions during o math class ‘Using fractions to indica sce prices “Using percents to indicate test seores & probability in weother forecants + Idenifying high schoo! math subjects sing measurement jerms 0 indicate height, width, dept, length, distance ‘interpreting metric mecsurements + Idenifying types of lines, geometric shapes, & solid figures + Encustt ANGUAGE Ant: * idenifying ypes of sentences + Idenifying parts of speech * idenifying punctuation merks ‘Providing feedback during paerediing * ideniying slaps of he writing process fenifying types of literature ‘denying forms of wring *Geoctar ‘idenifying geographical fecires & bodies of waler ‘idenifying natural environments (desert, jungle, rainforest ec] | Sornce ‘identifying science classroom/laboratory equipment ‘Asking abou! equipment needed to do a science procedure ‘idenifying steps of he scientific method “denifying key erm fo describe the universe, solo system, & spoce ‘exploration + Identifying occupations * Siting work experience {including length of time in on occupation) during @ job interview ‘Talking about occupation during socil conversotion + Expressing jeb aspirations identifying ob sls & work activites ‘nical esi ing on iri nln lenght in] + Idenifying types of job adverisements (help wanted signs, job notices, eufedoa | eh ‘+ inferpeting ebbreviotions in job cdkertiements ‘ idenifying each step in a job-search process ‘Identfying workplace locations, furniture, equipment, & personnel *Idenifying common office tasks ‘Asking the location of « coworker ‘Fngaging in smol-tok with coworkers ‘denying common office supplies “Making requests af work ‘Repeating fo confirm understanding of requestor insrucion + ideniying factory locations, equipment, & personnel * Asking te location of worglee daperinent &pescnel eon nes ‘os anew employee + Asking abou the locaton & aetivities of o coworker ‘ dentfying constuction site mochinery, equipment, ond building materials ‘Asking @ coworker for a workplace im + Warming a coworker of safely hazard ‘Asking whether there isa sufficient supply of workplace moterials idenifying job safety equipment ‘Injerreting warning signs af work ‘Reminding someone fo use safely equipment + Asking the locolion of emergency equipment at work Re lig owt dir perf hod hecenmonty “Teling shou schoo otended, wher, shen: & sbjoe shad «Describing @ schoo ‘Comparing school in diferent counties “Teling obou (ovr school abject “eling abou extocuicdar aces * Comporing exracurcular aces In erent counties Describing mah educovon “Teling abou something bought on sole *Resgorehing & shoring ieformationcbout popullonsoiates using pereens books atthe ng nevapabaia roaches re “Telng abou use offen! types of ACen eo eouet Deseabing the geography of your county Descbing posoohcal cree experienc © Helen is Jack's @ Wakteris Jack’s —_. © Jack is Helen and Walter's @ Linda is Helen and Walter's. Frank is Jack's (ayn lect ee Tell about your relatives: What are their names? Where do they ive? Draw your family tree and tell about it. SSROOM ACTIONS Say your name. ‘Open your book. 1 2 Repeat your name. 12 Read page ten. 22 Bring in your homework. 3 Spell your name. 413 Study page ten. 23 Go over the answers. 4 Print your name. 414 Close your book. 24 Correct your mistakes. 5 Sign your name. 45 Put away your book. 25 Hand in your homework. 6 Stand up, 46 Raise your hand. 26 Share a book. 7 Goto the board. 17 Ask a question. 27 Discuss the question. 8 Write on the board. 18 Listen to the question. 28 Help each other. 9 Erase the board. 19 Answer the question. 29 Work together. 40 Sit down./Take your seat. 20 Listen to the answer. 30 Share with the class. Who is she? fe! 31 Look in the dictionary. 32 Look up a word. 33 Pronounce the word, 34 Read the definition 35 Copy the word. ‘aunt daughter 36 Work alone./Do your own work. 37 Work with a partner. 38 Break up into small groups. 39 Work in a group. 40 Work as a class. You're the teacher! Give instructions to your students! ® wite sister BA &), “dictionary. in Look the: Lookin the dictio 41 Lower the shades. 51 42 Turn off the lights. 52 43 Look at the screen. 53 44 Take notes. 45 Tum on the lights. 46 Take out a piece of paper. 47 Pass out the tests. 48 Answer the questions. 49 Check your answers. 50 Collect the tests. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Choose the correct answer. Circle the correct answer. Fill in the blank. Mark the answer sheet. / Bubble the answer. Match the words. Underline the word. Cross out the word. Unscramble the word. Put the words in order. Write ona separate sheet of paper. Liisa OTIULLe) Sy 1 above 5 next to 8 to the left of 10 in 2 below 9 to the right of 6 on 11 between 3 infront of 7 under 4 behind a A. Where's the dictionary? B. The dictionary is between the globe and the pencil sharpener. [1-10] ‘A. Where's the clock? B. The clock is above the bulletin board. Tell about the classroom on page 4. Use the prepositions In this lesson, Tell about your classroom, EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES t 1 get up 6 wash my? face 11 get undressed 15 make breakfast 2 take a shower 7 put on makeup 12 take a bath 16 make lunch 3 brush my* teeth 8 brush my* 13 gotobed 17 cook/make dinner 4 shave 2 comb my* hair 14 sleep 18 eat/have breakfast 5 get dressed 10 make the bed 19 eat/have lunch Renters ee 20 eat/have dinner A ‘A. What do you do every day? B. | get up, | take a shower, and | brush my teeth. i A. What does he do every day? ‘A. What does she do every day? ‘What do you do every day? Make a list. B. He’ she __, BeShea a miershe a) Sis : ore < Interview some friends and tell about their everyday activities. 1 clean the apartment/ clean the house 2 wash the dishes 3 do the laundry 4 iron 13 work 14 leave work 15 goto the store 16 come home/get home 5 feed the baby 6 feed the cat 7 walk the dog 8 study 9 goto work 10 go to school ‘1 drive to work 42 take the bus to school A, Hello. This is What are you doing? B. Im A. I'm. ing. Jing. How about you? A. Hello, What are you doing? B. I'm cleaning the apartment. A. Ave you going to soon? What are you going to do tomorrow? B. Yes. im going to____ina Make list of everything you are ttle while, going to do. BSUS ACTIVITIES 8 4 watch TV 5 read the newspaper 9 play the guitar 13 plant flowers 2 listen to the radio 6 play 10 practice the plano 14 use the computer 3 listen to music 7 play cards 11 exercise 45 write a letter 4 read a book 8 play basketball 42 swim 16 relax ‘A. Hi, What are you doing? B. I'm watching TV. A Hi, Are you ‘A. What's your {husband/wife/son’ What leisure activities do you like to do? ing? deughter/ ing? B. No, Imnot. I'm ai What do your family members and in BL He's/She's in i y " S # ‘fiends like to-do? 9 Good-bye./Bye. 10 Good night. 11 See you later./ See you soon. | Introducing Yourself and Others 12 Hello. Mynameis......../ 16 Excuse me. 20 | don’t understand. / Hi, I'm 17 May | ask a question? Sorry. I don’t understand. 13. Nice to meet you. 48 Thank you./Thanks. 21 Can you please repeat that?/ 14 Nice to meet you, too. Noa Youre welcome Can you please say that again? 15 I'd like to introduce af 22 Hello. This is . May | please This is speak to 23 Yes. Hold on a moment. 24 I'm sorry. isn’t here right now. Practice conversations with other students. Use all the expressions on pages 12 and 13. 14 Bee i eae TS Weather 1 sunny 7 windy 43 sleeting 2 cloudy 8 humid/muggy 14 lightning 3 clear 9 raining 15 thunderstorm 4 hazy 10 drizzling 16 snowstorm 5 foggy 11. snowing 17 dust storm 6 smoggy 42 hailing 18 heat wave Temperature 19 thermometer 20 Fahrenheit 24 Centigrade/ Celsius 22 hot 23 warm 24 cool 25 cold 26 freezing (1-13) i413] 20-26) ‘A. What's the weather like? ‘A. What's the weather forecast? A. B. k's B. There's going to be _'sl_/ a_li5-18 8. A B. What's the weather like today? What's the temperature? What's the weather forecast for tamorrow? How's the weather? It's _ 122-26) What's the temperature? It's...degrees _ (20-21) NUMBERS Cardinal Numbers 0 zero 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 101 one hundred (and) one 1 one 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 102 one hundred (and) two 2 two 13 thirteen 30 thirty 1,000 one thousand 3 three 14 fourteen 40 forty 10,000 ten thousand 4 four 15 fifteen 50 fifty 100,000 one hundred thousand 5 five 16 sixteen 60 sixty 4,000,000 one million 6 six 17 seventeen 70 seventy 4,000,000,000 one billion 7 seven 18 eighteen 80 eighty 8 eight 19 nineteen 90 ninety 9 nine 20 twenty 100 one hundred 10 ten ‘A. How many people are Pen old ogee there in your family? I'm years old Ordinal Numbers ‘Ast first ‘11th eleventh ‘21st twenty-first 101st one hundred (and) first 2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second 102nd one hundred (and) second 3rd third 43th thirteenth 30th thirtieth AloGci cates 4th fourth 14th fourteenth 40th fortieth 10 000th ten thousarcihy Sth fifth, 15th fifteenth 50th fiftieth 100,000th one hundred thousandth (6th sixth 16th sixteenth 60th sixtieth 7th seventh ‘17th seventeenth 70th seventieth ee ee 8th eighth 48th eighteenth 80th eightioth ia ‘9th ninth 19th nineteenth 90th ninetieth 40th tenth 20th twentieth 100th one hundredth A. |s this your first trip to A. What floor do you live on? fi ‘our country? B. I live on the floor. B. No, It's my trip. How many students are there in your class? in elementary school? (My first-grade teacher wes Ms./Mrs /Mr...) How many people are there in your country? a tS two o'clock two fifteen/ two thirty/ two forty-five/ a quarter after two half past two a quarter to three two twenty/ two forty/ two fifty-five/ twenty after two ‘twenty to three five to three ‘A. What time does the movie begin? B. At A. What time is it? B. It's noon/ midnight/ twelve noon twelve midnight eben does:the.valn A. What time will we arrive? leave? B. At So Tell about your deily schedule: Tell about the use of time in diferent cultures or countries you know: What do you do? When’ Do people arrive on time for work? appointments? parties? (get up at. fies Do trains and buses operate exactly on schedule? Do movies and sports events begin on time? Do workplaces use time clocks or timesheets to record employees’ work hours? Do you usually have enough time to do things, or do you "run out of time”? Tell about it. 7 Coins Name Value Written as: 1 penny one cent te $.01 2 nickel five cents Be $.05 3 dime ten cents 10¢ $.10 4 quarter twenty-five cents 25¢ $.25 5 half dollar fifty cents 50¢ $.50 6 silver dollar one dollar $1.00 A. How much isa penny worth? B. Apenny is worth ‘one cent. A. Soda costs ninety-five cents. Do you have enough change? B. Yes. Ihave a/two/three __(s) and Name We sometimes say: Value Written as: 7 (one-) dollar bill aone one dollar $ 1.00 8 five-dollar bill afive five dollars $ 5.00 9 ten-dollar bill aten ten dollars $ 10.00 10 twenty-dollar bill a twenty twenty dollars $ 20.00 11 fifty-dollar bill a fifty fifty dollars $ 50.00, 12 (one-) hundred dollar bill a hundred one hundred dollars $100.00 A. Can you change a five-dollar bill/a five? B. Yes. Ihave five one-dollar bills/ I'm going to the supermarket Do you have any cash? . Ihave a twenty-dollar bill . Twenty dollars is enough. Thanks. We say: Tell about some things you usually buy. 2 dollar and thirty cents What do they cost? 2 dollar thirty Name and describe the coins and curreney in your $2.50 two dollars and fifty cents piaiabag telecine ‘ ie wry. What are they worth in US. dollars? $56.49 fifty-six dollars and forty-nine cents fiftysix fory-nine ate) THE CALENDAR ee | COMAT | ( o ae | G AGS) CLS @ Nov_] @) pse | Se aK Ce SoS See 43 ‘JAN , 3 Days of the Week Months of the Year 4 year 6 Sunday 43 January 49 July 25 January 3, 2012 2 month 7 Monday 14 February 20 August January third, two 3 week 8 Tuesday 45 March 21 September ‘thousand twelve 4 day 9 Wednesday 16 April 22 October 26 birthday 5 weekend 10 Thursday 17 May 23 November 27 anniversary 11 Friday 18 June 24 December 28 appointment 12 Saturday (13-24) A. What month is it? eaten [o-12) A. What day is it? B. It's ‘A. What year is it? B. It’s 26-28] = A. What's today’s date? ‘A. When is your 2 It's B. It’son ‘Which days of the week do you {G0 to work/school? (( ge to work/school on What is your date of birth? What's your favorite day of the week? ilwestomn on.../nomth day. year.) Why? ) What's your favorite month of the \Whet do you do on the weekend? year? Why? ate 13) 14) 15) 16) "| 18) 20 2i| 22) 23 4 25 | 27) 28; 29) 30) 1 yesterday 8 yesterdaymorning «16 tomorrowmorning «23 once aweek Seasons 2 today 9 yesterday afternoon 17 tomorrow afternoon 24 twiceaweek 27 spring 3 tomorrow 10 yesterdayevening «18 tomorrowevening 25 threetimesa_ 28 summer 11 last night 19 tomorrow night week 29 fall/ 4 morning 26 every day autumn 5 afternoon 12 this morning 20 last week 30 winter 6 evening 13 this afternoon 24 this week 7 night 14 this evening 22 next week 45 tonight What did you do yesterday morning/ What did you do last How many times a week do you have English afternoon/evening? week? class?/go to the supermarket? /exercise? ‘What did you do last night? What are your plans for What's your favorite season? Why? What are you going to do tomorrow momingy "eek afternoon/evening/ night? 4 apartment building 2 house 3 duplex/two-family house 4 townhouse/townhome 41) ‘A. Town Taxi Company. B. Hello. Please send a taxi to laciess) A, Isthat a house or an apartment building? B. i'sa/an " A, Allright. We'll be there right away. 5 condominium/condo 9 shelter 13 the city 6 dormitory/dorm 10 farm 14 the suburbs 7 mobile home 11 ranch 45 the country 8 nursing home in_[13. 142] A. Thisis the Emergency Operator. B. Please send an ambulance to (adcress) A, Isthate private home? 8. It'sa/an ‘A, What's your name and telephone number? 8 12 houseboat ‘A. Where do you live? in a/an 9) B. I lived on a_110-12) 16 a town/village Tell about people you know and where they live, Discuss: ‘Who lives in dormitories? ‘Who lives in nursing homes? Who lives in shelters? Why? THE LIVING ROOM 1 bookcase 9 VCR/video cassette 16 speaker 24 lamp 2 picture/photograph recorder 17 stereo system 25 lampshade 3 painting 10 wall 48 magazine holder 26 end table 4 mantel 11 ceiling 19 (throw) pillow 27 floor 5 fireplace 12 drapes 20 sofa/couch 28 floor lamp 6 fireplace screen 13 window 21 plant 29 armchair 7 DVD player 14 loveseat 22 coffee table 8 television/TV 45. wall unit 23 rug A. Where are you? B. I'min the living room. ‘A. What are you doing? B. I'm dusting* the bookcase. * dusting/cleaning Youhave avery nicelving room! A. Uh.ohl Lust piled coffee on Tell about your living room Thank you your {in ry iving room there's Your —__ is/are beautiful 8. That's okay, Don't worry about it ‘Thank you for saying so. @>ro> x wovoun A B, THE DINING ROOM (dining room) table 410 chandelier 19 platter 27 knife (dining room) chair 11 china cabinet 20 butter dish 28 spoon buffet 12 china 24 salt shaker 29 bow! tray 13 salad bowl 22 pepper shaker 30 mug teapot 14 serving bow! 23 tablecloth 31 glass coffee pot 415 serving dish 24 napkin 32 cup sugar bowl 16 vase 25 fork 33 saucer creamer 17 candle 26 plate pitcher 48 candlestick A. This dining room table is very nice. B. Thank you. It was a gift from my grandmother* *grendmother/grandfather/aunt/uncle/ [Ina storel [athomel Tell about your dining room. May |help you? A, Lookatthis old _____I just bought!__(In my dining room there's Yes, please, Do youhave st B. Where did you buy it? : ) Yes, _s* are right over there. A. Ata yard sale. How do you like i? Thank you. 8. it’s very unusvell "With 12, us the singular 1 bed 8 electric blanket 2 headboard 9 dust ruffle 3 pillow 40 bedspread 4 pillowcase 11 comforter/ quilt 5 fitted sheet 12 carpet 6 (flat) sheet 13 chest (of drawers) 7 blanket 14 blinds {ina store] A. Excuse me. I'm looking for A afen * 3. Wehave soma very nice 5, 8 and they/re all on sale this week! a A. Oh, good! 8 * Wah 148 15, ee: Excuse me, tm looking fr. 15 curtains 21 jewelry box 16 lamp 22 dresser/bureau 17 alarm clock 23 mattress 18 clock radio 24 box spring 49 night table/nightstand 25 bed frame 20 mirror ‘A. Ooh! Look at that big bug! B. Where? A. 8 It's on the bed! . LL get it. {in a bedroom} Tell about your bedroom. ‘Qh, no! I just lost my (in my bedroom there's. ) contact lens! Where? I think ifs on the Hlhelp you look. THE KITCHEN 1 refrigerator 410 dishwashing liquid 19 blender 28 coffeemaker 2 freezer 11 faucet 20 toaster oven 29 trash compactor 3 garbage pail 12 (kitchen) sink 24 microwave (oven) 30 cutting board 4 (electric) mixer 13 dishwasher 22 potholder 31 cookbook 5 cabinet 14 (garbage) disposal 23 teakettle 32 food processor 6 paper towel holder 15 dish towel 24 stove/range 33 kitchen chair 7 canister rack/dish drainer 25 burner 34 kitchen table 8 (kitchen) counter spice rack 26 oven 35 placemat 9 dishwasher detergent 18 (electric) can opener _—27 toaster. A. | think we need a new refrigerator. B. I think you're right. lin a store] {In a kitchen} Tell about your kitchen A. Excuse me. Are yours ‘A. When did you get this/these {in my kitchen there’s ) sill on sale? new (5)? B. Yes, they are, They'e twenty 8. I gotit/them last week percent off THE BABY’S ROOM aVouauna > teddy bear 9 changing pad 17 rattle 25 booster seat baby monitor/intercom 10 diaper pail 18 walker 26 baby seat chest (of drawers) 11 night light 19 cradle 27 high chair crib 12 toy chest 20 stroller 28 portable crib crib bumper/bumper pad 13 stuffed animal 21 baby carriage 29 potty mobile 14 doll 22 car seat/safety seat 30 baby frontpack changing table 45 swing 23 baby carrier 31 baby backpack stretch suit 16 playpen 24 food warmer ‘A. Thank you for the teddy bear. It’s a very nice gift. B. You're welcome. Tell me, when are you due? A. Ina few more weeks. That's a very nice. ‘A. Do you have everything youneed Tell about your country: Where diel you get it? before the aby comes? What things do people buy for a new baby? teas 9 af from as 8. Almost everything, We're stil Does a new baby sleep in 2 separate room locking for a/an ‘and a/an asin the United States?

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