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Learning Summary

IK 班 Content

Date 时间 2021/09/02 Teacher 教师 RIAZ , CHERRY , SHARY, 代老师

What we've learned 学习内容
(Reading 阅读/Listening 听力/Speaking 口语/Writing 写作/Grammar 语法/Critical Thinking 批判思维/)
Objective 教学目标:
This assessment will provide Kindergarten teachers with ample knowledge of the skills their Kindergarten students have entering school.
Vocabulary 词汇:
Numbers, reading, listening, Speaking, daily life.
Recycled vocabulary 循环词汇:

Key structure 重点结构:

Morning Circle: Free Talk Session
The surrounding environments
Days of the week.
Weather forecast.
Ophy's birthday Celebration 
Sing a Birthday song for our lovely Ophy.
Play fun games together.
Writing Test Session:
Math Primary Years Program test
Reading Assessments
Speaking & Critical thinking session.
Critical thinking 批判思维:

Homework 作业 Deadline 时间点 Tomorrow

Homework 作业:
Complete the worksheets prepared by the teacher
Review 复习:


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