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Learning Summary


IK 班 Content ARTS & CRAFTS

Date 时间 2021/09/09 Teacher 教师 RIAZ , CHERRY , SHARY, 代老师

What we've learned 学习内容
(Reading 阅读/Listening 听力/Speaking 口语/Writing 写作/Grammar 语法/Critical Thinking 批判思维/)
Objective 教学目标:
Identify different ways in which we are different physically.
Explore how fingertips are unique.
Consider why fingers and toes are different from other parts of the body.
Vocabulary 词汇:
Finger, toe, left, right, fingerprint.
Recycled vocabulary 循环词汇:
Friends, faster, trapped, free, shape, fish, octopus, crab, egg, seahorse, starfish, everyone, height, size, different, measure, half, Tape, cape, cane,
mane, game, cake, name, lake, gate, wave, skate, cave.
Key structure 重点结构:
Morning Circle: Discuss about “Jasper the crab” storybook.
What is different about jasper?
What is different about you compare to your classmate?

Jason's birthday Celebration

Sing a Birthday song for our handsome Jason
Play fun games together.

Reading corner: By Eric and YanYan

Target Lessons: Rub fingerprints and then look at them.

Emphasize the word “different.”
Demonstrate by creating fingerprint Data.

Homework 作业 Deadline 时间点 Tomorrow

Homework 作业:
1) Complete the homework prepared by Riaz.
2) Please Answer the two critical thinking questions below. (Record a video while babies are answering and post it in our
group chat for an assessment record)
Review 复习:

Critical thinking 批判思维:

1. What is different about you? Discuss five differences that exist between you and your classmates?
2. Can you please retell the “Jasper the crab” storybook using your own words?

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