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Learning Summary

IK 班 Content

Date 时间 2021/09/01 Teacher 教师 RIAZ , CHERRY , SHARY, 代老师

What we've learned 学习内容
(Reading 阅读/Listening 听力/Speaking 口语/Writing 写作/Grammar 语法/Critical Thinking 批判思维/)
Objective 教学目标:
Asking someone's name.
Introducing Yourself.
Review Classroom rules.
Vocabulary 词汇:

Recycled vocabulary 循环词汇:

Key structure 重点结构:

Expressions with same meaning:
My name is Lisa. I'm Lisa.
My name is Freddie. /I'm Freddie.
Question format
What is...? / What is your name?
What's...? / What's your name? (contracted form)
Adjective & verbs in greetings:
Nice (adj.)
to meet (verb)
New Pattern:
Hello! / Hi!/ Good morning!
My name is __Riaz__. / I'm _Riaz__.
I'm _ five_ years old. / I’m _5_.
I’m a _boy_ / _girl_.
I like to __Read__ books__.
What's = What is
I’m = I’m

Language Expression:
What's your name?
I'm Danny!
How old are you?
I'm five years old.
What do you like to do?
I like ___________.
Critical thinking 批判思维:

Homework 作业 Deadline 时间点 Tomorrow

Homework 作业:
Review 复习:


If you have purchased the Oxford Phonics world level 3 book, please let our babies take them into our classroom (student book and workbook).
Thank you!.

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