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Learning Summary

IK CLASS Class Storybook (I’m good at that!)

IK 班 Content Language & Comprehension

Date 时间 2021/09/22 Teacher 教师 RIAZ , CHERRY , SHARY, 代老师

What we've learned 学习内容
(Reading 阅读/Listening 听力/Speaking 口语/Writing 写作/Grammar 语法/Critical Thinking 批判思维/)
Objective 教学目标:
Test prior knowledge of the target language.
Teach Target language.
Have students use the target language in sentences when focusing on their own abilities.
Vocabulary 词汇:
Climb, walk, jump. build, run, kick, jumping rope, ride a bicycle, ride a scooter, roller skate.
Recycled vocabulary 循环词汇:
Blow bubbles, colors, numbers, nature, swing, slide, kite, bee, tree, family, pond,
Key structure 重点结构:
Afternoon Circle: Familiarize children with verbs and objects in the park.
Revise colors and numbers.
Example: I see a (kite). It’s (green).

Warmer: Demonstrate the actions and others' guesses.

Questions Structure:
Who’s this?
What’s this?
Is this a ______?
How many ______can you see?
Can (Sam)________?
What are you really good at?
Target language: Introduce “I’m good at that!”
I’m good at ___________.
I’m really good at ____________.
I’m not very good at _____________.
Homework 作业 Deadline 时间点 Tomorrow
Homework 作业:
Read Our new storybook called “I’m good at that!” and send the video in our group chat.
Answer the critical thinking below.
Review 复习:
Review Phonics vocabulary for tomorrow's class dictation.

Critical thinking 批判思维:

1) Tell me five things that you’re good at?

2) Tell me two things that you’re not good at?

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