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Learning Summary

Hello UNIT
Joey & Sunday Class Say it with me
ST2 CLASS Content Think with me
Show and Tell
Date 时间 2021/04/01 Teacher 教师 RIAZ
What we've learned 学习内容
(Reading 阅读/Listening 听力/Speaking 口语/Writing 写作/Grammar 语法/Critical Thinking 批判思维/)
Objective 教学目标:
.Review / Present the alphabet
To ask for things politely
Make a picture of a kid using shapes
Vocabulary 词汇:
Apple, bird, ball, bag, car, cookies, cat, dog, elephant, fox, feet, flower, grapes, hat, head, hand, insect, juice, kite, leg, moon, mouse, nest, octopus,
plant, rabbit, sun, sandwich, table, umbrella, van, wheel, yogurt.
Recycled vocabulary 循环词汇:
Legs, shape, star, square, circle, triangle, rectangle, eyes, ears, mouth, nose.
Key structure 重点结构:
Language Structure: To identify someone:
Who's this? This is (Fifi).
Who's he/she? He is (Sam) / She is (May).

Language expression:
Where are they? What are they doing?

Show and Tell: Class Project and Presentation

This is my friend.
Look! He's / She's a (square) kid.
The (eyes) are (circles).
The ( nose) is (triangle).
The (mouth) is a (rectangle)
Critical thinking 批判思维:
Talk about what you know about what others things animals can do.
(e.g., A bird can hop, whistle, and fly)
Homework 作业 Deadline 时间点 Tuesday
Homework 作业:
1) Complete the Activity book Page 4 – 8
2) Finish the reading worksheet prepared by the teacher
Review 复习:
 Review the alphabet + Numbers + Classroom object + Colors and Shapes.


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