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Learning Summary

Explore with me
Joey & Sunday Class
Think with me
ST2 CLASS Content
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Date 时间 2021/04/20 Teacher 教师 RIAZ

What we've learned 学习内容
(Reading 阅读/Listening 听力/Speaking 口语/Writing 写作/Grammar 语法/Critical Thinking 批判思维/)
Objective 教学目标:
To talk about how we make pictures
To practice a new language through a song
To practice the new language through a game
Vocabulary 词汇:
Rock, gray, brown, please, pass, shape, feathers, art, colors, shape.
Recycled vocabulary 循环词汇:
Quilt, classroom objects, colors, numbers, pen, brush, eraser, paper, glitter, paint, star, book, bag, pencil, crayon, Black, white, idea, next, team,
look out! Don't worry. What a mess
Key structure 重点结构:
Phonics Lesson: General Review A to Z

Grammar Lesson: Review Preposition of place: (on, in, under, next to, behind)
Example: The red fox is on the Rock.

Review Possessive determiner: It’s ____________.

It's a purple pen.

The indefinite article: "a" and "an"

When the following word starts with a consonant, we use "a": e.g., a Car, a Dog, a Table
When the following word starts with a vowel, we use "an": e.g., an Elephant, an Egg, an Apple
Language Expression: Talk about the picture you have made.

Critical thinking 批判思维: Question about the story?

How do we make a picture?
Whose picture uses brush – May's or Sam's.
Homework 作业 Deadline 时间点 Next Class
Homework 作业:
1) Complete the Activity book Unit 1: Explore with me to Show me
2) Finish the homework worksheet prepared by the teacher Riaz
Review 复习:

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