Rapid Fabrication of Superhydrophobic High-Silicon Aluminum Alloy Surfaces

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Results in Physics 12 (2019) 1082–1088

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Rapid fabrication of superhydrophobic high-silicon aluminum alloy surfaces T

with corrosion resistance
⁎ ⁎
Yankui Suna, Danyang Zhaoa,b, , Jinlong Songa,b, , Cong Wanga, Zhihao Zhanga, Liu Huanga,
Jiyu Liua, Ziai Liua
Key Laboratory for Precision and Non-Traditional Etching Technology of Ministry of Education, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, PR China
Collaborative Innovation Center of Major Machine Manufacturing in Liaoning, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, PR China


Keywords: High-silicon aluminum alloy (high-Si Al alloy) usually used as the electronic packaging materials on the radar on
High-silicon aluminum alloy ships have a susceptibility to corrosion, reducing the life of radar on ships. How to improve the corrosion-
Corrosion resistance resistance ability of high-Si Al alloy is still a challenge. In this paper, we introduced superhydrophobicity on
Superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy surface by electrochemical etching to improve the corrosion-resistance. The variation of surface
wettability with the etching time was subsequently studied. A better superhydrophobicity with water contact
angle of 163° and roll-off angle of 5° was obtained at 12 min etching time. This superhydrophobicity can ef-
fectively prevent the corrosive solution to corrode the high-Si Al alloy surface and increase the service life.

Introduction on aluminum-silicon alloys with high energy consumption in proces-

High-silicon aluminum alloy (high-Si Al alloy) is often used as the Superhydrophobic surface, with a water contact angle (CA) larger
electronic packaging materials on the radar on ships because of its low than 150° and a water roll-off angle (RA) smaller than 10° [15], has
density, suitable thermal expansion coefficient matching with semi- attracted a lot of attention for its potential characteristics, such as
conductor materials, good heat dissipating performance, and excellent corrosion resistance and self-cleaning [16–18]. There are two elements
mechanical property [1–10]. However, as high-Si Al alloy is often long- to prepare a superhydrophobic surface: rough structure and low surface
term exposed to corrosive atmosphere environment and seawater en- energy modification [19]. The voids between rough structures on su-
vironment, it is easily corroded which can reduce the life of radar on perhydrophobic surface can easily capture a large amount of air in pits
ships. For one thing, the corrosion would waste a lot of high-Si Al alloys of the hierarchal rough structures. The corrosive ions cannot migrate in
which need more cost than ordinary aluminum alloys [11]. What’s the captured gas, so the corrosion is inhibited on the superhydrophobic
more, as packaging materials, corrosion in the alloy can easily lead to surface [20]. Obtaining superhydrophobicity on metal substrate has
some interface defects. This interface defects would cause horrible re- proven effective in preventing the corrosion of Cu, steel, Mg and Zn
liability problems of electronic devices under stress concentration and alloys [21–24]. So fabricating superhydrophobic surface on high-Si Al
thermomechanical loading [12]. Therefore, how to improve the cor- alloy may be one effective method to prevent its corrosion.
rosion resistance of high-Si Al alloy is one of the urgent problems Fig. 1 shows the metallograph of high-Si Al alloy (Al-20%Si), in
needed to be solved in the field of ship radar industry. Till now, only which the Si grains uniformly disperse in aluminum matrix. As men-
few methods can be applied to improve the corrosion resistance of high- tioned above, the micro structure is a key element to fabricate super-
Si Al alloy. And these method mainly fall into two kinds: using corro- hydrophobic surface. If Al was removed partly, silicon particles dis-
sion resistant material as inhibitor and fabricating anti-corrosion oxide tributed in the Al matrix would form the micro-scale structures on the
film. Abdallah et al. [13] use animal glues as green inhibitor to improve surface. So a facile electrochemical etching method was applied for
the corrosion resistance of high-Si Al alloy. But animal gules are readily constructing superhydrophobic surface on high-Si Al alloy in this paper,
soluble in water so that they are not suitable for seawater environment. using a relatively nonpoisonous neutral solium chloride (NaCl) aqueous
Xue et al. [14] prepared an anti-corrosion film by micro-arc oxidation solution as electrolyte at room temperature. The rough structures were

Corresponding authors at: Key Laboratory for Precision and Non-Traditional Etching Technology of Ministry of Education, Dalian University of Technology,
Dalian 116024, PR China.
E-mail addresses: zhaody@dlut.edu.cn (D. Zhao), songjinlong@dlut.edu.cn (J. Song).

Received 29 November 2018; Received in revised form 30 December 2018; Accepted 30 December 2018
Available online 31 December 2018
2211-3797/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Y. Sun et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 1082–1088

Fig. 1. The metallograph of high-Si Al alloy.

firstly fabricated on the aluminum-silicon alloy by electrochemically superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy sample with an exposure surface of
etching and then modified by low surface energy material. 1 cm × 1 cm as the working electrode, was used. The potentiodynamic
polarization curves were obtained at a scanning rate of 2 mV/s. The
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were
Experimental section
measured in a frequency range from 100 MHz to 2 MHz at a 10 mV
scanning amplitude.
Fig. 2 shows the process of fabricating superhydrophobic surface on
Al-20Si alloy. High-Si Al alloys (Al-20%Si, 30 mm × 20 mm × 2 mm)
were polished mechanically with 800#, 1200#, 1500# sandpapers to Result and discussion
remove the oxide layer and smoothing the sample substrate surface
before electrochemical etching. Then, the samples were cleaned with Wettability of the high-Si Al alloy surfaces
alcohol and deionized water via ultrasonication to remove the oil stains
and residues. In the etching process, the anodic alloy plate and the Fig. 3 shows the digital images of water droplets on the different
cathodic Cu (purity ≥ 99.9%, Hong Wang Die Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, high-Si Al alloy surfaces. After the FAS modification, the CA of the
Guangdong) plate were placed with a distance of 40 mm. The Al-20Si original high-Si Al alloy surfaces increased from 31° to 101.4°, de-
alloy plates were etched under 100 mA/cm2 current density in the monstrating the great effect of FAS on lowing surface energy, as shown
0.2 mol/L NaCl electrolyte. Then the prepared alloys were immersed in in Fig. 3(a) and (b). When the alloy surfaces were electrochemical
a 1.0 wt% ethanol solution of Tridecafluoroctyltriethoxysilane etched for 12 min, it exhibited an excellent superhydrophilicity with a
[C8F13H4Si(OCH2CH3)3] (FAS, Degussa Co., Germany) for 1 h and CA of approximately 0°. After subsequent FAS modification, the alloy
subsequently heated at 90 °C for 20 min. surfaces successfully changed from superhydrophilic to super-
The surface morphologies of the obtained samples were character- hydrophobic, with a CA of ∼163.2° and a RA of ∼5.5°. The results
ized using a scanning electron microscope (SEM, SUPRA 55 SAPPHIRE, clearly indicate that electrochemical etching and low surface energy
Germany). The surface roughness was measured using a surface pro- material modification are both important in fabricating super-
filometer (ZYGO, NV5000 5022S, America). 5 μL water droplets were hydrophobic surfaces on the high-Si Al alloy substrate.
adopted in contact angle and roll-off angle measurement, using an Surface morphologies of the 12 min electrochemically etched high-
optical contact angle meter (SL200KS, KINO, USA) and conventional Si Al alloy surface were subsequently observed in Fig. 4. The Fig. 4(a)
tilting plate method respectively. 3.5 wt% aqueous solutions of NaCl, shows extreme rough microstructure with lots of deep gully and bulges
sodium chlorate (NaClO3), and sodium nitrate (NaNO3) were adopted formed on the alloy surface. From Fig. 4(b), it can be seen that the
in electrochemical measurements at ambient temperature using a shapes of silicon grains in the alloy are various such as bar, plate, ball.
computer-controlled potentiostat (Princeton Applied Research, The silicon grains with different shapes and scale combined with each
PARSTAT2273, USA) with external voltage. In these electrochemical other by Al matrix form dozens of microns blocks, while the etched and
measurements, a three-electrode configuration including a saturated abscised parts form deep holes and gully. In Fig. 4(c), at the large
calomel reference electrode (SCE), a platinum auxiliary electrode and a magnification, Al matrix has been etched to some small rectangular-

Grinding Electrochemical machining

Abrasive paper Ultrasonic Modification

cleaning Anode with FAS Droplet

Al-20%Si alloy plate Hydrogen ion Aluminum ion

Electron Silicon Prepared substrate

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of fabricating superhydrophobic surface on Al-20%Si alloy.

Y. Sun et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 1082–1088

Fig. 3. Digital images of water droplets on different high-Si Al alloy surfaces: (a) original alloy surface, (b) original alloy surface with FAS modification, (c) 12 min
electrochemically etched alloy surface, and (d) and (e) 12 min electrochemically etched and FAS-modified alloy surface.

shaped plateaus and grains while the silicon looks like smooth rela- plateaus and grains are formed in the Al matrix. Al is one kind of
tively. There are many little holes and pits in dissolved Al matrix closed crystalline metal in which a large number of grain boundaries and
to silicon particles. Some attachments on the silicon forms nanoscale dislocations exist. The grain boundaries dissolve firstly under an ap-
protrusions as shown in Fig. 4(c). Thus, after electrochemical etching, plied electric field, which fabricate the irregular nanometer structures
hierarchical rough structures are formed on the high-Si Al alloy sur- in the Al matrix. With dissolving of Al matrix, some silicon grains
faces. surrounded by Al begin to loosen and then detach to the electrolyte,
A water droplet with a size much larger than the aforementioned forming the micrometre structure. Finally, the multi-scale micro-
microstructures is suspended on the rough structures instead of pene- structure was fabricated on the high-Si Al surface.
trating into grovels between the structures, forming a Cassie-Baxter
state [25,26]. The contact angles in terms of the Cassie-Baxter equation Effect of the processing time on surface wettability and morphologies
is described as follows,

cos θc = rf ·cos θ + f − 1 = f (r·cos θ + 1) − 1 Fig. 5(a, b) shows the variation of the CA, RA and roughness with
the processing time. When the etching time is lower than 12 min, the
where θc and θ represent the contact angles on the FAS-modified rough CA increase and the RA decrease with the etching time, as shown in
and smooth surfaces, respectively, and f is the fraction of the projected Fig. 5(a). Whereas the roughness always increase with the etching time
area of the solid surface that is wet by the liquid, and r is the roughness increase, as shown in Fig. 5(b). The CA significantly increase to 148° at
ratio of the wet area. Because 0 < f < 1, if 0 < r·cos θ + 1 < 1, the 4 min etching time, but the RA is so large that the droplet cannot roll
cos θc < 0. Because θ ≈ 101.4°, that is, cos θ ≈ −0.2, so if down the surface. As can be seen from the micromorphology [Fig. 5(c)],
0 < r < 5, under this condition, θc increase with f decreasing. there were still a few large island-like blocks with distinct scratches on
The chemical composition and organizational structure of high-Si Al the surface, and only few areas was dissolved, exhibiting a low surface
alloy are heterogeneous, including Al, Si and other impurities. In the roughness of ∼1.63 μm [Fig. 5(b, d)]. So, at 4 min, the etching depth
alloy, Al matrix acts as the adhesive which entirely encloses and com- and area are not enough to support droplet in Cassie-Baxter state,
bines the silicon grains. Because of insolubility of Si in the electro- droplet beading and pinning on the surface at this time. When the
chemical process, silicon grains gradually emerge with the dissolution etching time is at 8 min, large areas are corroded but not uniform, as
of Al matrix in the process of electrochemical etching. The protruding shown in Fig. 5(c). The CA is up to 156.2° and the RA is 20°. When the
silicon grains form microstructures. Meanwhile, larger amount of etching time is at 10 min, the CA is up to 158.1° and the RA is 16.4°.

Fig. 4. SEM images of the high-Si Al alloy surfaces obtained at 12 min processing time.

Y. Sun et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 1082–1088

Fig. 5. Variation of (a) RA, CA and (b) roughness (Ra) with the etching time; SEM images, CA images (c) and three-dimensional profile (d) of the high-Si Al alloy
surfaces at different etching time.

These indicate the surface cannot achieve superhydrophobicity at 8, Corrosion resistance performance of the superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy
10 min. As can be seen from Fig. 5(a), the TA is always larger than 10° surfaces
before 12 min. Compared with the surface topographies at 4, 6, 8,
10 min in Fig. 5(c, d), the surface at 12 min is further etched. At this Corrosion resistance performance
time, the superhydrophobicity is obtained with the CA of 163.2° and the The corrosion resistance performance of the alloy surface was in-
RA of 5.5°. Additionally, the surface roughness also increased to vestigated by the polarization curves and EIS in different corrosive
6.095 μm at 12 min. Moreover, when the etching time prolonged be- solutions. All the superhydrophobic samples were fabricated at 12 min
yond 12 min, there was almost no changes in the CA and RA of the etching time and the untreated samples were just polished using the
prepared high-Si Al alloy surfaces. Meanwhile, the roughness is in- 1500# abrasive paper. The Tafel curves were shown in the
creasing, indicating the etching is in process with extra energy con- Fig. 6(a1–a3). Meanwhile, the corresponding corrosion potential (Ecorr)
sumption beyond 12 min. Therefore, the best superhydrophobicity of and corrosion current density (Icorr) are given in Table 1. The Ecorr of
high-Si Al alloy surfaces could be obtained at 12 min etching time. superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy surfaces were higher than that of the
untreated ones in all the corrosive solution, indicating that the super-
hydrophobic high-Si Al alloy surface has better corrosion resistance.
Besides, the Icorr of the superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy surface in the
three measuring corrosive solutions, as shown in Table 1, were less than

Y. Sun et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 1082–1088

Fig. 6. Tafel and Nyquist curves of the untreated and superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy surfaces in different corrosive solution: Tafel curves tested in (a1) 3.5 wt%
NaCl solution, (a2) 3.5% NaClO3 aqueous solution, (a3) 3.5% NaNO3 aqueous solution; Nyquist curves tested in (b1, b4) 3.5 wt% NaCl solution, (b2, b5) 3.5% NaClO3
aqueous solution, (b3, b6) 3.5% NaNO3 aqueous solution.

those of untreated ones respectively. Obviously, the smaller corrosion superhydrophobic surface is shown in Fig. 7(a). In these circuits, Rs is
current densities of the superhydrophobic samples show better corro- the solution resistance, the Rf is the corrosion layer resistance (super-
sion resistance, compared with those of untreated samples, demon- hydrophobic layer), and Rt is the charge transfer resistance, C is as-
strating that the superhydrophobicity would slow down the corrosion signed to the capacitance of a surface film and Q is the electrical double
process effectively on the high-Si Al alloy surface. layer capacitance. Fig. 7(b) is the equivalent circuits of untreated sur-
The Nyquist curves of the superhydrophobic and untreated high-Si face. As can be seen from Figs. 6 and 7, the superhydrophobicity plays
Al alloy surfaces are shown in Fig. 6(b1–b6). The impedance of the an important role in improving the anticorrosion of the high-Si Al alloy.
superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy surfaces were much larger than that So the superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy surfaces with higher cor-
of the untreated ones, corresponding to a good corrosion resistance. The rosion potential, lower corrosion current density and larger impedance,
impedance of these two surfaces are very different, so the equivalent have better electrochemical corrosion resistance performance than the
circuits are different either, shown in Fig. 7. The equivalent circuits of untreated samples.

Table 1
Corrosion potential (Ecorr) and corrosion current density (Icorr) of the untreated and superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy surfaces in different corrosive solutions.
Sample NaCl solution NaClO3 solution NaNO3 solution

Ecorr (V) Icorr (A/cm−2) Ecorr (V) Icorr (A/cm−2) Ecorr (V) Icorr (A/cm−2)

Untreated surface −0.625 1.046 × 10−5 −0.717 6.714 × 10−7 −0.613 4.923 × 10−7
Superhydrophobic surface −0.581 1.448 × 10−6 −0.339 1.174 × 10−8 −0.127 1.254 × 10−9

Y. Sun et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 1082–1088

Fig. 7. Equivalent circuits of the superhydrophobic (a) and untreated (b) high-Si Al alloy surfaces in different corrosive solution.

liquid and solid. Moreover, capillarity would keep the water opposing
Corrosive media its own gravity in the rough porous structure of the superhydrophobic
surfaces. Thus, the liquid can be driven out from the gaps of super-
hydrophobic surfaces by the Laplace pressure [24,28]. So the drops can
rolling down easily.
Air In the contact process, as shown in Fig. 8, the anti-corrosion me-
Si Si chanism of the superhydrophobic surfaces is mainly considered on the
following two factors. An important factor is the existence of hydro-
phobic molecules, as modified layer on the superhydrophobic surface
[29,30]. Choosing the suitable low surface energy material would
promote efficiency of corrosion protection properties. Besides, the ac-
tive ions cannot contact the underlying surface due to the existence of
trapped air, and they contact with the protruding silicon particles and a
little Al. Silicon itself has a strong corrosion resistance for common
Fig. 8. Schematic of superhydrophobic surface and prevention of corrosion.
corrosion solution. So superhydrophobic layer can inhibited the cor-
rosion on the surface.
Corrosion resistance mechanism of superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy
surfaces Self-cleaning performance of the superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy surfaces
From above experiments, it is obvious that superhydrophobic layer
on high-Si Al alloy has great corrosion resistance performance. High-Si Self-cleaning is one of the most important properties of super-
Al alloy as the electronic packaging materials on the radar on ships hydrophobic surfaces, which can be helpful to remove the contaminants
usually used in atmospheric environment, rather than in seawater. on the surfaces with liquids such as raindrops. Fig. 9 shows the self-
However, radar will be flapped by the waves in atrocious weather. cleaning performance test using the powders mainly composed of cal-
Under this condition, seawater would bead and then roll from the su- cium sulfate (CaSO4) as contaminants. It could be obviously observed
perhydrophobic surface. This way reduces the contact time between that drop-by-drop added water droplets could take all the powders
surface and seawater, thus decreasing the possibility of corrosion. away from the superhydrophobic surface, indicating an excellent self-
The reason of drops rolling from the superhydrophobic surfaces is cleaning performance of the prepared samples.
mainly considered on three factors: low surface energy, rough micro-
structure and capillarity [19,27]. First, the spreading of liquid would be
Stability of corrosion resistance performance
limited on the surface with low surface energy. Furthermore, the air
trapped on the rough structure with low surface energy acts as a
Since superhydrophobicity is expected to improve the corrosion
blocking layer as shown in Fig. 8, reducing the contact area between
resistance of high-Si Al alloy on the radar on ships, the stability of

Fig. 9. Self-cleaning performance test of the superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloy surfaces.

Y. Sun et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 1082–1088

Fig. 10. Changes in CAs of superhydrophobic high-Si Al alloys exposed to air (a) and 3.5% NaCl solution (b) for different time.

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