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Reverse KT- PDP Process - Telefonica Product Development Process

 European Electronic Communications Code- This is a big topic in the ideation phase. This big
topic is discussed in the definition phase big topics are cut into smaller pieces. These smaller
pieces are called SR (service request).
 Analysis in 1 release, implementation in 1 release – total 2 releases in a year.
 Once SR is gated- It comes to the analysis phase. We need to analyse them. We need to do it for
different units.
 A SR can be smaller or larger- but they have to implemented within 1 release.
 Rough PIA estimate- PIA team will do rough estimate for the effort for Analysis and
Implementation (Development). The rough estimate will be unit specific.
 Total 3 estimate step- PIA rough estimate, Midterm estimate, Final estimate.
 Analysis Phase- (1 SR analysis= 2 months/9 weeks)
o Initiate Ana phase- Kick off workshop- Product manager, BA and Project manager (PM
workbench) will discuss PACK with the UNIT ANALYST. Need to understand the
requirement and clarify doubts, missing requirement then QA will be reached. These
PACKs are keep evolving and changing all the artefacts.
 QA- Business requirements are documents, complete and understood by all
o Requirement Shaping- Here the BUS and ACC are more sharpen. Adding missing BUS,
ACC and finalize the requirement. Once it’s been decided that all requirement is clear
and we can go ahead for analysis. Freeze the requirement.
 SRS sign off- It’s an electronic process. (Re SRS sign off may take place). All
requirements (functional and non-functional) documents are complete and
understood by all units.
o Solution finding- Solution architect leading the solution find the solution.
 ME- Midterm Estimations.
o Solution detailing- Solution architect details the solution in terms of SAD
documentation. Here, we need to finalize UNIT ASRIs. MCE analyst will provide interface
ASRI if required interface changes.
 SAD- Software Architecture draft document. (SVN- Sub version- stored on SVN).
o Ana complete and effort estimate-
 FE- Based on final SAD. Solution can be implemented as described in SAD.
o FA approval and Gating Preparation-
 FA

Reverse KT- Managed Delivery/ SR Process

 Once the SR gets Initial Approval, the ANA phase starts.

Reverse KT- Analysis Credentials- Telefonica Product Development Process

 Estimation Process-> Finalize PIA, ME and FE to demand and planning dept.

 PIA estimate- an estimate template for PIA estimation is used.
 Need to meet the budget based on the final estimate. – The estimate must be balanced.
 First we need to select the type of SR Then We need to select which all units are effected for
that SR
 ** I need to understand in details about the estimate template excel sheet calculation for PIA
Estimate, how these are estimated logically?
 For multiple units effected, we need to use separate columns. In dropdown we need to select.
For one app, we need to select single row/column.
 We need to involve only in Unit Specific Frontend Only estimation.
 Estimate is being done based on – User story, SAD and ASRI document.
 PIA- We must estimate all of the unit.
 Telefonica team may challenge in PIA / ME/ FE estimation. If the estimate varies at the larger
scale, then we need to provide justification in the same.
Reverse KT- Analysis Credentials- Telefonica Product Development Process
 Six weeks before the release gating- Needs to be done.

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