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The Jinn: Islamic view about them

Research · April 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23894.24644

1 14,674

1 author:

Talat Makhmoor
University of Karachi


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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Jinn: Islamic view about them
Talat Makhmoor, Ph.D.
Enrolled in: Associate Degree in Psychology, Islamic Online University
Former Assistant Professor
Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine & Drug Research
International Center for Chemical & Biological Sciences
University of Karachi, Pakistan

We find in the Quran and the Hadith that Jinn are one of Allah’s creations which can’t be
seen by human eye, but their world exists in parallel to that of the human world. Although the
Quran has devoted a full Surah, i.e. Surah al-Jinn, 72, to this creature, some people deny the
existence of them. Allah reveals in the Quran that Jinn have created before the creation of
mankind from smokeless fire and have also given free will and choice, on the basis of which they
will be accountable to Allah on the Day of Judgement (Ahmad Ibn Abd al-Halim, 1996, pp.
As mentioned above, Jinn have been created from smokeless fire before the creation of
mankind. It is stated in the Quran:
“And He created the jinn from a smokeless flame of fire” (Quran, 55:15).
“And We did certainly create man out of clay from an altered black mud. And the jinn We
created before from scorching fire” (Quran, 15:26−27).
The Quran also reveals the purpose of the creation of mankind and Jinn that is to worship
Allah alone as stated:
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship me” (Quran, 51:56).
Therefore, Jinn are also obligated to believe in Allah and obey His commands in the same
manner as humans are ordained. Since Quran is revealed to the Prophet Muhammad ,
Muslims believe that he was sent to both mankind and Jinn (Ahmad Ibn Abd al-Halim,
1996, pp. 17−18). The Quran states:
“They said, O our people, indeed we have heard a [recited] Book revealed after Moses
confirming what was before it which guides to the truth and to a straight path. O our people,
respond to the Messenger of Allah and believe in him….” (Quran, 46:30−31).
Due to the ability of free will, Jinn are free to choose; therefore, they can be categorized
into two types, believers (Muslim) and disbelievers (Kuffar), on the basis of belief in Allah .
Iblees, who used to live with the angels in the heaven, was a Jinn and refused to prostrate to
Adam when angels were commanded to do so (Philips, 2006, pp. 93−94). Quran states:

“And [mention] when We said to the angels, prostrate to Adam, and they prostrated, except for
Iblees. He was of the Jinn and departed....” (Quran, 18:50).
He was, therefore, expelled from the heaven and granted time until the doomsday. Since then, he
and his follower evil Jinn have become the enemy of mankind and are working against them. On
the other hand, believer Jinn follow the righteous path and will be rewarded accordingly (The
world of Jinn and its secrets, no date) as Quran states:
“And among us are Muslims [in submission to Allah], and among us are the unjust. And
whoever has become Muslim−those have sought out the right course” (Quran, 72:14).
According to a hadith, collected by Tabari and Hakim, Jinn are also categorized into
three types on the basis of their modes of existence. The Prophet said:
“There are three types of Jinn: One that flies through the air all the time, one that exists as snakes
and dogs, and one which stays in places or wanders about” (Karim, 2006).
So when they take an animal form, they can be seen by human eye. Similarly, they can also
appear in the human form as happened in the battle of Badar. A Jinn named Iblees appeared in
the human form and encouraged the Mushrikeen (disbelievers) to fight against Muslims (Ahmad
Ibn Abd al-Halim, 1996, pp. 52). Quran states:
“And [remember] when Satan made their deeds pleasing to them and said, “No one can
overcome you today from among the people…” (Quran, 4:48).
Allah has given some special abilities to Jinn unlike humans, such as moving quickly
and travelling huge distances. Initially, they used to go to the skies; however, this access was
banned for them by Allah Who chose to guard the heavens through meteors, because they used
to snatch snippets of information from there, and pass it on to humans (Philips, 2006, pp. 97).
Allah says:
“And We have protected it from every devil expelled [from the mercy of Allah]. Except one who
steals a hearing and is pursued by a clear burning flame” (Quran, 15:17-18).
Jinn also have ability to enter the human body or the mind that is called Jinn possession. It
mostly occurs when some wrong (e.g., urinating or pouring hot water on them or hitting or
killing) has been done by man unintentionally, which Jinn take as done intentionally, and for
which they take revenge and punish humans. Sometimes they do so just as part of their evil
activities and not for revenge (Ahmad Ibn Abd al-Halim, 1996, pp. 44).
By contrast, Jinn can’t be controlled by humans because this ability was only given to the
Prophet Sulayman . However, man can contact evil Jinn by performing forbidden acts and
the Jinn then aid him in such activities. The contact is usually made by fortunetellers who use
Jinn to gather information to predict future, or by magicians to perform magic. Islam strictly
prohibits all such activities and prescribes punishments in case of transgression (Philips, 2006,
pp. 95−101).
In terms of their role in human life, every single person has a companion Jinn named
“Qareen” who has been given the task to misguide that person from the straight path. The
individual, however, can be protected from satanic tactics by following the prescribed acts and

refraining from the prohibited ones (Philips, 2006, pp. 95). The Prophet was also
accompanied by Jinn, as narrated by Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud, the Prophet said:
“There is none amongst you with whom is not attached from amongst the Jinn. The companions
said, Allah’s Apostle with you too? Thereupon he said, yes, but Allah helps me
against him and so I am safe from his hand and he doesn’t command me but for good” (Muslim,
Hadith 6757) (SearchTruth, 2016).
In short, Jinn are a creation of Allah , who are given choice and free will. In contrast
to humans, they have been given some special abilities, for example to move quickly, take
different forms, hide from the human eyes, etc. They also eat, drink, die, make marriages for
procreation, and have regulations to live accordingly. Among them, some are believers and some
are disbelievers. The devils among them are on a permanent mission to misguide mankind until
the last day, whereas the righteous ones obey Allah .

Ahmad Ibn Abd al-Halim, I.T. (1996) Ibn Taymeeyah’s essay on THE JINN (demons).
Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House.
Karim, A.-H.M.F. (2006) Al-Hadis: An English translation and commentary of Mishkat-
ul-Masabih (containing sayings, doings and teachings of the holy prophet and
events before and after resurrection) with suitable arrangements into chapters
and sections. 3rd edn. New Delhi: Islamic Book Service.
Philips, D.A.A.B. (2006) The fundamentals of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism). 2nd edn.
Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House.
SearchTruth (2016) 39. The book giving description of the Day of Judgement, paradise
and hell (Kitab Sifat Al-Qiyamah wal Janna wan-nar) from Sahih Muslim
translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui-Hadith (Hadis) books. Available at:
0 (Accessed: 22 June 2016).
The world of Jinn and its secrets (no date) Available at:
(Accessed: 20 June 2016).

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