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The instructor will guide you as to how you should complete this questionnaire. It usually forms part
of an ‘organisational survey’, which is part of a wider approach. The purpose is to help you, and the
organisation1 to which you belong, to further the best interests of all relevant parties.

1. Read each question carefully and answer on the separate "ANSWER SHEET".
2. Do not make any marks on this question booklet.
3. All questions must be answered.
4. The four possible answers range from being very supportive of the statements to totally
opposing them. After reading the statement, you must choose the alternative that agrees best
with your opinion or situation. For example:
Agree fully Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree fully
This key is repeated at the top of each page to assist you in making your choices.
5. The alternatives are represented by the letters of the alphabet. If the second alternative
describes your choice the best, you should indicate your choice by blotting out square ‘B’ on
the ANSWER SHEET, as follows:
a B c d

6. Only fill in one square for each statement.

7. Do not discuss the questions or answers with anyone. If you have a question, ask your
8. Although there is no time restriction on completing the questionnaire, work quickly and do
not ponder too long on any question. Mark the first alternative that comes to mind as
describing your first choice - that is usually the best choice.
9. There are no right or wrong answers.
10. Do not page back in the question booklet.
11. In the spirit of fairness, the users of this instrument are under a professional and ethical
obligation to advise you that the instrument has a built-in Lie Detector as well as an
Inconsistency-Monitor. If the Lie-Score is above a certain norm, the result obtained by
the entire instrument is classified as INVALID and cannot be used. It does, however,
emphasize that the candidate was not completely truthful when completing the
instrument – don’t ‘lie’ !
12. Please note that your results will be treated with confidentiality.
13. Thank you for your co-operation. Please ask now if something isn’t clear.

Organisation: If you are applying for a new job, consider the situation in your present or previous
organisation. If you have not worked before, consider the school/college/university you attended last.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

1. My work forms the central and focus-point of my existence.

2. I present myself as an absolute highly effective person – the best.

3. I prefer an analytical and logical reasoning approach to solving problems.

4. I very much enjoy working with people.

5. It is not always easy for me to share other people’s feelings of sorrow and pain.

6. I believe I have never lied before.

7. People who put their work first, are not living a balanced life.

8. I perceive myself as a highly reliable and stable person – perhaps too much.

9. Most experienced people rely on their instincts / ‘gut-feeling’ (rather than

analytical reasoning) to perform well.

10. I am somewhat reserved – i.e., keeping to myself.

11. I do not really feel sorry for people showing their sorrow and pain openly.

12. I have never felt frightened or scared.

13. Work is just a necessary burden to earn a living.

14. I may present a somewhat ‘poor’ image regarding reliability and stability at
this stage to some people – but it is a perception only.

15. It is seldom necessary to first understand a situation before effective action

can be taken – it wastes time.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

16. I do not like being the centre of attention.

17. Emotions and feelings should be kept out of the work place.

18. I have never lost my temper in any way – i.e., never get angry.

19. I will not be misused at work by performing tasks not included in my job

20. I may sometimes look less reliable and stable than I really am.

21 People are ‘analytical’ because they are not experienced enough to do the job.

22. People will describe me as a very outgoing and lively people-person.

23. It comes natural to me to share in and show sympathy to others in sorrow and

24. I was never stressed before.

25. Your career growth depends on your continuous training and development.

26. I always do what I say I will.

27. I prefer dealing with matters in a detailed rather than a more holistic way –
i.e., preferring the smaller to the bigger approach.

28. People who always try to promote good human relations, are often wasting
productive time.

29. I am known at work for my intense/deep concern and care for others.

30. I have never experienced any anxiety/stress.

Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

31. In many instances training is just a waste of time.

32. All people who know me well, will describe me as very reliable and

33. I like focussing on detail in a systematic way when dealing with matters.

34. Although there is a place for good relations, it should not receive so much

35. I really only show concern and care for others if they experience sorrow and

36. I have never experienced any negative/bad feelings towards anyone.

37. Too much is made of training lately.

38. It is difficult nowadays to do always what others expect of you.

39. People using a detailed approach, usually lose sight of the bigger picture.

40. I am known for the positive influence I have on promoting good human

41. To be honest, time spent on concerning and caring for others, is wasted
productive time.

42. I have never felt uncertain about anything.

43. Training activities often prevent productive work.

44 I will always honour (i.e., ‘make good’) my undertakings.

45. People who prefer a more holistic (‘bigger picture’) approach usually lack
attention to detail.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

46. I take great care having a positive influence on human relations at work –
perhaps too much.

47. We are at work to work, not to be concerned about or care for others.

48. I never forget a name.

49. You cannot defend your employer if you know they have their faults.

50. Stability (consistency) is just an excuse for people who are rigid (set in their

51. People who prefer doing work according to well-established methods and
principles, are the better performers.

52. I am very good at communication and enjoy it very much.

53. I grab every opportunity to help and support people in need.

54. I have never disagreed from anyone in any way.

55. I am not always proud of the (kind of) work I do.

56. People may see me as rather inconsistent – i.e., ‘differing/varying’.

57. I am a very creative person – always finding new ideas and ways of doing

58. Although I am not a poor communicator, it is not my best ability.

59. People are responsible to solve their own problems and/or overcome their own

60. I never felt suspicious towards anyone, group or issue.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

61. I don’t always speak highly (with appreciation) of my employer.

62. I enjoy doing things consistently, i.e., the same.

63. Most people constantly seeking for new ways of doing things, are doing so
because they lack experience in the proven ways of doing it.

64. People are making far too much of the importance of communication.

65. Helping and supporting others tend to make them dependent on you.

66. My career gives me much pleasure.

67. I am not very predictable – but who wants to be anyway?

68. An original and creative approach always proves the better approach.

69. People may perhaps criticise me for putting too much effort into communication
(e.g. planning the process and promoting the efficiency thereof).

70. I may or may not be good at showing empathy/concern, but I am the first to
provide support and assistance where it is needed in practice.

71. Time plays a controlling and determining role in my life.

72. I feel a very strong sense of duty – perhaps too much.

73. Most people, like myself, prefer much routine in their work.

74. High performers typically work on their own and give priority to their own

75. Although I am a sharp ‘dealer’ (i.e., ‘wheeling and dealing’/manipulating), I do

so openly for anyone to see.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

76. I will not allow time to rule my life-style.

77. ‘Responsibility’ has become somewhat outdated.

78. I like work with a significant portion of routine and repetition to it.

79. Putting the needs and interests of the group first, will leave you with nothing
in the end.

80. You lose your advantage by letting others know how you deal with things.

81. People make too much of the importance of time.

82. People (like me) may still pretend feeling a sense of duty, but seldom
demonstrate it in practice.

83. I am always on time, if not early.

84. People who tend to conform/adjust to the group, have no real strength in

85. The best performers in a group are usually those who keep things to

86. We must all ‘respect’ time and be disciplined by it.

87. Lately I sometimes tend to feel less committed to so-called duty/responsibility.

88. I like variety very much and always try to bring in new ways of doing things.

89. Conforming (complying/adjusting) to the needs and requirements of the group,

is always the best thing to do.

90. It is usually the successful people who are called shrewd and under-handed
(i.e., ‘scaly’ and dishonest) by some people.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

91. I get bored very easily doing repetitive and routine work.

92. I prefer work with minimum risk-taking.

93. I am prepared to venture/risk much in order to gain much.

94. I am an absolute committed team-worker – believing in co-operation above all.

95. People who are accommodating/supportive of others with opposing views, are
usually the losers.

96. People who are always on time, are usual poor performers.

97. I enjoy taking responsibility – I actually seek for it really.

98. It is good to always be in control and keep risk-taking to an absolute minimum


99. Corporate (group) interest must always come first.

100. You must tell others how you feel and question/challenge their views to ensure
good results and to gain their respect.

101. One is so busy nowadays, it is impossible ‘to keep time’ well.

102. I like to be given responsibility at work – irrespective of being paid for it.

103. You should always be prepared to take risks in order to perform well at work.

104. Even in a group you must look after your own interest first.

105. You must always say how you feel, even if it may cause conflict.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

106. I tend to run out of time often.

107. One must be careful not to take (more) responsibility in order to minimise

108 People who are so eager to take responsibility, are largely doing it for the

109. Competition is always healthy, even if it may sometimes causes obstructions

in groups.

110. I am known to be an amenable (agreeable) and accommodating (supporting)

kind of person.

111. People who plan and schedule so carefully, are often wasting time.

112. One must not take responsibility for your mistakes.

113. I am very successful at recognising and taking advantage of any opportunity.

114. I firmly believe that a democratic (participative) approach is not producing the
best results at work.

115. I am rather involved at work with people and sensitive to their views and
attitudes towards me.

116. It is nearly impossible to make better use of time.

117. I can always be relied on to produce the results expected of me.

118. It is very difficult to recognise an opportunity coming my way.

119. Giving everyone the opportunity to make contributions at work, is creating

chaos and uncertainty.

120. What others think of me, do not really matter.

Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

121. I plan and utilise my time exceptionally (very) well.

122. Under today’s circumstances it is sometimes difficult to produce the results

people expect of me.

123. There are not many opportunities coming one’s way nowadays.

124. In most job types a more autocratic (prescriptive) approach is best – being
told what to do.

125. One should not allow others to get too ‘close’ to one at work.

126. I always get the most done in available time.

127. Predictable people are really only people caught up in their fixed ways of
doing things - stagnation.

128. One may lose-out by taking advantage of so-called opportunities.

129. To be honest, I have good reason to prefer a more autocratic (prescriptive)


130. I care so little about the opinions others may have about me, that I would not
even know what their opinions are.

131. I like detail in my work.

132. I always feel very certain about myself.

133. I prefer above all to work just with hard facts rather than theories.

134. I do not mind persuading/convincing others to accept my viewpoints.

135. Life is really tough nowadays.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

136. I prefer above all to do work that is structured and organised in detail.

137. I am as good, if not better, than the best amongst us.

138. People spending time on theories do not perform well.

139. I am very successful in convincing others.

140. Lately there are so much more opportunities available.

141 Structure and systems often prevent good performance at work.

142. Self-confident people are mostly big bluffers - pretenders.

143. People who do not have some understanding of the theoretical part of a
situation, cannot deal with it effectively.

144. I do not really like urging and convincing others to ‘buy’ my ideas.

145. You always get more out of life than you put into it.

146. I prefer getting things done, rather than doing everything correctly.

147. I do not present myself as well as I should/could.

148. Theoretising about the source principles of matters is usually a waste of

productive time.

149. I would not prefer a situation where a major part of my function is to

persuade/convince others to change their minds.

150. Whatever you do, chances are good that you will be disappointed with the


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

151. Consulting with others (getting their views) so often proves just a waste of

152. I am very well qualified for what I do.

153. Adhering to rules and regulations make life much easier at work.

154. It is sometimes necessary to make others believe your ideas come from them.

155. I am always very nervous before an important event.

156. Everyone must focus (only) on doing his/her own job.

157. I have more than enough skills and experience to do my work well.

158. I need to be guided by clear guidelines/rules at work.

159. It is often necessary to think for other people – even if they don’t know it.

160. I tend to worry too much about matters.

161 One should never take responsibility for the mistakes of others.

162. People who know me at work, would say I need more skills and experience –
but everyone does.

163. I always evaluate rules before accepting/applying them.

164. It is in most cases not necessary for others to know that you are influencing
them to think your way.

165. I find it nearly impossible to be calm and relaxed in today’s world.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

166. I feel responsible for things at work – sometimes even too much.

167. I need much assistance in the work I do – but that is normal.

168. You must always adhere to rules and regulations under all circumstances.

169. “The end justifies the means” - if what you want is important to you, how
you get it is always acceptable/fine.

170. I take life in my stride – i.e., take matters as they come in a relaxed way.

171. I focus more on doing the job than the end-results/goals.

172. No one can teach me anything about my job.

173. I do not easily accept so-called ‘proven principles’ as given facts.

174. I am known to be a very outspoken person.

175. I am a very light-hearted and cheerful person.

176. One should keep oneself busy with ‘the task at hand’ (rather than the end-
goals) and the results will come by itself.

177. Although I may not need assistance, I still welcome the involvement of others
in my work.

178. Many of the ‘proven principles’ are outdated in today’s world.

179. I do not mind expressing my views openly; even if it means criticising others.

180. There is little joy left in life today.

Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

181. It is not always so easy to complete a task.

182. Don’t show your shortcomings about work by allowing others to assist you.

183. You always perform better by using generally accepted and proven
ways/methods of doing things – irrespective.

184. I don’t like working with people who ‘speak their minds’ openly and freely.

185. One has little control over the misfortunes (‘bad luck’) coming your way.

186. Results-driven people very often lose sight of the day-to-day task.

187. One tends to feel threatened working with highly experienced people.

188. One must be very careful of using established ways of doing things – there are
usually better ways.

189. I am not the kind of person who openly confronts and opposes others.

190. Like so many people, I tend to become depressed from time-to-time.

191. I am a highly effective co-worker – not needing much assistance.

192. I never give up once I have started with something.

193. I am excellent at decision-making and want to be involved in it.

194. Society is playing an important role in my life.

195. There is no place for feelings and emotions at work.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

196. It is always best to wait for your seniors to tell you what to do; that is their

197. I enjoy/prefer working in a competitive environment.

198. I prefer work where decision-making forms a major part of the job.

199. I prefer a job without a lot of people around me.

200. People who allow feelings and emotions to enter at work, will eventually lose

201. It is sometimes a sign of weakness to give your full support to seniors at


202. It is good to rather work around or avoid obstacles, than to face it head-on.

203. I prefer to be involved in applying decisions, rather than making them.

204. I do not like working with groups in a formal society setting.

205. Feelings and emotions are important elements at work.

206. I prefer working with clear guidance and controls at work.

207. It is a waste of time to persevere (i.e., to keep going) in the face of obstacles,
difficulties and competition.

208. Decision-making is not my favourite activity.

209. I find it stimulating and rather enjoyable working in big groups.

210. You can show your feelings and emotions openly at work.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

211. I perform best when I work on my own.

212. I am highly ambitious and absolutely career-driven.

213. Your best decisions are taken when the situation, requiring the decision, is ‘on

214. It is important for me to have the approval/blessing of society on what I do or


215. I find it difficult to control my feelings and emotions well.

216. I prefer working in an inter-dependent group - i.e., where the work of others
directly impact on you.

217. You must adjust your career-goals to what is practically possible.

218. I believe in responding to matters once decisions must be taken and not
considering them before the time.

219. To be rejected by society would be very hurtful to me.

220. Where and when it matters, I am able to control my feelings very well.

221. So-called independent workers are just making co-operation and effective
work difficult.

222. I enjoy working towards demanding and complex goals.

223. I believe in predicting problems in order to prepare for them.

224. You must be aware of and guided by the requirements of the group you belong
to at work.

225. I may sometimes show signs of emotions when/where it is a little

inappropriate (‘out of place’) at work.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

226. Taking control of yourself and your own job, is not always advisable/good.

227. It is more important to me to work towards lower, but possible/achievable,


228. People who try to predict and prepare for problem-situations, are wasting time.

229. I will never give in to social and/or group pressure.

230. I am in absolute control of my feelings and emotions – especially at work.

231. I prefer working in a technical/professional capacity rather than managing.

232. People who know me well, will describe me as a very energetic, lively and
impactful ‘driver’ at work.

233. People who know me, may say I am perhaps not decisive (committed) enough
in applying decisions.

234. Looking after the needs of society is perhaps good, but it is not my strong

235. As a rule, I do not trust anyone.

236. I like getting involved in doing the work, rather than managing it.

237. I like being very busy at all times – with much to do.

238. Implementing decisions in a decisive and dynamic way, is my strong point.

239. Lately too much attention is given to social needs and it’s satisfaction.

240. It is wise to always be suspicious of others nowadays.


Agree Fully Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Fully

241. I am a natural leader.

242. I prefer a steady work pace and environment.

243. Once a decision is taken, I prefer not to be involved in applying/implementing


244. Honestly, I think society with all its requirements, has become a burden.

245. I find it easy to show my trust in others – people are normally trustworthy.

246. In reality, managers are not contributing much to work success.

247. I dislike working under constant high work and performance demand/pressure.

248. It has become rather difficult nowadays to involve others in implementing

your decisions in practice.

249. I am highly sensitive to the needs of society and go out of my way to help
satisfying it.

250. Bad experiences with unreliable people, make it difficult for me to control my
feelings of suspicions.


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