558 Exam Note

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Q1: The application of the integrated Phase-Process-Entity framework in demonstrating good

construction management practices by a construction firm;

Lecture week 1 – 4

There are 3 construction management practice need to be considered. (i) The construction phases
(ii) the management processes, and (iii) the construction management entities. The 3 construction
management practices are not an independent and separate element as they supplementing each
other. The management processes positioned in the construction management practice and the
management entities is the elements involve for management process in managing the construction
phase to reach the outcome which is construction project completion and hand-over. The
construction management entities are the input while the management process is activities of
managing and processing the entities to be the output required in the construction phases. They are
corresponding and also supplementing with each other in an organised manner. The purpose of
these construction management practice is to breakdown all the activities in an organised manner so
that project manager and project team may manage the construction project in a manageable
approach and easier to locate any occurring issues in which assisting the decision-making process.

There are 3 management phases involve in construction phase management which are (i) pre-
construction management phase is located in the early phase in construction, (ii) construction
management phase located in the middle largely involve on-site activity and (iii) post-construction
management in which the project is preparing its completion and wrap up all the site activities. The
pre-construction phase involves pre-tendering of construction plan, pre-construction plan and pre-
construction management. The construction phase involves physical construction in-site or off-site,
fitting our activities and construction completion. The post-construction phase involves handing-over
related activities such as Testing and Commissioning (T&C), end-user training (if required) and Defect
and Liability Period (DLP).

There are 7 processes involve in the management process. The processes are (i) forecasting, (ii)
planning, (iii) scheduling, (iv) monitoring, (v) control, (vi) motivation and (vii) communication. For
pre-construction phase, the activities of forecasting, planning, scheduling, motivation and
communication are required. While in construction phase, the processes involve are monitoring,
controlling, motivation and communication. For post-construction, monitoring, scheduling,
motivation and communication is the required processes. Forecasting process is about setting the
parameter and renewal scenario of the construction. It is also may produce inference about project
feasibility. Planning process is about the arrangement of construction activities so that project team
may has the ability to complete the construction project within client’s requirement and acceptable
boundary while scheduling process arrange activities time period and milestone from construction
activity’s execution and fulfilment. Monitoring process is about activities of data collecting and
controlling process controlled the result within acceptable boundary. Construction project deviation
is the least expected from the client and top-level management. Good construction planning,
scheduling, monitoring and controlling may lessen the waste of construction management entities
and shrinked construction’s forecasted variation boundary. As the construction project required
personnel/manpower for its execution, motivation is the key element on increasing construction
project momentum and maintaining its consistency. Communication process is about managing the
efficiency of information transfer and data sharing between stakeholder. Communication system
and tools in construction project assist project manager on his decision making and information
distribution. Motivation and communication processes connected all of the processes in
construction management process and its integration.
There are also element of safety and health in all of the processes. By forecasting, safety and health
issues can be identify, a suitable planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling may avoid or
decrease the risk and minimal the threat level. With good motivation and effective communication
channel, human errors can be avoided.

The construction management entities are (i) production objective, (ii) resources and (iii)
management. The sub-entities for the production objective are cost, time and quality. All the entities
are the input needed to get a result for the pre-construction phase and construction phase. The sub-
entities for resources are manpower, material, and components, plants and machineries, financial
and environmental related issues and elements. For the management, the sub-entities are
personnel, project requirement and expertise.

As mentioned before, management processes will be transforming or managing the entities (input)
into the output as required in every construction management phases. The smooth integration of all
the elements is the key point to reduce the risk of the project and minimizing the threat.
Q2: FM activities that can help create business during the pandemic and creating a new future

ada 32 marks.. klu 2 activities

- 2-3 marks : terang FM boleh bntu the business and the reasons

FM 1st activities (15 marks)

- 1-2 marks : 1 suggested activity

- 2-4 marks : reasons why it can help business

- 2-4 marks : the benefit to the business

- 2-4 marks : the examples

- 2-4 marks : how to inplemen the FM activity

FM 2nd activities (15 marks)

- 1-2 marks : 1 suggested activity

- 2-4 marks : reasons why it can help business

- 2-4 marks : the benefit to the business

- 2-4 marks : the examples

- 2-4 marks : how to inplemen the FM activity

Q3: The importance of a project team having aligned goals and objectives;
Q4: The different types of maintenance and the implementation of risk management in FM

i. Types of maintenance

The are 2 types of maintenance in Facility Management which are planned maintenance and
unplanned maintenance. The planned maintenance is a proactive activity conducted before assets
breakdown or any unwanted situation happen. The unplanned maintenance is a reactive activity
conducted because of the asset’s breakdown status occurrence or any unwanted situation
happened. The purposes for both types of maintenances are on making sure the asset lifespan can
be continued and also to eliminate or minimise negative impact towards the ecosystem either to
human or non-human entity. The unplanned maintenance mostly inflicts higher cost and loss when
compared with planned maintenance.

There are 2 types of activities performed in unplanned maintenance which are (i) activities
conducted in the occurrence of emergency status such as performing maintenance because of
hazardous gas leaking in the production line and (ii) activity conducted during the breakdown
occurrence such as performing maintenance when there are leaking on the roof or pipes.

Planned maintenance involve 4 groups of activities which are (i) predictive maintenance, (ii)
preventive maintenance, (iii) improvement maintenance and (iv) corrective maintenance.

Predictive maintenance may maximise asset lifespan without increasing asset’s failure risk. The
maintenance performed based on asset status which are their (i) condition and (ii) statistical data
acquired. The data acquired must be accurate so that the maintenance carried out is the correct
action taken. The example is maintenance activities to reduce the pressure from water supply were
carried out because of the piping materials strength capability status cannot handle current
increased water pressure and also using statistics data which shown that current piping may not
support current increased water pressure supplied by the provider.

Preventive maintenance involves (i) window maintenance, (ii) running maintenance, (iii) routine
maintenance, (iv) opportunity maintenance and (v) shutdown preventive maintenance. The activity
performed based on standardised schedule such as pipes replacement of piping system because the
pipe’s aged status or based on schedule the pipe can be considered as obsolete. The right pipe’s
material should be use by an adequate number of staff needed to performed this proper scheduled
and routine maintenance. The support from management level is needed as the maintenance may
hinder some of their work activity and some of the works may need to be stop at that current
moment. To avoid productivity downtime, routine maintenance should be carried out when there
are window or opportunity in which minimal works activity being conducted in work area at that
current time period.

Improvement maintenance performed with intention of eliminating current need of maintenance

activities at the same time largely minimising the risk of breakdown within certain period of time.
The activities involve (i) design-out maintenance, (ii) engineering service and (iii) shutdown
improvement maintenance. The example is redesign and improve the whole piping system to
accommodate current and future requirement. It may cost higher when compared with preventive
and predictive maintenance but mostly lower than unplanned maintenance approach. Even it may
cost higher than unplanned maintenance, in long term it may save a lot of money from organisation
maintenance perspective. Facility management manager need to re-plan and re-schedule their
maintenance activities due to new improvement implementation.
Corrective maintenance performed to eliminate certain bottleneck which hinder productivity
efficiency. Although the bottleneck will only switch to other task/area, it is certainly reducing the
bottleneck time generally. There are 3 types of corrective maintenance which are (i) remedial
maintenance, (ii) deferred maintenance and (iii) shutdown corrective maintenance. The examples is
replacing certain component part in production line due to fault found during trouble shooting
activity. Although the component failure cannot be considered as machine breakdown, but by
replacing the component, the machine will perform better.

ii. FM risk management implementation

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