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Maha Mohamed Aboshady

Topic: Blood

Unit of topic: Circulatory System

Number in sequence: 3

Grade: 9

Age: 15 years

Time of lesson: 56 minutes


Description of how cells, organs and body systems function.


Students will be able to:

1- Identify and understand the blood components.

2- Understand the vocabulary of blood and its components including red blood
cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma, and haemoglobin.
3- Compare between the structures of red blood cells, white blood cells, and
platelets using prepared slides and photomicrographs.
4- Describe the functions of Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets,
plasma, and haemoglobin.
5- Create a design or model of circulatory systems by showing the role of the

-Poster board
-Video ( )
-Plasma soup materials (Candy red hots , Corn syrup , White jelly beans or
marshmallows , Candy sprinkles , small jar).
-Index cards (7 per student)
-Notebook paper


Formative assessments: 3 formative activities

Summative assessments: 1 summative activity


Teacher Activity: Student Activity: Assessments

1- Introduction (10mins): 1-a) the students will listen Formative

a) The teacher will tell the to the teacher about the topic assessments:
students that today they and what is going to take in - Class discussion
will learn about the this session. (according to each
components of the activity the
blood. b) The students will teacher and the
answer what they students will
b) In 5 minutes: the teacher know about the discuss the
will display a poster and components of the information and
divide it into two blood and the teacher answers).
columns, with the first writes the answers in
column labeled with the first column in the - Observation
know and the second poster within 5 (during plasma
column labeled with minutes. soup activity the
learned. Ask the c) The students will students will
students what they know watch the music observe, search,
about the components of video about the and write about
the blood. Write the components of the the components of
information in the first blood. the blood).
c) In 5 minutes: the teacher - Questioning (to
will show the students assess progress of
music video. students’

2- Punctuated lecture - Reflection.

a) The teacher will ask 2- the students will listen to Summative
student to perform five the teacher’s instructions and assessment:
steps: listen, stop, listen, reflect, and write the -project: design a model.
reflect, write, and give different scientific terms of
feedback. Students blood components. Then the
become self-monitoring students give feedback.

3-a) Each group of students

3- Plasma Soup Activity will observe and recognize
(10mins): each color of candy inside
a) Teacher will make the the jar related to which one
investigation activity by of the components of the
distributing the blood. And one of them will
materials to the class. write the answers.
b) Dividing the class into 4
groups and each group c) Each group will search
will have one jar full of about each component of
water with colorful blood; they will draw
candies. structure, write all about it
c) The teacher will give this component, and share
each group only one the information with each
component of blood and and with the whole class.
search about it
(structure, function,
percentage in human
blood, and its types) for
5 mins then share the
information with each
4-Role Play (Game: Who am 4-a) one student will read out
I?)(10 mins): loud the speech (inside card)
a) Teacher will have index to the whole class and at the
cards. The teacher will end of the speech he/she will
pick a student randomly ask the class (who am I?).
by giving him a card b)the students will answer of
(function of one of the the question and discuss the
blood components). answer the teacher.
b) The teacher will give 4
mins for each card to let
the students discuss the

5-a) the students will take the

5-Think ,pair , share (6 mins): questions and think and
a) The teacher will give 5 search about it.
questions to the whole
class. b) Each student will
-which is the most share the answers with
common blood cell of his/her partner (in
the body? pairs).
-why are white blood c) At the end the students
cells important? in pairs will share the
-which part of the blood answers and discuss it
is made by bone with the whole class.
-how is plasma made by
the body?
-which part of blood is
like Band-Aid?

b) Let the students think

and search for the
answers in 2 minutes.
c) Let the students in pairs
share the answers with
each other in 2 minutes.
d) Give the students 2
minutes to discuss the
answer with each other
and with the teacher.

6- Design a model (Home

activity) (5 mins):
a) The teacher will divide 6-a) The students will divide
the class into 4 groups. into groups of 5. They
Each group will design a will design a model of
model of circulatory circulatory system by
system. following the teacher’s
b) The teacher will give instructions at home.
instructions design and
make a model to show b)The students are going to
the human circulatory discuss this model next
system. Your model session.
should include
something to represent:
• The heart, with the
two sides joined
together but not
allowing blood to move
directly from one side to
the other
• The blood vessels that
run between the heart
and the lungs
• The blood vessels that
run between the heart
and the tissues in the
rest of the body.
You might be able to
add something that
moves to your model,
such as red and blue
beads to represent the
c) The teacher emphasize
on showing the role of
the blood in circulatory

7- Closure (5 min):
a) Ask your students what
they learned about the
components of the 7- a) Each student is going to
blood, and write it in write on the second column
the second column on what they have learned from
the poster board from the lesson on the poster
the introduction. board.
b) The assessment will be a b) Each student will answer
simple quiz through a game the quiz game in kahoot
(kahoot) to make sure the application.
students got a basic
understanding of all the

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