Design Guidelines For Short MRI

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Simple Design Guidelines for Short MRI Systems


Medical Physics Department, Toronto-Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Imaging Research Laboratories, London, Ontario, Canada
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California

ABSTRACT: High-performance minimum-length MRI systems are desirable for modern

imaging applications. For this reason, a gradient coil design study was conducted to
investigate the trade-offs among coil diameter, coil length, and imaging region size. We
discovered a scaling law interrelating the gradient coil parameters of interest: the shortest
length L of high-performance gradient coils is a simple linear function of coil diameter D and
uniformity region diameter DSV (i.e., L ⫽ ␣D ⫹ ␤DSV, where ␣ lies in the range of 0.5– 0.9
and ␤ lies in the range of 1.0 –1.9). Hence, based on this simple formula incorporated with
the shortest length formula for minimum-cost homogeneous magnets, we can rapidly
estimate and adjust magnet and gradient dimensions to achieve an optimized, matched
system design for any specified imaging application. Various examples were then provided
to illustrate the application of these simple design guidelines, including a 38-cm-long
unshielded head coil with a gradient efficiency value of 0.66 mT/m/A and a 75-cm-long
shielded pediatric coil with a gradient efficiency value of 0.39 mT/m/A. © 2005 Wiley
Periodicals, Inc. Concepts Magn Reson Part B (Magn Reson Engineering) 25B: 53–59, 2005

KEY WORDS: gradient coils; magnets; minimum length; diameter of homogeneous spher-
ical volume (DSV)

INTRODUCTION is becoming necessary to understand these relation-

ships for both the magnet and the gradient coil sys-
The relationship between the gross factors influencing
Generally, an application defines the required size
system size and relative scale in MRI is not well
of imaging region and a minimum allowable bore
known to most MR researchers. However, an under- diameter; therefore, the question of system size is
standing of this relationship is extremely important usually more specifically that of estimating the mini-
for anyone contemplating an MR system customized mum feasible system length consistent with these
for a specialty application, particularly those that de- application constraints. A typical whole-body MRI
mand extremely short system length. Increasingly, it system available today might be characterized by a
45-cm diameter imaging region, a free (patient) bore
Received 14 July 2004; revised 13 January 2005; of 60 cm, and a 1.5-m system length. If, for example,
accepted 17 January 2005 a cardiologist was interested in a system customized
Correspondence to: Brian K. Rutt; E-mail: brian.rutt@imaging. for cardiac MRI and was willing to reduce the imag-
ing region to 15 cm, that researcher may justifiably
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance
Engineering), Vol. 25B(1) 53–59 (2005)
wonder if the system length could also be reduced by
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.
a factor of 3, keeping the diameter constant, without
com). DOI 10.1002/cmr.b.20033 significant loss of system performance. This would be
© 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. important in this application because such a system

would be only 50 cm in length, allowing the cardiol- system design together and using a consistent set of
ogist to maintain visual communication with the pa- terms, variables, and units.
tient during imaging, and opening up new interven-
tional applications. Alternatively, for a customized
pediatric scanner, the imaging region might be spec- METHODS
ified to be 20 cm in diameter, the minimum allowable
free-bore diameter might be 40 cm, and the unknown The size of the uniform region of a gradient coil is
becomes the minimum feasible system length one can defined as the diameter of spherical volume (DSV) for
expect without incurring significant loss of perfor- consistency with the magnet formula reported by Xu
mance. To provide some level of guidance in these et al. (2). Specifically, the DSV for a gradient coil is
areas, this article summarizes the very simple rela- defined to be the diameter of the largest sphere within
tionships that exist between system diameter, length, which the gradient field error is not larger than some
and imaging region size for both magnets and gradi- given percent (e.g., 50%) of the gradient value at the
ents. center of the sphere. This error is also called “differ-
In the course of designing homogeneous short ential linearity error” to make a clear distinction with
magnets using the method of linear programming, Xu the absolute field error, often used by manufacturers
et al. (1) discovered an interesting linear relationship in characterizing gradient linear region sizes. The
between the length of the magnet L, the diameter of 50% DSV was used to define uniformity region di-
the magnet D, and the diameter of homogeneous ameter consistently in this study.
magnetic field spherical volume (DSV) to achieve Based on the original minimum inductance target
minimum cost (mass) of the magnet coils (2): field method by Turner (3), Chronik et al. (4) further
developed an algorithm that incorporated current con-
L⫽0.8D⫹1.2DSV. [1] straints into the target function, called constrained
current minimum inductance (CCMI) method. All
coils in the current study were designed using this
This simple formula defines the minimum magnet CCMI algorithm. For each design, a set of magnetic
length for given magnet diameter and required uni- field constraints was used to define the size of the
formity region size, subject to the constraint of min- DSV and a set of current constraints was used to
imum cost. Because the overall dimensions of an MRI define the maximum length, L, of the coil. Subject to
system are constrained by both the magnet and gra- these two sets of constraints, the CCMI algorithm
dient coils, we investigated in this study whether a produces the wire pattern of minimum inductance.
similar relationship to that expressed by Eq. [1] holds Each gradient coil design was evaluated using the
for gradient coils. If so, then a combination of the following figure of merit:
gradient coil formula with the magnet relationship
would yield a simple but highly informative design

guideline for short MRI systems. M⫽ 䡠a2.5 [2]
Only the simplest electromagnetic considerations 冑␭
were included in our analysis. Without question, there
are many other extremely important factors that affect where ␩ is the gradient efficiency (mT/m/A), ␭ is the
practical system dimensions. In particular, from the coil inductance (H), and “a” is the coil radius (m).
perspective of the magnet designer, the mechanical Merit as defined above is independent of the winding
stresses, stored energy, design of the cryostat, and density (number of turns) used to realize the gradient
difficulty of manufacture are all factors contributing coil current density pattern. It is also independent of
to the question of practical magnet length. For the the radius of the gradient coil. That is, if a gradient
gradient coil designer, coil wiring, potting, cooling coil is scaled up or down uniformly in all dimensions,
structure, and coil mechanics are similar factors that or the number of turns used to realize the coil is
further constrain the total dimension of a practical changed, the value of M will remain constant. Defined
gradient coil. For these reasons, the relationships re- as above, M reflects the value placed on high effi-
ported here between system diameter, length, and ciency, low inductance gradient coil designs. In par-
imaging region size are intended only for the purpose ticular, M is directly proportional to the gradient ef-
of allowing the nonexpert to develop reasonably re- ficiency for coils of equal radius and inductance.
alistic expectations for potential customized systems. A series of symmetric transverse gradient coils of
In addition, the attempt is made to express the simple different L/DSV was designed for fixed values of
relationships common to both magnet and gradient D/DSV. Because body size coils are normally

shielded, whereas smaller coils such as head size or

small animal size coils are often unshielded, both
unshielded and shielded gradient coils were included
in this study and analyzed in the same fashion. Five
different values of D/DSV were used, ranging from
1.35 to 1.88 for unshielded coils and from 1.53 to 2.30
for shielded coils. In the case of shielded coils, the
primary coil diameter was used for D when calculat-
ing D/DSV ratios. The length of the shield was used
to compute L/DSV for shielded coils. For all shielded
coils, the shield cylinder was placed at a radius of 1.15
times the primary coil radius. Shield-to-primary val-
ues of 1.3 or higher are common in present-day
whole-body gradient coils; however, the small
shield-to primary ratio of 1.15 was chosen to maxi-
mize accessiblity for a given outer diameter value and
minimize additional shield length while producing a
reasonable performance coil. Note that the ratio be-
tween shield length and primary lengths is not the
same as the ratio of their radii. In the CCMI method,
shield coils are designed to provide optimal shielding
while minimizing the total coil set inductance, and
this leads to a nonconstant shield-to-primary length
ratio, and particularly a ratio which is not equal to the Figure 1 Merit versus L/DSV for a series of (a) un-
shield-to-primary radius ratio. The shield-to-primary shielded and (b) shielded coils. Each curve is at a constant
length ratio varied from 1.05 to 1.35 over the range of value of D/DSV as indicated by the labels. For each curve,
designs considered in this article. the optimal L/DSV value was chosen to be that for which
For each value of D/DSV, a value of L/DSV was the M value dropped by 0.5 dB from the plateau value.
chosen to represent the shortest coil achievable with- These points are marked as crosses. Coils shorter than this
out incurring significant decrease in M. A “threshold- optimal length suffer from significant loss of M whereas
coils longer than this length gain only negligibly in M. Note
of-significance” decrease in M was arbitrarily chosen
also that for a fixed value of D/DSV, shielded coils are
to be a drop of 0.5 dB (i.e., 5.6 %) compared with the always longer and have lower M than unshielded coils.
maximum possible M value. Linear regression fitting
to the obtained L/DSV values versus D/DSV values
yielded equations for coil length as a function of both proximately exponential approach to an asymptotic
DSV and D. For the unshielded coils, various more value as L/DSV increases. On each curve in Fig. 1,
significant decreases in M were also examined (1 dB, points at which M decreases by 0.5 dB from the
2 dB, and 3 dB) and linear fitting was performed to asymptotic M value are marked as crosses. These
the obtained L/DSV and D/DSV values. L/DSV values are considered the optimal length coil
designs because coils shorter than this length suffer
from significant loss of M, whereas coils longer than
RESULTS this length gain only negligibly in coil performance. It
can also be seen from Fig. 1 that the asymptotic
Plots of M versus L/DSV for each fixed D/DSV value values of M for all the curves increase with increasing
are shown in Fig. 1 for unshielded and shielded coils. D/DSV value.
Note that for the same primary coil diameter and DSV The optimal length values of L/DSV and D/DSV
size, shielded coils are longer than unshielded coils are plotted against each other in Fig. 2 for both
because the extra shield length is required to satisfy shielded and unshielded coils. The results of the linear
the shielding constraint everywhere on the outside regression fits to the data are also shown in Fig. 2 as
surface of the shield cylinder. Shielded coils also have solid lines. For the unshielded coils, the 1 dB, 2 dB,
a lower M value as compared with unshielded coils and 3 dB results were plotted as well. The linear
because the presence of the shield layer decreases the dependency of L/DSV on D/DSV fits all data ex-
efficiency much more than the total coil inductance. tremely well. Specifically, for 0.5 dB decrease in M,
For any constant value of D/DSV, M makes an ap- the R2 values are 0.996 and 0.975 for the unshielded

Figure 3 Percentage deviations from the gradient strength

at the center of the candidate coils were computed in the
coronal (x-z) plane at y ⫽ 0: (a) an unshielded head coil; (b)
a shielded pediatric coil (the length of the shield is displayed
Figure 2 High-performance coil length L varies linearly as thick vertical lines and the length of the primary coil is
with DSV and D (i.e., the lengths of high-performance shown as thin vertical lines). The thick vertical lines repre-
gradient coils can be computed using simple linear func- sent the physical ends of the coil. The homogeneity levels
tions of D and DSV). (10, 30, and 50%) are labeled on the corresponding contour
lines of the central imaging region. The DSV extent is also
labeled and is always limited by the z length of gradient
and shielded coils respectively. For 0.5 dB, 1d B, 2
dB, and 3 dB M-drop unshielded coils, the linear
relations solved for L as a function of D and DSV, whereas for shielded coils the relationship was found
were found to be respectively: to be

Lopt⫽0.9D⫹DSV [3] L⫽0.9D⫹1.9DSV. [7]

L1dB⫽0.7D⫹1.1DSV [4] These equations can be used to yield an estimate of

the shortest full-performance gradient coil feasible for
L2dB⫽0.6D⫹1.2DSV [5] a given application in which DSV and D are known.
Design details for the shortest full-performance
L3dB⫽0.5D⫹1.3DSV [6] coil designs of various DSV for an unshielded head-

Table 1 Comparison of Coil Performances

Diameterb DSV Coil Length Efficiency Inductance Merit

Coil Type a
[cm] [cm] [cm] [mT/m/A] [␮H] [(␮T 䡠 m/A)0.5]

Head coil #1 36.0 20.2 49.6 0.80 1200 0.32

Head coil #2 36.0 17.9 38.0 0.66 1200 0.26
Cardiac coil 60.0 17.3 81.4 0.16 1200 0.23
Pediatric coil 40.0 21.5 74.8 0.39 1200 0.20
All head coils listed in this table are unshielded and all body coils listed in this table are shielded.
Primary coil diameters are listed for shielded coils.

only gradient coil (assuming a 36.0-cm coil diameter) the limitation of shoulders (5). Because of this con-
are summarized in Table 1. Two other design exam- cern, head coil no. 2 in Table 1 designed using the
ples are also listed in Table 1 for possible application 3-dB M-drop is a better candidate for head imaging.
in cardiac imaging and pediatric imaging, respec- Even though the coil merit is much lower than head
tively. All gradient coils were designed to an induc- coil no. 1, it still has a much higher efficiency (0.66
tance value of 1200 ␮H, which is typical of whole- mT/m/A) than body-size gradient coils, and it is less
body gradient coils. Gradient homogeneity contour than 40 cm long. More importantly, the distance be-
plots are shown in Fig. 3 for typical examples of an tween the end of DSV to the edge of the coil is only
unshielded head coil (no. 2 in Table 1) and a shielded 10 cm, which allows much better access to the 18-
pediatric coil. Percentage deviations from the gradient cm-long DSV for whole-brain imaging.
strength at the center of the candidate coils were To further illustrate the use of linear relationships
computed in the coronal (x-z) plane at y ⫽ 0; contours for magnet and gradient coil, here we consider two
of 10, 30, and 50% deviation are shown in the figure. additional example applications. For cardiac imaging,
The DSV extent is also labeled, and is always limited if the desired DSV is 15 cm and the gradient coil
by the z length of gradient homogeneity. The thick diameter (free bore) is 60 cm, based on Eq. [7] the
vertical lines represent the physical ends of the coil. minimum length high-performance shielded coil is
Note that for the shielded pediatric coil in Fig. 3(b), approximately 83 cm long, whereas based on Eq. [1]
the length of the shield is displayed as the thick a minimum-cost magnet length is estimated to be 90
vertical lines whereas the length of the primary coil is cm for a 15-cm DSV and a magnet diameter of 90 cm.
shown as thin vertical lines. It can be seen that the cardiac MRI system length is
still strongly constrained by coil diameter (both gra-
dient and main magnet) despite the small DSV unless
DISCUSSION a significant penalty can be tolerated in scanner per-
formance. For pediatric imaging, if the desired DSV is
Based on the Xu et al. (2), linear formula (Eq. [1]) and 20 cm, the minimum gradient coil diameter is 40 cm,
the discovery in the current study (Eqs. [3]–[7]), we and the minimum magnet diameter is 70 cm, the
observe that similar linear relationships between L, D, minimum lengths for the high-performance shielded
and DSV exist for homogeneous magnets, unshielded coil and the minimum-cost magnet are 74 cm and 80
and shielded gradient coils. Knowing these relation- cm respectively. The performance and dimension of a
ships, we can easily match the lengths of the magnet cardiac coil and a pediatric coil designed using the
and gradient coil for the same requirements on region simple guideline are shown in Table 1. Compared
of uniformity. The linear formulae also straightfor- with a regular body-size coil, the cardiac coil has
wardly indicate that if a shorter scanner is desired, the similar gradient efficiency, smaller customized DSV,
bore size or the size of uniformity region needs to be and shorter length; the pediatric coil has much higher
reduced, unless a significant gradient performance gradient efficiency, smaller bore, smaller DSV, and
penalty can be tolerated. Although this statement may shorter length. We can also observe that by keeping
be intuitively obvious to many MR researchers, the other parameters unchanged and reducing the diame-
formulae provided in this article allow quantitative ter of the coil, the efficiency of the coil increases
conclusions to be drawn concerning this simple scan- dramatically. These examples have demonstrated that
ner length/DSV constraint relationship. the length of an MRI system is constrained by the
In the case of head-size coils, shielding was not system diameter and the imaging region size. In other
considered necessary. On the other hand, shielding words, dramatically shortening the system without
was considered a requirement for body size coils. incurring significant loss of performance demands
Hence only unshielded head size coils and shielded reduction in D and DSV. Homogeneous supercon-
body-size coils were considered in this study. Head ducting magnets usually require approximately 10 to
coil no. 1 in Table 1 was designed using the 0.5-dB 20 cm extra length for the end coil cross-section and
drop guideline. It has a DSV size sufficient for whole- for the cryostat vacuum insulation layer; gradient
brain imaging (DSV ⬎ 20 cm), a very high efficiency coils usually require approximately 15 cm extra
of 0.80 mT/m/A, and it is less than 50 cm in total length for the mounting anchors and end plates on
gradient coil length, which seemed to qualify as a both sides, and cooling manifold and electrical con-
good candidate for head imaging. However, the dis- nectors on one side.
tance between the inferior edge of the DSV to the From Figs. 2 and 3, it is clear that if a larger
inferior edge of the coil may be too large (14.7 cm) gradient uniformity region is desired, coil merit
for the patient’s entire brain to access the DSV due to needs to be compromised and/or coil length needs

to be increased. Depending on the preference of tions, if the application demands large DSV, PNS can
larger DSV size or higher M, more flexibility can be easily prevent use of the full coil technical capability.
achieved by permitting a range drops in M (say in The operation space of a gradient coil is then divided
the range of 0.5 dB to 3 dB) to define the appro- into three regimes (10): slew rate limited regime, PNS
priate coil length, as shown in Fig. 2 and Table 1. limited regime, and gradient strength limited regime.
Only transverse coils were considered in this study It has been shown in (11) that PNS parameters of
because for the same coil lengths and radii, longi- gradient coils can be predicted from knowledge of the
tudinal coils produce larger DSV than transverse DSV using linear equations; coils of smaller DSVs
coils. Thus the bottleneck in overall performance of have higher PNS threshold. Therefore, with knowl-
a gradient coil set is always the transverse coils. edge of the DSV-dependent PNS threshold equations
Note that the DSV coefficient in Eq. [7] is almost derived in (11) and the DSV-dependent high-perfor-
twice the value of the DSV coefficient in Eq. [3]. mance coil dimension equations derived in this arti-
This suggests that for unshielded coils the length is cle, a complete prediction of gradient coil perfor-
equally restricted by coil diameter and DSV mance can be derived from simple linear formulae.
whereas for shielded coils the length is much more This simple scaling approach provides application
limited by the DSV than coil diameter. This makes scientists as well as gradient coil designers with com-
intuitive sense as the presence of the shield perturbs prehensive yet accurate estimation of gradient coil
the field distribution in the central region, which dimension/performance without having to deal with
causes the reduction in DSV. Another way of stat- computationally complex and inconvenient gradient
ing this is that for the same total coil length, the design algorithms.
primary coil of a shielded coil set is obviously
shorter than an unshielded coil, which would lead
to a smaller DSV optimum-performance coil. In CONCLUSIONS
this study the shield-to-primary ratio was fixed at
1.15 for shielded coils. For a shield-to-primary ratio We conducted a design study of unshielded and
value of 1.15, the coil can be efficiently shielded shielded gradient coils. Important linear formulae
without extending the length significantly. For ex- were found relating gradient coil performance and
ample, the shield can be as short as 5% longer than physical dimensions. Mininum length of high-
the primary. However, because the shield is placed performance gradient coils, both unshielded and
close to the primary, a significant reduction occurs shielded, can be computed using simple linear func-
in DSV, coil efficiency, and inductance. To com- tions of coil diameter and uniformity region size.
pensate for these losses, the coil length has to be For any given imaging application, we can use
extended. It is obvious that varying the shield-to- these formulae and the existing magnet formula to
primary ratio will have an impact on the coeffi- rapidly estimate and adjust magnet and gradient
cients of Eq. [7]. If the shield is placed at a larger dimensions to produce a truly high-performance
radius, the coil length will obviously increase. minimum-length MRI system. Design examples
Meanwhile, a larger shield would cause less pertur- adopting the simple guidelines were given for a
bation of the gradient field inside the primary coil range of specialty imaging applications: cardiac
so that DSV, efficiency, and inductance will not be imaging, pediatric imaging, and brain imaging. The
decreased as much as for a closely coupled shield relationships between MRI system diameter,
(6 ). How the coefficients in Eq. [7] would change length, and imaging region size presented in this
with shield-to-primary ratio is an interesting sub- work are particularly useful for application scien-
ject for future study. We predict that the shield-to- tists/clinicians who wish to develop reasonably re-
primary ratio could be incorporated into the linear alistic expectations for various customized systems.
relationship as an extra term.
Gradient coils generate time-varying magnetic
fields that induce electric fields in the patient, which ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
may cause peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) if the
electric field strength and duration exceed a certain The authors acknowledge financial support from Ca-
threshold (7–9). It is well-known that PNS has be- nadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) operating
come a significant physiological side effect of mod- grant GR-14973, Ontario Research and Development
ern-day MRI systems that incorporate higher slew- Challenge Fund (ORDCF), and GE Medical Systems
rate, higher strength gradient coils. As is now (GEMS). B.Z. was supported by a Ontario Graduate
becoming clear in many demanding MRI applica- Scholarship (OGS) and a Ontario Graduate Scholar-

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