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In what way/s “Kotter’s 8-step Change Model” will help your organization in implementing
change? (8-10 sentences).
Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model gives advices or recommendations to the leadership of leaders
into improving the operations or situations inside the organization. Creating urgency helps
leaders make swift actions to solve a problem by identifying potential threats that could arise in
the near future. Leaders tend to form an alliance or “coalition” that operates as a team in order
to seek support in assessing problem which also helps in choosing the key leader and
stakeholders. This could help in implementing change by identifying the weaknesses of the
coalition and empower it. It also promotes diversity because having diversity between the job
title and level will help distribute the strength of the vision across the myriad positions within
your company. Creating the vision of the organization is the first step to make an organization
successful because it acts as a guide in achieving the goal of the organization. Through the
vision of the organization, a healthy communication will foster which could change the typical
stereotype wherein there is not much communication in an organization that leads to
unconnected thoughts and ideas. It is undeniable that there are obstacles and with the help of
Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, assessing the resistance of people to change is one of the
actions to make change to the barriers (humans). This helps in analyzing factors that helps in
achieving a certain goal and to not only celebrate but to also identify and how to improve it.
Change is inevitable which is why this helps implanting change by making change as part of the
core of the organization, using the past to create new ideas that are ideal for changes in the
2. What would be the role of “Adaptive Leadership” in your present organizational system?
(8-10 sentences)
Adaptive leadership is a practical leadership framework that helps individuals and organizations
to adapt to changing environments and effectively respond to recurring problems. Basically,
from the word “adaptive”, adaptive leadership is a practical approach of leaders into solving
problems and issues. The role that the adaptive leadership is acting in my present
organizational system is being a support or guide in achieving our everyday goals in the
organization. It acts as a support or guide on how leaders should think and act in every situation
or as to speak, adapt into every situation. Adaptive leadership focuses on the major decisions
made by the leaders in order to prevent mistakes that would be an obstacle in achieving the
goal. With the help of adaptive leadership, leaders are given new strategies to address changes
into the environment which affects the organization in order to thrive. An example of the role
of adaptive leadership in my present organizational system would be an adaptive leader would
be motivated when a challenge of setting ambitious goals and being able to persuade other
people to accomplish those goals. This being said, the leader will then make strategies and
plans in order to adapt into the situation to handle the obstacles that the organization might
face. By the help of adaptive leadership, it allows our leaders to have the skills they need to
adapt to ensure that they have the best leadership possible inside the organization.
3. Why values are considered important in the existence of your organization? (6-7
Values are principles that helps people to decide whether what is right and wrong.
Organizational values on the other hand, an organization value is what a company stands for, its
behavior and the types of decisions it makes. It is also referred to as the roadmap that provides
clear direction of the way the things should be. Organizational values are important in our
organization because it sets a path for people that is right and good not only for their self but
for others as well. It also direct behavioral patterns for members inside our organization,
influencing relationships within our leaders, managers up to its members and it influences how
our organization perceives the people whom we served. Organizational values also put the
mindset of all members of our organization to always do the right thing inside and outside the
organization, propagating personal and organizational values at the same time. Basically, it
influences people inside our organization by the way to do always the assigned tasks to us in a
rightful and good way.
4. How can you lessen personal-organizational value conflicts in PNP Organization? (6-7
Personal and organizational values for one person can often bring complication whether what is
the best or what is the right thing to do. As a police officer working in the PNP Organization, it is
so hard to separate my personal values to the organization’s values as our work includes giving
services to people including my family so as others. The most common thing that I do to lessen
personal-organizational value conflicts in PNP Organization is to always be professional in my
work. Setting aside my personal values while I’m inside the organization has been helpful so
that I can be more focus on the organizational values promoted by the PNP Organization. An
example of this would me being professional to lessen personal-organizational value conflicts is
being responsible and being attentive to my obligations and works. At my home, I can
sometimes slouch as a form of leisure or rest but inside the PNP Organization, I am attentive
and responsible and I always do my work responsibly and professionally as I set aside other
concerns until I finish my work or obligation.
5. Describe “excellence” in the context of PNP Organization. (5-6 sentences)

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