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What’s More
Activity 1.3.1
When Farewell and Bad When being When meeting Admiring
celebrating goodbyes happening threatened in the thing or people who
with family or bad someone you’ve do things
mood been waiting for you can’t do
When with Missing Something Speaking in front
special some thing offensive of many people
someone or someone or

What I Have Learned

1. Defining
2. Detailed definition
3. Brief definition

Tomatoes is a fruits that are considered vegetables by nutritionist. Tomatoes that we planted on
our backyard look neat and also edible or add on our foods. Tomatoes are loaded with a substance
called lycopene that helps protect your cells from damage even if it grow or planted on backyards
it is also have potassium, vitamins b and e, and other nutrients eating too much tomatoes can cause
heart burn or acid reflux due to the production of excess gastric acid in stomach
What I Have Learned
1. Exemplification
2. Filipinos
3. Complex
When quarantine started of being afraid and nervous the COVID-19 my mother started
gardening again to reduce stress and to do something while in quarantine
Cause in these times boredom or stress is we can get so we must find something to do
because of quarantine it must be only around of our house and do not gather many people.
So gardening is a critical help to us in these times. Cause it makes our surrounding clean
and neat also bonding of quality time with family.

What’s More
Activity 1.5.1
We grow vegetables like tomatoes, siling labuyo, calabash, and potato but I like the most is
potato. The scientific name of potato is salanum toberosum. A potatoes skin is rich in fiber, iron,
zinc, potassium, and calcium it also contains b and c vitamins.

What I Have Learned

1. Compare and contrast
2. Figurative
3. Similarities
4. Equal
5. Inseparable

Students Weekly Reflection
1. Lesson 1 is about definition and exemplification while Lesson 2 talks about comparison
and contrast.
2. Comparison
3. Exemplification
4. To always remember to properly use it always
5. To learn more
 Tomatoes and eggplant
 You can compare and contrast the tomato and eggplant. One contrast of
tomato in eggplant is the color when they because when eggplant ripe it
will change to color dark violet or dark purple while tomato will change to
color red or orange. Another is the size and shape. The tomato is sphere
and small while eggplant is long and elongated. Furthermore comparison
includes the color when they are not ripe because they are both color
green. Both can also be easily prepared during meals. They can also both
be cooked with egg or salted egg and they are very delicious and healthy.

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