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Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome tine entra dc sac mec ee hung neprtion anincr bono + intone fates aed mortality kwersely pepe {fancy reed ek or RS in infant casmcaenseraTIon * Sint sau gene mor nine + Saget clara pay * Cho ry finding wy inked nas wt ne “Tnfants should abs be evaluated or earty-onset Acoma and ened spony ‘Sementalorygennontnvtsive vetatoncor aba.” + Eee hit =e Neonatal Pneumonia BASIC INFORMATION * Bavy-onset poeuionia x agnoned i ciel presen fatto sin the re 8 hour er bit ioe ak ecors Prolonged rupture of membranes Prema abo Ghoreamototta “= wansplacental organisms that cause pneumonia Include Listeria monanenes: Mygeabterian aber ‘ist Treponema, ral. ctomegalonrs herpes plex views and adenovirus «= Ascending etn x prim da to group step- ‘responsible fr early-onset peumonia. Escherichia eo ‘= tuste-onset pneumonia ca bed to a variety of eile A vented premature fant prove to coagulse- fegative Staslognel, Sarge nnd Geameregative «= pia! pathogens including Chane rho, «= Vira pneumonia sal common cause flae-onset Stans ofsystemtc infection I emperture insta) + Bnet repenty pete ieee inbinee cerns DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION «= Apleur Transient Tachypnea of the ‘agpicn Newborn MAS) 1 A omple BASICINFORMATION anda bo: trast achypocn of he newborn TN) curs into to 6/000 serminant 37-82 wks TREATME? « fits delay tal ng fuidcearance fants ateantim Ample « Ratan esidere”* Dory b caren stn wih tures Make en +See iat erythrom 5 [ower weet sTntmpert, + Masri vento! TTaysoma CUNICAL PRESENTATION Supports pyc exminain fig: calventil" "Yachyoen onset aepaterateoner 100 Meconi| AESCONN' DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION BASIC INF( = chev tgs te 75:3: as tn pir esc nares Mid wile 3 fd eres fe Thistsad. isan shouldbe bx inecon nd etedop- meoniue Dome ta = Pathophy TREATMENT = Mectni. «sited codon en ara pd econ ne ‘Thisea Mecons wellasi Persistent Pulmonary + The Hypertension of the Newborn ary RY ASIC INFORMATION cunican cay eee ees eeeeet Seeaetaemenmetede ace 1 Pyle + MG Erte ciara Sn {Snir enag teat cme Hens cuca PRESENTATION pincwost:* "ymin dns * Chestx-ra [lst ert ain du once pulmonary txpansion Ita peste Air leaks DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION TREATMEN ers ty i ieee tence s ollow Ne aces ade onli ines ress Gaiman arrestee 1 Ghee der emia iy PAN ror lA 7 support, + Fc ra ale nti Support * edacaloencpan wate Rou MesTae STR hap get eet ene oc Treat pul. Funny tino wie nt SAE Neonatal Jaundice BASICINFORMATION 1 Maj nants ve erated ru abi 1 Misbloge june ey nd athe unancae a {iim er one pee ‘hes ents an cg ana Tile te cane pment rots whch reece reals he es pty omer rns “Then Swethsfoero wh rh Necrotizing Enterocolitis BASIC INFORMATION + Infamy def einen with pout we ‘Sadao {Up 10st yecermidats 1500 gn ek isp moray ‘CUNICAL PRESENTATION = Rk for mrs ntl NE) igh pater Neste wets pnconergion {pie detenercancarn emote bats + tea maon prespse BCD ne Feber eon 1 Theol precoated toda nese Pein int ue rel Tetra muptooneshindteos “Sot DIAGNOS'S AND EVALUATION = WDC ith si. mbna dee + Heeroma taba ANH edi lage ots esta incre rani Poe ‘TREATIENT TV Sts to preven sess petans Ca dcmorsion Fitness anager «Repl fpetr ‘Recut ove Approach to Neonatal Infections and Sepsi ASICINFORMATION ‘hen win 7 days Are ee th ey tre Phase ete 7 nd 0 das ater ch (aiden inbetaor + nat tr nel sp oe Tae 2.1) enc andevetualy ome nan Ger entire nts yt {inp eg doce coat + Nery ert lo do + Ciera alo poor ron thea oe ‘enamine = Reyne entropy tom, + Clots abit tenia, eng. Srowtonsenmc «Hemet pti parr or sng [IAGNOSS AND EVALUATION ‘ecw ha “ables. ek cto for Nona Spss aortic ring gato eer calcite eg ey «tite apc {Mitel ear 1 Geter {Risener mando gr dc rant id eel eo ee eee eae ‘os nena ponnieae rsongespret memtans (18h) ema nat wi ra ety. retin. cna ‘incr cosimre epy * Neodat east 1 mi ofl fr cites because ye ‘can below ineary neonatal sis «Alem to obtain leurs before abit if the SP culture indicated as prt of eps evaluation inal Infants under 28 days of age * May avold CS culture in ier, well appearing infants wi fever nesting of easaring borat ress no other spe concerning or sep che ‘raletlony « Atthe cme tis wrting, the American Academy of Pesdiates (AAP) is devdoping gine onic ‘inser mbar puncture evaluating ebele young tats + Complete Hod cont (CC * Tetkocytoss or inereased immature neutophis: lnynatare—totl neuropil rato 20.2 ocean © Thyombacytss or thomboeytapenia “Thromecstpeni ca be se neonatal fang Infcions * Urinals: leukocytosis with leukocyte esterase ot nlegcan pont To uriemy tract tin (TH + CSP tudiew SSP WHC count: >10t0 20 mm’ suggestive of {nisi moral abi verbs beacon ae «= C3 chemistry cheval proc, fo hace Low alco specie or bate mening «$0 Gram snes WC o acer + Acwepise eactants CRP and procak:tonln can be ‘devote within 12-24 hours of cst ofincton + Choa ray (CARI edence of poewmoni + Noclear ctteria or "septs scores have been xabshed TREATMENT * Organisms causing nenatal sepsis meningitis “Typtally organisms intubing mtr geno: nay o lower gastontestna (tact Mestcommon are Fathers cl and group B tp ‘ogoecus( CS) ‘Ne intrapartum GBS prophyans reduces sk Sorearyronsetdacase(O"7 day but dosnt fecrease infor ate-onset lease in heat

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