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" nd many good folk also that hated her
living, and glad wer to se sin corrected:
yet pitied thei more her penance, then
rejoyced therin, when thei considred that the
protector procured it, more of a corrupt intent then
ani vertuous affeccion."
(Thomas More, The History of King Richard III)
No Salvation For Witches by Rafael Chandler

Adventure Edited by Matthew Pook and Jack Shear
Cover Art by Jason Rainville
Interior Art by Jason Rainville and Ian MacLean
Cartography by Ian MacLean
Design by Sarah Richardson

First Edition, First Printing 2014

Printed in Finland by Otava Book Printing Ltd.


ISBN 978-952-5904-58-1 (Print)

ISBN 978-952-5904-59-8 (PDF)

No Salvation for Witches text © 2014 Rafael Chandler

Issued under exclusive license to Lamentations of the Flame Princess
Table of Contents

Preface 5 Locations 19
1. Woods 20
2. Edington 21
Setting 6
e 3. Pond 24
4. Forsgreave 26
5. Pendle Moor 29
Backstory 7
Characters 8 The Priory 34
1. Infirmary 35
1. Orelia Woolcott 8

2. Cloister 36
2. Primogenitor 10
3. Stables 36
3. Bishops of the Synod 12
4. Balneary 37
5. Pigsties 39

The Spheres 17 6. Church

7. Attic

Tract of Teratology 51
Overview 52


This is not a low-prep adventure.

NSFW is a cheerfully gory adventure inspired by slasher movies and heavy metal.
This isn’t grimdark, it’s glibdark. Have fun!
The whole thing takes place over a period of 24 hours, beginning with the player
characters crossing the threshold of the outer sphere (more about that in just a
moment). From that point, start tracking time, keeping a rough idea of how many
hours a given task takes. After 24 hours, the ritual is complete, and you can skip to
the section marked “If the Ritual is Completed” towards the back of the adventure.
The player characters may not even realize that a ritual has taken place. So much
the better; the changes to their world will eventually become apparent, and they
may come to realize that they were present when those alterations were made.

Like insects crawling through a clockwork mechanism, characters will engage with
the challenges of this adventure on their own terms. They may not fully compre-
hend all that they experience. They might only see some of the moving parts. They
could die in agony, or triumph and emerge unscathed. All of this is acceptable.

In the same way that the inner workings of a clock is eventually opened for winding
or maintenance, possibly permitting the insects to escape, this adventure follows
an established timetable, and when it is concluded the characters will be free. Until
then, they will face the weird.

They will make decisions. Dice will hit the table.

The characters might stride forth laden with spectacular treasures and world-bend-
ing magics, or perhaps they will limp away, mutilated and horrified.

The choice is not yours.


The adventure takes place in Caversdale, In this time of desperation and un-
England, sometime in the late 1620s. certainty, a Magic-User named Orelia
Characters may hear rumors about this Woolcott takes control of a priory by
place and its haunted priory, or they force, and sets into motion a series of
may stumble across it while traveling to strange events.
another location.
Times are hard. The Price Revolution
The land surrounding Caversdale Priory
(full name: the Priory Church of the
has brought fresh misery into the lives of Blessed Virgin Mary, Caversdale) has
peasants. Between 1500 and 1625, the been warped by the magics that Wool-
population of England increased from cott unleashed. Aided by her coterie,
2.6 million to 4.6 million. Furthermore, Woolcott plans to perform a ritual that
the supply of precious metals increased will permanently alter human society

due to the arrival of ships bearing gold across the globe.

and silver from the New World, and
from increased production of silver Caversdale Priory squats between a forest
in Europe. As a consequence of the and Pendle Moor; there’s a village to the
aforementioned rise in population and northwest and a smoking ruin to the

availability of precious metals, the cost east. All of these places—the priory, the
of living increased dramatically, with villages, the moor—have been contami-
the price of some goods multiplying nated by sorcery. Woolcott’s magics are
fivefold or sixfold. Food is so expen- difficult to control and they have pro-
sive that many peasants simply starve duced strange (possibly lethal) phenom-
to death, or find themselves eating the ena throughout the region.
heretofore unthinkable.


Four years ago, the priory (which was Chaos ensued. Though Orelia and her
shut down during the Dissolution of the entourage did not resort to violence,
Monasteries) was taken over by Richard the inhabitants of the priory were ter-
Grey, an abbot of some standing. rified, and most of them fled. Some,
Accompanied by monks, nuns, and e captivated by Orelia’s conviction and
villagers seeking work, Grey entered the sentiments, remained.
abandoned Caversdale Priory and
declared it a house of God once more. Those who left the priory found two
He found the priory’s hidden treasures, things: first, it was proved impossible
fenced them, and used the silver to feed to leave the area, as a vast and invis-
the poor and shelter those without ible sphere, nearly ten miles wide,
homes. All was well. had manifested about the priory and
surrounding environs; second, the area

Two days ago, a group of dancers, led by was rife with terrors, brought through
a charismatic Magic-User named Orelia when Orelia wrested open the portal to
Woolcott, seized control of the priory. a distant realm.
They’ve spent their days in pursuit of
artistic expression, and their nights in The spinning movements of the dancers

pursuit of occult wisdom. They believe in the church have produced whorls
that through their dance and their of sorcery which resemble miniscule
passion and their study, they have typhoons wrought from lightning or
allowed Orelia to open a door to another fire; these spirals proceed away from the
realm—one inhabited by Terpsichore, priory in circular patterns, transforming
Greek muse and patroness of dancers. the world around them as they move.
Their presence accounts for the defor-
mity of the abbot Richard Grey, the
strange appearance of the maidens he
travels with, the amorphids in Pendle
Moor, and so on.

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