Uganda Land Forces Commander Visits Somalia To Assess Troop Welfare

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STORY: Uganda Land Forces Commander visits Somalia to

assess troop welfare

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1. Wide shot - Uganda AMISOM soldiers on parade.

2. Close up shot - A soldier on parade.
3. Wide shot - A guard of honour for Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen.
Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
4. Wide shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba
arriving at the Uganda contingent Headquarters in Mogadishu.
5. Med shot - Soldiers on parade.
6. Med shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba,
being received by the Contingent Commander of Uganda AMISOM troops, Brig. Gen.
Don Nabasa.
7. Wide shot -Senior Uganda AMISOM military officers
8. Close up shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi
9. Wide shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba
before inspecting the guard of honour.
10. Close up shot - Salutes.
11. Med shot - Uganda, African Union and Somalia flags.
12. Wide shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba,
inspecting the guard of honour.
13. Close up shot - Soldiers on parade.
14. Med shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba
inspecting the guard of honour.
15. Wide shot - Parade.
16. Med shot - Parade.
17. Close up shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi
18. Wide shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba
being saluted by AMISOM military commanders.
19. Wide shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba,
meeting with the senior Uganda AMISOM military commanders.
20. Med shot - The Commander of Ugandan AMISOM troops, Brig. Gen. Don Nabasa,
21. Close up shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi
22. Med shot - The Commander of Ugandan troops serving under AMISOM, Brig.
Gen. Don Nabasa.
23. Close up shot - Uganda’s Defence Advisor in Somalia, Maj. Gen. Lucky Joseph
24. Senior military officers at the meeting.
25. Close up shot - Acting Deputy Commander of Ugandan troops in Somalia, Col.
Sam Mwesigwa.
26. Close up shot - The Commander of Logistics and Engineering of the Uganda
AMISOM contingent, Col. David Richard Edimu.
27. Wide shot - The Public Information Officer of the Uganda AMISOM contingent,
Maj. Isaac Oware at the meeting.
28. Close up shot - A senior officer at the meeting.
29. Close up shot - The Chief Administrative Officer of the Uganda AMISOM
contingent, Col. John Ochan.
30. Med shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba,
and soldiers singing.
31. Close up shot - Soldiers clapping.
32. Wide shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba,
and senior military officers singing and clapping.
33. SOUNDBITE: (ENGLISH) Lieutenant General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, Senior
Presidential Advisor on Special Operations and Commander Land Forces (CLF) of
the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF)
“The purpose of my visit is to thank the troops for the great work they are doing in
Somalia, and to deliver to them thanks from the UPDF and the people of Uganda.
Secondly, it is to talk to them and get a feel of the problems and challenges they are
facing. A commander is not one that sits in the office, but one who goes out to the
field and understands what his soldiers are going through, and that is why I came.”

34. Med shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba,
addressing the soldiers.
35. Wide shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba,
addressing soldiers.
36. Med shot - Soldiers listening to Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen.
Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
37. Med shot - Senior officers attending the meeting.
38. SOUNDBITE: (ENGLISH) Lieutenant General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, Senior
Presidential Advisor on Special Operations and Commander Land Forces (CLF) of
the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF)
“Understand that you are Uganda’s ambassadors here in Somalia. Do not do
anything that would bring disrepute to the good name of Uganda and the UPDF. I
implore you to maintain a high level of discipline, work in harmony with our hosts,
and also love and respect them. Anything you do in contravention you will have
undermined our values as the armed forces, and your role as ambassadors.”

39. Wide shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba,
addressing soldiers at the Barawe FOB.
40. Med shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba,
addressing soldiers at the Arbiska FOB.
41. SOUNDBITE: (ENGLISH) Maj. Gen. Don Nabasa, the commander of Ugandan
forces serving under AMISOM
“I want to take this opportunity to welcome you, sir, to the mission area. It’s an
honour to have you visit and take time to talk to us in the mission area. It’s very
encouraging and morale-boosting, and will make our work easy. After talking to us, I
am sure we are re-energised to undertake any mission regardless of whatever it

42. Wide shot - Soldiers singing and clapping.

43. Close up shot - Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi
Kainerugaba, clapping.
44. Med shot - Soldiers dancing and clapping.

Uganda Land Forces Commander visits Somalia to assess troop welfare

Mogadishu, 28 September 2021 – Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces (CLF),

Lieutenant General, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, has visited Ugandan troops serving under
the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), to assess their welfare and
commend them for their contribution to the peace support operation.

Lt. Gen. Kainerugaba was in Somalia from 23 to 27 September, where he interacted

with Ugandan troops involved in ongoing operations to degrade Al-Shabaab and
restore peace and stability in the country.

“The purpose of my visit is to commend the troops for the great work they are doing
in Somalia. Secondly, it is to talk to them and get a feel of the problems and
challenges they are facing,” said Lt. Gen. Kainerugaba, noting that a commander has
to visit troops in the field, to understand what the troops are going through.
During his five-day working visit, Lt. Gen. Kainerugaba, paid a courtesy call on the
President of Somalia, H.E Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed “Farmaajo”, and the Prime
Minister, H.E Mohammed Hussein Roble; met the AMISOM military leadership and
visited various forward operating bases (FOBs), where he interacted with Ugandan
troops in the frontlines.

On arrival, the CLF inspected a guard of honour mounted by Ugandan AMISOM

troops and later held a closed-door meeting with senior Ugandan military officers,
who included the Uganda contingent commander, Brigadier General, Don William
Nabasa, and Maj. Gen. Lucky Joseph Kidega, Uganda’s Defence Advisor in Somalia.

Lt. Gen. Kainerugaba visited Ugandan troops at the Arbiska, Ceeljaale, Baraawe, and
Baledogle FOBs, where he urged them to maintain a high level of discipline,
professionalism and good relations with the local communities as they discharge
their duties as peacekeepers and advance the mission’s mandate.

“You should understand that you are Uganda’s ambassadors here in Somalia,” he
said, adding, “Do not do anything that will bring disrepute to the name of Uganda
and the UPDF.”

Speaking to the troops, the CLF said he was impressed with the work they are doing
for the people of Somalia.

He noted that despite numerous challenges, Ugandan troops serving in the mission
had stayed the course, discharging their duties with zeal.

“The impression I have got is very good and positive. The troops are full of morale,
the discipline is unrivalled, and they are performing exceedingly well, though with a
few challenges, which we will rectify,” he said.

On his part, Brig. Gen. Nabasa thanked the CLF for visiting the troops, saying the
gesture will boost morale.

“I want to take this opportunity to welcome you, sir, to the mission area. It’s an
honour to have you visit and take time to talk to us. It’s very encouraging and
morale-boosting, and will make our work easy. We will be re-energised to undertake
any mission,” said Brig. Gen. Nabasa.

Uganda was the first to deploy troops on the mission in 2007, paving the way for
other countries to join, playing a major role in forcing Al-Shabaab out of Mogadishu
and other parts of the country, thereby contributing to the peace and stabilisation
effort in Somalia.

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